Nephilim Academy

Clary walked through the hallways, finding a gym. Someone was in there, and he looked oddly familiar, but she didn't remember. Then she remembered bumping into him in the lobby. She quickly ran to her dorm and changed into some workout clothes, shorts and a tank top. Putting on sneakers, she went to the gym and started up a treadmill. She was used to training, since she was on her high school's track team. One of the best runners, as well. It made her happy, so she decided to try out for some sports teams here. As she ran on the treadmill, she looked out the window, every once in a while turning up the speed more until she was running very quickly.
(so is dinner over? D: I just got done with cheer~ would someone give me a quick overview of what has happened? Also does the school have a track, I don't like running on treadmills..o-o )
Danny stumbled but cought herself before falling. "It's okay," she told him. She hadn't seen him coming, she was so cought in her thoughts that she didn't see him.

(Sorry I just got back, oh and Amaterasu Miyamoto, Danny went outside to get some air so she is not in the room anymore,)
(Alright, thank you~)

Em nodded as her roomie walked out for some fresh air. She realized she forgot about dinner. As she spun around to see the clock on the wall her heart was raceing. When it said she was only a minute or two late she felt little relief. She jumped up and ran out of her door. oh sh*t, I'm completely lost. Her body was shaking as she ran out of the girls dorm towards the main building. She bumped into the head master, yet again.

"You have a tendency to be late." He/she said, pulling Em by the arm to the dinning room. Em's face flushed to a bright red when she entered to an almost full table. She put her head down and sat next to (I'm ganna say Sky but I'm having a hard time imagining the table o-o ) with a pouty face. She placed her hands in her lap and looked around the table.

(outfit: with combat boots.)
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Dusk tried her best not to laugh at her roommates face. "Pouty much?" She teased a bit but knew how Bijoux felt, she was very hungry as well.
It's been a long and awkward silence at the table. Bijoux's patience was tested as she waited for everyone to attend dinner. She looked over to Dusk and answered, "Give it 5 minutes and I might show you how to flip a table over." Picking up a fork, she decided to play around with it just as the guy across the table had been doing. A bitter look came across her face as she sunk back in her seat. Trying to entertain herself, she copied what the guy was doing with his knife. The thought of storming into the kitchen had past her mind, but this was a new start, and this wasn't her house. Only thing left to do was to try to follow the other knife's every move.
With a small laugh, Dusk watch Bijoux's antics in amusement. She certainly made an entertaining friend. "I'll be counting, that would be very interesting."
Clary got hungry while running. She pushed the stop button and read the numbers of calories she burned, and miles she ran. She smiled as she quickly went to her room to change, dressing in black and white striped high-waisted shorts and a black BVB tee, going to dinner late. She sat down and looked to the table, not talking to anyone.
Em looked up to the girl who had just arrived and smiled a little. She leaned her seat back and stretched her arms out behind the person/people next to her. "Why is it so god d*mn quiet?" She said whisper-said(like where she ment for people to hear it, but at the same time didn't o-o ) then put all four chair legs on the ground. She then set her elbows on the table and leaned into her hands; almost zoning out again.
Face plant into the dinner table and start to whimper was Bijoux's final straw of patience. Abruptly in a tempered fashion the she so perfectly copied off Cruella Deville, she slammed both hands against the table and began searching her pockets. " Where's that stupid gum, ugh I can't even-" The little fired Parisian began babbling about in french, and not the nice sounding kind either. She pulled out a stick of gum from the packet and began to violently chew on it. Remembering there was people at the table, she passed the gum around the table for everyone to have a piece. "There's our entree for tonight." And sat back down in her seat, blowing a pink bubble which had contrasted with her ferocious expression.
Clary silently shook her head, ignoring the offer and politely sliding it back down the table. She couldn't chew gum, something in it she was allergic to. It stunk, but she dealt with it all her life. Clary put her hand on her head and closed her eyes, thinking.
Valdun ignored the gum as he made its way to him. He didn't like treats very much. He was a little off-put at the girl's sudden outburst. He didn't see why someone would complain about the wait for a free meal. Patience was a virtue. Apparently the chefs seemed to agree with him, as multiple trays of food were brought out. "Sorry for the wait." It was quite an extravagant meal. Dozens of baked goods and pastries were lined up next to fresh foods and vegetables. A variety of cooked meats were laid out next to many other side options. There were bottles of multiple drinks on the table, provided with shiny glasses. There was practically every food known to man on this one table.
"My names Liam. " he said putting out his hand for a shake, she was rather pretty he thought to himself. He smiled as he looked down at the ground.
Clary looked at the food and just got up, going back to her dorm. She want exactly hungry enough to eat, but she was more nervous at everyone there. Clary is still getting used to the place, and she was nervous about everyone and everything.
Sitting back in her chair while watching the dinner begin, Bijoux sat back and thought about what her psychiatrist had said; it was what he referred to as 'having a moment with yourself". She had a lot more work to do with her patience problem. This wasn't her house, that wasn't her chef, and these aren't the people she grew up with. If she wanted to try and make friends, her short fuse would have to go away. Maybe that wasn't the correct move to do, but still having most of her old personality, she wasn't about to apologize...maybe later.....maybe. Looking at the food on her plate, she sniffed it, poked it with her fork, turned it over, and still questioned it. Everyone else was eating it, it couldn't be that bad, and it wasn't. Being quick to judge was another thing the snot had to work on.

OCC: I swear I'm not like this in real life, please don't take it the wrong way. She's a complicated character...
"Nice meeting you to," she told him then heard his phone ring. "Well I should let you get that," she told him and started to walk away slowly.
"Hey um wait!" He called out to her. "Let's give you my number." He said as he tarted to write down his digits on a piece of paper from his pocket. When he was done he handed it to her with a smile on his face.
"Thanks," she told him with a sweet smile and she took the little paper with his number on it. "Well I will see you around," she said, and with that she was on her way.
"See ya." He replied as he went back on his way calling his ex. When she picked up he could tell she was pissed, she started screaming and yelling about how I never told her that I was leaving. I replied 'Well your not my girlfriend anymore so you shouldn't care.' He sighed as he hung up on her.
Em took the gum and as the food came around she stuck it on her plate. She took a full plate of sliced lettuce, stacking it with yellow, red, and green peppers, onions, kalamata olives, feta cheese, and some kinda of German salt. To finish off her salad she put lemon juice and olive oil on it. She smiled up to everyone as she began to eat her favorite salad.

(i didnt know whether it was like a buffet type thing in front of us or what.. i can change it if you 'd like..)

(So I'm not like my character either-- j.s. Anyway I'm going to try to make her vegetarian :D )
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Paying little attention to her food, Bijoux noticed the girl making salad. She scrunched up her nose and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, never before seeing salad made like that. " Is that.....a Jamaican salad dish?" She pointed with her fork.

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