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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

Camille caught her breath and said as quickly as she could " Look im really sorry abiut what happened and I feel guilty about it so im very vert sorry! " she took a deep breath in a slowly let it out as she relaxed and folded up her wings " and I can rake you too the office if you still want your schedule " she murmered
"Awsome!" he said smiling realy goofy. "and you dont have to apologize, im not angry. im sure i probably did something that upset you" shiro scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "so um.. shall we be off then?"
Camille was vert happy that Jamie wasnt mad at her and she smiled big, looking up at him she bounded a few times gigling, which made her (*cough*) cleavage (*cough*) bounce as well, before she stopped and clasped her hands in front of her and slightly tilting her head as she said " Ok " cheerfully
Diana walked back to her classroom and looked at the handful of students that decided to pick her class. "Welcome everyone. My name is Diana Grace, but you can call me Diana. I am an archangel but don't ask why I'm teaching magic. It's a long story that no one here should ever know." She said, giving them a sweet smile. "Anyways. Today we will be looking at magic orbs and how you can extract their energy and make spells." She said, walking to the table that held the jar of orbs. She opened the jar and a blue orb flew out. It landed in her hand and she smiled. The orb then left her hand, flying around the classroom and around the students.
Camille let her hands go and bounded forward, grabbing Jamie's hand she practically dragged him to the office. Once they got there she got the office lady to print him another schedule, she had completely forgotten she was still holding his hand
jaime just sat there blushing, trying not to say anything. he had never held a girls hand before. he honestly wasnt sure wha to say or do.
The orb floated back to Diana and she smirked. She placed it on the table and her hands glowed. "So to tell you how I got into magic, if you were wondering, it was an old friend who showed me. I got hurt and she healed me. She then proceeded to teach me things and here I am, teaching young people to be great. But remember this, I teach good magic. Dark magic has never worked out for me but I'm not Ras so." She said, shrugging. She placed her hands on the orb and closed her eyes. She lifted one hand and small ball of energy surrounded it. She looked at the students and smirked
Camille felt Jamie's sweaty nervoung hand still being held by hers and her face immediately flushed a dark shade of red as she quickly let go embarrassed " S-sorry "
Camille looked down at the ground and nodded handing him the sheet " Y-ya " she brushed a bit of hair out if her face
jaime grabbed his schedule from her and bean to look it over. "these classes are awsome" he said enthusiasticly looking at his "supernatual" classes. "hmm i think im just gonna take a day off today. its been rough. u-um..maybe you can help me find my dorm?" he said to camille smling a little
Camille blinked and her nkush faded to pink as she looked uo then smiled " Okay, what number do you have? " she asked
"ummm dorm number 829!" said jaime. "hmmm now im curious as to whim my roomate is..." jaime beegan to get slighlty nervous at the idea,seeing as he did just learn he was at a school for mythics.
Camille blinked " Oh...um, wow I think thats all the way across the school... " she trailed off them smirked getting an idea " follow me " she darted out of the office and headed outside
jaime ran after her curious as to what she had in mind. "o-ok! hey wait up a little!" jaime arrived outside and stood next to camille with a puzzled look.
Camille fully extended her wings and turned to Jamie with a smirk she quickly got behind him, hooked her arms under his and took off soaring up into the air flying towards the dorms carrying Jamie
"h-hey what are ..W-whoah!" jaime was startled t first from being at such a high altitude but after hearing the beating of camilles wings sudenly became excited. "woah! this is awsome! im flying!...i mean..WE'RE flying! haha wooohoo!: jaime screamed over the sound of the air rushing passed his ears.
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Camille giggled, she knew Jaime would love flying...just as much as she did and she kept a firm grip on him so she wouldnt drop him
jaime watched as the school grounds flew past him and he soon he came into view of the dorms."is that it down there!?" he shouted pointing to a large building infront of them.
Camile caked back to him " Yes! " she tilted down and began gliding down towards the building, though her hands slipped on his right arm which made her quickly jerk to catch him and she dropped a yard or two very quickly making her whoody and she staightened out then landed
"that was amazing!" shouted jaime. he had never done anything like that before. his faced radiated happiness at this point. he straightened his uniform and fixed his hair. he bowed to camille holding his brown breifcase. "thank you so much for carrying me here! i wish i could repay you for your kindness but i dont haveany money." jaime looked down a bit embarassed but smiling.
'Here we are.' Kathlianna thoughts as she stared at the door marked 173. 'Wonder if anyone is inside..' Opening the door she peeked inside, looking around the dorm room. 'No roommate yet, I guess.' She moved into the room and tossed her bag on the left side of the room. 'I'll unpack later, should probably make it to a few classes on my first day.' She giggled and headed back out the door, schedule and map in hand.

(@Chief Shiro room number ^)
Jiro would go and try to find a isolated place to think about some stuff, that he would rather forget, he would decide to skip class then go to the rooftop. "I've always been like this, I wish....if only she didn't die...I want to see her again..." He would tell himself reaching to the sky, with a tear which fell down his face. "Nobody, would accept a guy like me, nobody would." He would say weakly, as if he lost his will to just keep moving on in life.

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