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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

[Nathan and Sarah's Dorm Room]

"Sarah woke up at 4:00 am due to Nathan's Phone alarm she got pissed"Sheesh you set up an alarm to wake up and you still f*cking don't"Sarah pulled of the sheets covering Nathan, Uncovering Nathan she saw him half naked only wearing pants, Blushing she became aroused and started having a smirk on her face as she crawled onto Nathan's Chest waking him up"Hey Sarah get off of my chest-"Nathan said with a rough voice, as he was getting up Sarah French Kissed Nathan surprising him he blushed, Sarah stopped kissing Nathan, as she started to unzip his pants Nathan moved away from Sarah going to their room's Bathroom locking the door undressing and started the shower while Sarah is annoyed about him pulling away for the 5th time this week, she stood up and waited near the Bathroom door for Nathan to Finish hoping he's just wearing a towel with an aroused look to her face, 15 minutes pass as Nathan Exits with a Pair of pants, Sarah went into the Bathroom seeing another pair of pants on the basket, 30 minutes pass as Sarah exits the bathroom wearing her usual Skirt and Polo with tie as she saw Nathan waiting for her with his gym cloths"So.. are we going yet?"...It's gym..."Uh yeah why?"I'll be right back I need to change"5 minutes later Sarah exited the Dorm Room Heading to the Gym"
Melody exited the shower with the clothes she took in there on and using a towel to dry her hair. She sat down on the bed and put the towel the desk and her cat ears were showing that she is happy and her tail was swaying back and forth again. She then asked Damien " hey you said your sister hogged the shower so I am wondering what she is like"
"Oh, well, she's quite excitable, and she can't sit still for very long. She loves sports, and she designs clothes." He smiled slightly, thinking about how his sister used to protect him when they were younger. "She goes here as well. You should meet her sometime." He smiled at Melody, then turned to see Liz reading. "Are you enjoying it?"

@NightCasterZ @MelodyRabbit
As the day passed, Acelynn grew bored of her classes, she didn't really have any friends in any of her classes; which wasn't much of a problem but having someone would of been nice. By now it was already late afternoon and she was waiting in the library for Damien. Truth be told, Acelynn was half asleep on top of a Potions book, her long lilac hair distraught and strew about on the table as she was falling deeper into sleep. Something that rarely happened for her.

((So xD I know of noticed everyone was doing their own thing. So I am too :P Because I kind of don't care x3~ As long as everyone is having fun.))
Matt checked the time, realising how late it had gotten. "Melody, I've gotta go. I promised I'd tutor someone, so I'll be back in an hour or so!" He grabbed his bag and ran around the school, eventually finding the library. He slowed down at this point, locating Ace sitting slumped over a book. He sat across from her, waving slightly. He was flushed and breathing heavily, but grinned anyway. "Hey, sorry I'm late. I got caught up in my room."

@xEmoBunnehx @MelodyRabbit
"ok see ya" she said waving goodbye and after he left Melody said "Liz i am going to the library for awhile so behave ok". She then left Liz reading on her bed and went to the library, but on the way she thought " I wonder who he is tutoring and where... oh well". she was at the library and found a book on tree life, sat down at a table and started to read and study the types of trees.
A small snore escaped Acelynn's mouth, as well as a few words that were more slur than actual words. They sounded something along the lines of, "Witch hunt..hide.." It was clean she was dreaming at this point, where it was good or bad.. well that deepened on person's thought of witches.

[N.M.A. Gym]

"As Sarah and Nathan get's to the Gym Nathan was shocked to see his Father Archangel Michael the Gym teacher"Uh... Sarah let's skip Gym for today"Wait what... I'm usually the one who asks to skip certain classes"Just... Trust me on this"As the two try and exit the Gym, Michael notices the two Students"Hey you two!"Oh no"We're busted"As the two face Michael"Oh... I see why you to you were trying to leave... Guessing that's Sarah your Girlfriend"Yeah Dad... Why are you here?"Well God told me to work here saying you would study here in the future... seeing that you are here, he was right"Wait your an Angel!?"I'm a Hybrid Half Human and Half Angel"Is that why I felt... Aroused towards you cause most of the time I-"Please... Just stop talking, dad can you just treat me like your other students Ok?"As Nathan finished his sentence the bell rang as Sarah and Nathan went to their Dorm Room"
Damien listened, though he was slightly concerned. He had only ever had bad experiences with witches, from the time one tried to curse his sister when he was younger, but he never agreed with how barbaric the witch hunts were. He shuddered slightly at the thought of burning humans, and reached over to gently shake Ace's shoulder. "If you don't wake up we won't get any work done." He mumbled, hoping she wouldn't be mad at him for waking her up.

