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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

Flame looked slightly surprised for a moment, but her face returned to normal pretty quickly. "Really? What does he teach?" She grinned slightly "It'd be cool if he was one of my teachers." She studied his drawing for a few more seconds. "Seriously though, if you aren't doing art I'm going to sign you up myself."

@Masked Imperial
Meanwhile in a woods, Samuel was walking to the academy. He pauses to take out a flask and drinks from it. His son should have arrived at the school by now. After walking for around 1 hour he finds a cliff that he is at the bottom of. He begins to climb.
Acelynn nods. "I'll help you!" She offered and got paper towels from the nearest sink in the science room. "But are you sue I should be messing with fire?" She asked with a small laugh. "I create fire fairly easily." She said as she brought over the paper towels. "Is it safe to touch it?"

"He's going to teach writing. And yeah, I have art as my major." He remembers that he has a picture of his father in his pocket and pulls it out. He shows her a picture of him before, standing atop a mountain victoriously, and after being found, in an outline of his former self, clutching a helmet and in a suit of armor. His face is blank besides a slit for a mouth and two round eyes, pitch black.

"It should have cooled down by now, so it'll be fine. The experiment was an exothermic reaction, which means it can create heat, but it cools fairly quickly." Damien grabbed some wipes from underneath the sink, poking around to find the bin as well. "We should probably use wipes, it'll be quicker. Just try to push it into the bin. I'll clean the beakers once we've done the other experiments." He grabbed the beakers placing them in the sink, before grabbing some wipes and beginning to clean up.


Flame looked at the pictures carefully, smiling sadly. "He looks like he's been through quite a bit. Do you know what happened ?" She was wondering what would have to happen to a person for them to become a shadow of their former self to this degree, and wasn't really thinking as she spoke. Once she realised what she had said, she backtracked, shaking her head slightly. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, of course! Don't feel obligated."

@Masked Imperial
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Acelynn begins helping Damien clean up, using her magic to help make the process faster. She used a very minor levitation spell to control some of the wipes and the foam to make sure none of it got on the floor if she could help it. "You know. Magic is real useful when you're lazy like me." She chuckled.

"No. He was gone for three years. I'm not sure if even he knows what happened." Spencer pauses for a moment, then goes "Shouldn't you be taking a shower now?" He just spent a few minutes pouring half his heart out to a person he just met. God dammit.

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Damien chuckled slightly, finishing the cleaning up. "I wish I could use magic then!" He exclaimed jokingly, grabbing a bunsen burner and some mercury thiocyanate "Do you want to start with this one then? I'll set the bunsen burner up, you go put on some goggles. This one can be slightly dangerous."


Flame patted his shoulder comfortingly, standing up. "I suppose I should. I'll be back in a second!" She smiled sadly at him, picking up her clothes on the way into the bathroom. Once inside she sighed slightly, making sure the water was scalding hot, just as she liked it.

@Masked Imperial
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Acelynn giggled as she waled to get goggles for the two of them. "It not always what it's cracked up to be, but it's a great help sometimes." She said with another giggle as she retrieved two goggles and brought them over. "Here a pair for you just in case." She said with a smile as she put her's on.

Melody was cheking each classroom and found Damien eventually and thought "hmm I wonder what they are doing, I guess it would not hurt to watch" she then continued to watch from the doorway.
Kathlianna had fallen asleep on the roof while drawing. Waking up, she stretched and yawned, looking up at the sky. 'What to do now.' She thought, rolling over and moving to perch on the roof edge. She nimbly jumped to a tree and then scanned the building, spotting an open classroom window nearby. After walking out along a branch, she jumped to the window ledge and slipped inside.
"Liz be quiet i am trying to watch to see what happens" she whispered to Liz trying to make sure she is not noticed
Damien took the goggles, smiling at Ace, before hearing Liz. "Oh, what's up Liz? Is everything ok. He didn't see Melody in the doorway. "Can you stay that far back please, we're performing an experiment, and it involves fire." He lit the bunsen burner, then handed a splint to Ace. "Here, if you put some gloves on, you can light that on fire, and then touch it to the metal. It won't explode, I promise."

@MelodyRabbit @xEmoBunnehx @NightCasterZ

Melody watched from peeking in from the door when she leaned over too far and fell on her face. "Ow that hurt" she said
Acelynn nods. "Seems easy. Let's see if I can actually achieve it." She chuckled and bent down getting four pair of gloves not seeming to notice the two girls but knew they were there. Acelynn slipped on a pair of gloves and stood back up setting aside a pair for Damien then very carefully taking the burner thing and doing as he told her quite surprised she still hadn't lit anything of fire. "Now what?"

"Ok, now you need to light the splint using the buses burner, then touch it to the Mercury. It won't poof up or anything, so don't worry." He slipped the other pair of gloves on and smiled at Melody, before turning back to Ace and watching her carefully in case anything went wrong.

@xEmoBunnehx @MelodyRabbit @NightCasterZ
Acelynn nods and does exactly as she's told. As soon as the reaction happens her face lights up again as she watches it intently. "Damien this is so fuckin' cool!" She exclaimed as she simply watched the reaction happen before her lie it was some kind of magic.


Rachel - Home

Rachel was asleep in her bed when she heard her parents called
up to her for her to wake up. Rachel tried to ignore them but when they started to bribe her she couldn't resist. Rachel then swam downstairs to where her breakfast was.

Rachel asked "When is school going to start?" and to her surprise her parents told her that she slept in and it already started. Rachel then gulped down all of her breakfast and started to get ready. Rachel then grabbed her human clothing (which she kept in a bag that was full of air so they wouldn't get wet).

Rachel told her father to go before her and that she'll catch up. Rachel swam to a hidden area and turned into a human and put on the human clothing. She then rushed to where her father was. Rachel's Father then began to drive her to the academy.

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Kathlianna was wandering through the halls when she heard voices coming from a classroom. Curiously she peeked through the door. Seeing a group of students watching a boy work on a reaction. Smiling, she moved into the room and quietly climbed onto a desk. She laid down, her tail swishing in the air, and watched the science.
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Rachel - Entrance/Dorm room

Rachel left the car and waved goodbye to her father. She then began to carry her bags to her dorm room. Every few times she would stop for a breather, when she finally made it she knocked on the door and said "I'm coming in." Rachel walked in and was relieved to see no one which meant she was the first one there somehow. Rachel put her bags on top of her bed because she was to tired to put them anywhere else. Rachel then began to think about anything she could think of.


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