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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

Damien chuckled slightly at Ace's enthusiasm, and grinned at her. "I'm glad you think so." He replied, before noticing another girl had entered the room, this one having ears and a tail, much like Melody did. He waved at her, then looked over to check that everyone else was ok.

@xEmoBunnehx @OceanBunny
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Suddenly, the glitch returned. She suddenly lashed out at all the others, leaping over to the bunsen burner. She smirked and began to chant, manipulating the fire as she did so. "This world shall burn!" The glitch yelled as it attempted to strike Damien and Melody with the fire.
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[Outside of the Art Room]

"Nathan exited from the Art Room as He Saw Sarah waiting for him in the hall"Hey how... did you get here so fast?"Our instructor called in sick and there was no substitute so we were dismissed early"Oh so what do you want to do now?"Don't you mean Who I want to do now"... Sarah... No just No"Well it was worth a shot"As they walked down the hall heading towards their dorm room they pass by the Laboratory Nathan stopped walking as he noticed people were cleaning up the Lab, Nathan opened the door asking"You guys need any help cleaning up?"

@xEmoBunnehx @OceanBunny

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Acelynn had been enjoying the reaction until the child tried to strike Damien and another girl, so within that instance she raised her hand toward the flames and sprayed water. "Behave!" She replied with simply, her eyes now watching the child closely as she turned toward her watching the fire from her die. Acelynn unfortunately hadn't heard the male outside the lab ask for help she was busy trying to keep underclassmen in line.

@MelodyRabbit @FictionalReality @VirtualNotoriety @NightCasterZ
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The glitch growled and spoke an ancient language. Suddenly, a demon appeared from a portal behind the group and tried to attack them. "Your pathetic 'Liz' is gone!" It yelled.
Kathlianna waved back at the boy then watched curiously as one of the girls caught on fire. When the other girl hugged the one on fire, Kat smiled and pulled sketchbook back out. 'Hope they don't mind..' She thought as she started drawing.


Rachel left her dorm to go explore. As she was looking around she noticed a boy and a girl hovering around a room. Rachel decided to take a quick peek in one of the windows and saw someone on fire and all other sorts of things. Rachel then thought
I should go tell someone! She then ran as fast as she could to the office. Rachel tripped after a few seconds because it was the first time she ran in a while, but then got right back up and continued to run.
Damien jumped back, narrowly missing the fire, and glanced wildly around the room to check whether everyone was ok. When he saw a person who resembled Liz on fire, and a demonic creature about to hit Melody, he jumped into action. Grabbing the fire extinguisher, he bellowed, "Melody, get out of the way!" and sprayed what he assumed was Liz with it, then dived at the demon behind his roommate, attempting to club it with the empty, metal fire extinguisher.

@NightCasterZ @MelodyRabbit @xEmoBunnehx
Suddenly, Liz teleports away before collapsing. Being possessed by the glitch drains her energy dramatically. She was now in her Wolf form yet she was no bigger than someone's head. She was back again at least. The demon had disappeared and all that had happened was reverted.


Rachel finally had made it to what she believed was the office. When Rachel looked up she realized she had gone in a circle. Rachel took another peek but saw the problem was resolved so she decided she had no need to get to the office. Rachel then began to walk back to her dorm room.

"Liz" Melody runs away to find her looking everywhere she can and was wishing she was back at the dorm and ran there as fast as she can
Diana finished her daily training and sighed. She walked back into the weapons room and began cleaning it up. Once she was done she exited the training arena and walked through the campus. She walked to the building that the teachers lived in and went to her room. She looked around the barren area and sighed. She did not want to decorate so she sat on her bed and pulled out a few papers.
Marella had arrived to the academy and she made her towards the administration office to get situation and then she walked towards her dorm area trying to find where she would be staying. @anyone
Acelynn sighed deeply. "Fucking demons." She muttered, not caring who heard at all as she used her magic to clean up the science lab, a small temper brewing within her.

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Kathlianna blinked as the girl disappeared. 'That was strange.' She thought as one girl ran away and the other used magic to clean the room. Her ears twitched and she sniffed the air, sensing something off. Sitting up and turning she noticed a small wolf on one of the other tables. Slipping off the table she moved over to the wolf. "Hello there, where'd you come from?" She asked.



Rachel was walking to her dorm room and as she was walking there she began to think.
How long do I survive without water? Well maybe only a few minutes or even an hour. While Rachel was deep in thought she accidentaly ran into someone. "Oh my god I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying any atention and these legs take a while to get used to. Wait, forget what I just said are you okay?"


CellistCat606 said:


Rachel was walking to her dorm room and as she was walking there she began to think.
How long do I survive without water? Well maybe only a few minutes or even an hour. While Rachel was deep in thought she accidentaly ran into someone. "Oh my god I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying any atention and these legs take a while to get used to. Wait, forget what I just said are you okay?"

"That's alright," Marella said as she smiled at the girl who ran into her,"My name is Marella and you are?" She said as she introduced herself.

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