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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

Action grabbed the burning stop and shoved it in the snow. The man had already passed out so thankfully he didn't scream. He pocketed the gun and the mans wallet before string a pose over the blood splattered snow.

He shouted,


Before blasting this song: [media]

[/media] and singing a poor rendition of it where he replaces the word X with Action, ruining the syllable count.
Liz opened her eyes and shifted into her neko form. Now, she up to about Melody's hip and she was still hugging her leg. She looked up and smiled. "Hello, master."
She smiled. "I brought my bag." She pointed at the backpack at her side. "Shall we go to our room now?" She tilted her head curiously.
"Ok good then let's get going ,but I wonder where the robot went" Melody told Liz then they headed to her dorm room.
Liz smiled as they walked, carrying the backpack on her back. She looked about the school as everything was fifty times bigger than she was.
Action was too preoccupied with himself to notice them leave. Once he finished his song, Action began to use his saw to cut various trees down. It took a little while, but when he was done Action had a comfy little lean to with a screaming mugger taped duct taped to the roof. "HoMe swEEt hoMe!"
"Ok but I am supposed to have a roommate but I have not seen him/her yet" she then sat down next to Liz and started to think about her roommate
Action left his lean to, patted his little people pet and headed off to the store. He needed fire making and cooking supplies, since he didn't want to hunt and he had no clue how to build tools. The trip was uneventful, despite the wierd looks he got, until he tried to pay for his items, and the cashier ran away screaming about a blood covered death robot and telling people to call some number called 911
She pondered this for a moment. "So am I sharing you bed?" She asked curiously since there was only two beds. "I'd be happy to share my master's bed if I need to." Liz smiled.
Melody replied " yhea I guess you are cause I don't want you to sleep somewhere cold or uncomfortable". She then rubbed the top of her head
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Kathlianna had fallen asleep while reading. She lay curled up on the bed, tail wrapped around her. The book lay open next to her. Her lips were parted slightly as she slept peacefully, ears twitching every now and then.

@Chief Shiro
Action, after accidentally shoplifting, headed back home, only to find his lean to torn down, and the mugger gone. He fell to his knees, dropped his shopping bags and screamed

Damien sighed slightly when he realised that no one else was coming, so he got up to leave.'Oh well, at least it gives me a chance to unpack.' He thought to himself, heading in the direction of the dorms. He wasn't sure who he was rooming with- after all, he'd been incredibly late- but he hoped that would give him a chance to settle in. He was secretly glad that he wouldn't have to room with Flame, as she could be way too excitable sometimes. He opened the door to what he thought was his dorm, and noticed that there was a girl asleep on one of the beds, along with what he could assume wad get pet. He smiled slightly and crept in, trying to unpack quietly without waking her.

Melody started waking up from dream land when she heard some noise. When she opened her eyes she saw Liz sleeping too and tried to get up without waking her. She was heading to the bathroom when she noticed a guy on the other side of the room doing what seemed like unpacking. Melody then asked in a drowsy voice "umm who are you"
Defeated, depressed and with his head hung low Action began to reassemble his humble home. Many of the logs were broken, so he had to jury rig peices of the house together. All in all, the little cottage looked like shit. Action slumped to the ground, but due to his immense strength and weight his head punched a hole in the wall. He didn't even bother to move.
Damien's head shot up, and he almost dropped his bag. "Oh, I'm Damien, your roommate. I got here late, so I was just unpacking. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." He smiled apologetically, before holding out his hand. "I'm not sure of your name, no one told me who I would be rooming with. May I ask it?"

"No worries" she replied and answered his question "my name is Melody or Melo for short and the being over there who is still sleeping is named Liz"
After pulling his head free Action sighed, lit up a fire and began to cook. Cooking calmed him, and made sense. He was taking a bunch of raw materials, forging them together in fire, and creating something beautiful and unique. He wondered if he identified with food, but laughed at the notion and prepared his seven layer grilled steak sandwiches. The aroma of delicious cooked meat wafts over the campus as Action happily cuts vegetables while sautéing mushrooms with an iron skillet he bought.
(Im so sorry for replying late! Been busy with band >~<)

Diana looked around the room and to the back. She spotted Acelyn and smirked. "How about you, in the back?"

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