Acelynn darted awake, slightly scared at first but calming when she noticed the library. "Oh.." Her hear was still racing as she blinked a few times and looked over to see Damien. "Oh, hey. Sorry..." She blushed, her bangs covering over one of her golden eyes as she looked at him. "Y-you were..late so.. I tried to study..and uh.. yeah..it uh.. ended in sleeping.." She said, reaching behind her head and scratching the nape of her neck with a embarrassed half smile at him.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was caught up, and I didn't realise the time." He smiled apologetically "Are you ok though? You looked like you were having a bad dream." He placed his bag on the table, grabbing a pencil and tucking it behind his ear in preparation. "Ok, are you ready to learn so much that your brain explodes?" He joked, laughing slightly.

Acelynn nods. "Yeah. I'm good, but not too sure my brain will retain everything before exploding." She chuckled and putted put a notebook and pen. "So..teach me how to not explode the science room? Or catch it on fire.." She laughed, but had an undertone of seriousness.

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Liz was engrossed in the book that she didn't notice they left. She looked up and smiled cheekily. She left the book open on the current page and opened her bag, full of multiple different things. She pulled out a brand new book, locked carefully and it's appearance was dark and a demonic aura could be felt from it. She let out a howl that rung around the school before chanting an incantation which opened the book. As if a flash of light emerged, she covered her eyes momentarily before flipping to the next free page. She started to write a poem that sounded quite horrific. Her eyes had gone a dark red and her hair and all the colour washed out, creating a white colour. This glitch had occurred again.
"Ok. Well, the most important things to remember are your chemicals and how they react with each other. For example, oxidising agents like nitric acid will explode when mixed with reducing agents, but when sodium bisulphate, mercury chloride, and potassium iodate are combined, they make a good love potion." He pulled out a book on chemicals, with the periodic table on the inside cover. "You don't have to memorise all of them, but I'd suggest reading up on the chemicals you would use before the lesson starts."


(I'm imagining that potions here have a more scientific basis, so the chemicals I mention will be accurate.)
Melody forgot to get something from her dorm and she put the book back and left for her dorm. When she got there and opened the door she saw what seemed like Liz and a bizarre event. "Umm Liz are you ok" she said while reaching for Liz's shoulder.
Liz turned with great speed. "Back away, mortal!" A demonic voice yelled without Liz opened her mouth. Within her eyes, you could see a small figure that was banging as if the eye was glass.
Acelynn had been kind of lost at the mention of chemicals, even more when he whipped out the periodic table. "Oh..shit.." She mumbled, looking at the whole thing confused. "All I know...is the noble gases.." She said, losing hope by the minute as she looked about the colorful table. "I uh.. guess now is the best time to say I'm a hands on learner." She admitted.

Melody saw her eyes and pushed the being that is in front of her down and constricted her hand, and stared into her eyes to see Liz trapped in her. She said "who are you and what happened to Liz" she then hugged her tightly not letting go and said "let her go let Liz go she is my best friend"
Liz, or whatever this was, smirked. It began to chant an ancient language, one forgotten millions of years ago. Before it could finish, Liz's hair went back to normal, the creature hiding back into the chip. She was back to normal again.
"Liz what was that " she said while crying. Melody then got up and helped Liz up as well and said "explain to me what that was ok"
"Ok, well, do you want to head to the science lab? I'm sure the teachers won't mind, and I can make sure you don't kill anyone. Don't worry though, it's not hard. Just tell me if I need to slow down at any point." He was silently kicking himself for not being a good teacher, but if she was a hands on learner, making the chemicals herself would likely be the best approach.


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