Nephilim Academy

Em's eyes grew wide and she started jumping on the bed, still sitting, and holding her hands in front of her. "They are sooo cuttee!" She turned to see the time and she realized she hadn't ran for the day. Looking at her roomie with kind of a sad expression she said; "I must go for my run now, or I get the guilty consonance of not running today." She climbed down the ladder and went through her cloths drawr under her bed(sorry to just take that). She pulled out her running outfit and changed into it in the bathroom. "Would you like to come with, or you could call your boy~" She said exiting the bathroom, still trying to put her hair in a pony tail.
"I think I will call him. I will probably be here when you get back." She told her with a friendly smile. She liked that she liked how she did on her nails. Danny picked up her phone and clicked on the number. She dicided to just shoot him a text.

'Hey it's Danny. Just wanted to say hi,' she texted lamely. She didn't want to be sitting by the phone all day so she quickly got changed and slipped her phone into her pocket. "Never mind I will come," she said and slid a head band on.
"Oh, alright." She said very confused. She led the way down to the private beach. "Do you think we are allowed to go to that cliff?" She asked, very exited. (sorry, irl I'm a new runner so she is going to do some lame crap)
Soran was bored. Again. He was sitting around the lounge reading How to Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Soran had already read it three times! He couldn't wait for classes to start and pull him out of the terrible abyss called boredom. Soran glanced at the other books, he read them all last year, and he was beginning to memorize How to Kill a Mockingbird word by word. When Soran first read the book, he didn't find it boring like most people, he enjoyed the book and really got into it. Soran did some research about that time period and learnt a lot a had a deeper understanding to the book. But, still, it was getting a little boring after reading it multiple times. Setting the book down, Soran decided to go on a midnight stroll. Through the woods.
("...midnight stroll. through the woods." Love that. In my mind i was all "Soran decided to go on a midnight stroll. *pause for dramatic effect* Through the woods." love it. xD )
This was a different cliff not in the woods. "It is technically still on the Beach and on campus.... So I think we should be okay," she said excitingly. "I will race you there."
Soran swiftly entered the woods and closed his eyes, taking in the beautiful scent of nature. The ground was a little wet from the night's moisture and shade. Soran eyes flashed open and he sprinted towards the cliff, evading the rocks and trees with quick and easy jumps and turns. In a few minutes Soran reached the cliff, panting slightly. Even if he is a nephilim, he's not invincible. Smiling, Soran laid down on the edge of the cliff and closed his eyes, listening to the sounds of nature. Taking a deep breath, Soran smelled the saltiness of the sea below him. He focused his ears onto the sounds of the waves. The steady beat of the water his the shore calmed Soran, pulling him into his own little world.
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"You're on." She said, bolting off. She had been a long distance runner on the track team last year, never actually got first but usually got second or third.

(we are just headed for the cliff)
(Yeah, but the once on the beach not in the woods :) )

Danny bolted right after her. 'Man she is fast' she thought to herself as she ran trying to catch up to her. Her legs moving faster and faster she was just behind her.
Em started giggling as her friend neared her and they entered (idk if this is right) the woods to get onto the cliff. She ran a little faster, jumping over fallen trees and stuff.
(Ooooooohhhhhhh Okay)

Danny ran faster behind her friend. Her feet hit forcefully against the woods floor. She started to pick up the pace running as fast as her legs would allow her now she was running right next to her, but barely.
Em started slowing down as her body was not strong enough to continue. She slowed all of the way down to a jog as they reached the cliff; finding a boy. "Hey." She panted to the boy leaning onto her knees. "You win." She said punching Danny in the arm weakly. She straightened up and closed her eyes and put her hand out; then a cigarette appeared in her hand, as well as a lighter and a water bottle. "Want first drink?" She asked, already having her breath back and handing the bottle to Danny and putting the cigarette in her mouth.
"Cool trick," she told Em then took a small drink from the water. Now she knew what her power is. Or maybe just part of her power.
"Thanks." She said lighting the cig(i dont want to type the whole word. -.- ). "What are you doing up here?" She smiled to the boy on the cliff with them, also blowing smoke. ( I DONT KNOW HOW TO PUT IT D: )
Soran stared at the girls, their voices pulled him out of his peaceful trance. Still a little discombobulated, Soran mumbled a quiet "Hi." which was very out of his character. Before the girls came, the young nephilim was thinking about something, but now he couldn't remember what it was. Soran just knew it was important. "Went out for a jogs, ladies?" Soran smirked at the two girls, regaining his personality. The moonlight lit up Soran's fair hair, illuminating his golden eyes. Answering the new girl's question, Soran smiled, "Just...needed some air, that's all."


Discombobulated! xD LONG WORDS FTW
Emileigh smirked back at him. "Yeah, went out for a stroll?" She said as she walked past him, blowing smoke in his face. She went to the very edge of the cliff and squatted, looking at the water below.

(sorry to reply too fast, I havent had such an active rp lately xD )
Soran stood still from the smoke. Considering Soran's power was fire, he was used to the smoke. Then again, his smoke was worse, more toxic and deadly. "Pretty much." Soran leaned back and sighed, a frown gracing his face. "How about you guys? What happened during dinner, anyway?" Soran turned his head back to Danny then to the new girl. Soran wanted to attend the first dinner the new kids had, but for some reason dozed off and missed it.
As Danny looked at the cliff she so badly wanted to wip her wings out and jump of the cliff and fly but didn't know if that was the best idea at the moment. She then herd his question. "I don't know I didn't go," she said honestly.
Em didn't answer it; dazing off into the water. It's so clear, blue, beautiful. She thought as she looked to the distant waters. Wouldn't it be nice to swim in? She looked back to directly below her, smiling into the water. Maybe tomorrow.  
(AH, sorry.)
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Soran chuckled lowly, checking the time on his phone. "I should get going, the supervisors will be checking dorms to make sure everyone's in by midnight." Soran stood up from the cliff and waved goodbye to the two girls, and headed back into the forest, taking a shortcut back to the academy. Almost forgetting, Soran turned back and introduced himself to the new girl. "By the way, I'm Soran!" he flashed her a cheerful grin, taking her hand and gently kissing it.
She stood and killed her cigarette, turning her back to the ocean. "Nice to meet you, too." She said with a disgusted face. She took her hand back and smiled at him. "Danny, we should be getting back soon, too." She said looking around Soran to her roomie then turned back to him. "Why don't we all walk together?" 
(it's okay i have to go too, well i have to truely leave in like a half hour, but i have to get ready... o-o )
Soran felt a little surprised when the girl gave him a disgusted face. Isn't kissing a woman's hand a proper way to great ladies? Maybe she was one of those girl's that like their personal space. Soran shrugged and placed a smile on his face, agreeing that they all walk back together. Taking one last glance to the sea, Soran left with the group. But, something was still bugging Soran. What had he been thinking about before those girls came?

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