Nephilim Academy

Danny got board of just sitting in her room so she dicided to go out and walk. She slid on her flip flops and wondered off. She found the inside pool and sat at the edge taking off her flip flops and sticking her feet in, she was all alone. She tried to call her mom but she wouldn't answer the phone. She knew her mom hated her, and even though her mom said and did a lot of things that hurt her she still missed her and loved her. She was the only family she had left... and she wouldn't answer the phone...
Em started to tear up at the sight. "I don't know what to say." she puffed. "Think about it, though, Soran. If you were normal you wouldn't have come here; and you would wish you were different." She stood and walked behind the boy , placeing her hands on his scars as she sat behind him. "I would die to have wings." she whispered and leaned onto his back.
Soran turned his face to look at the girl and said, "Some nephilim don't even get wings," Soran paused for a moment, wondering if he should say it or not. "But, if you don't get any wings....I'll give you mine." a small smile appeared on Soran's face. It wasn't those fake smiles he always put up, but a real, sincere smile. As cheesy as that sounded, Soran meant every word of it. This girl wanted wings, Soran didn't want his, the most easiest solution would be to transfer Soran's wings to Em. As much as Soran despised being a nephilim, he didn't despise other nephilim.


(there's so much angst going on right's cray)
Em laughed a little. "Cheese-ball, I don't need 'em. I would like to wait... to see if I ever do get some." She pushed away from him, rolling onto her back. "D*mn, what a first night." She laughed. She swirled her finger in a circle, pointing to the sky. This caused some cirrus clouds to form, then getting whisked away by wind.

(sad thing is, i had to look up that word -.- )
Soran burst out laughing, "You broke the mood!" Chuckling, Soran laid down next to Em and watched her form some clouds. Following in suit, Soran raised a finger and made little fire clouds in the air. He started to form the clouds into figures, a dog, bunny, replica of the Mona Lisa, then a dragon. With a wave of the hand, the fire disappeared, Soran turned to Em and raised one of his eyebrows. "You do know it's 3 in the morning, right?" The night was dark and cold, but some how, comforting.
Clary laid down on the bench, wiping random little tears off her eyes and face. She knew it was late but she couldn't sleep. Watching the clouds, she got really curious when they actually turned into figures. Clary looked around to see the two still in the forest, she got up and quietly walked over to them. "Hey Soran, uh mind if I hang with you guys?" She ask faintly, not knowing if they heard her or not.
Danny was starting to get tiered so she took her feet out of the cold pool and made her way back to her dorm. she finally made it in the dorm and tears stained her cheeks. She kicked off her shoes and got on some old sweats and hopped into bed putting her phone under her pillow.
(duh~ sorry i didnt mean to post D: ) 
Em sat up and held herself on her elbows. "Yeah." She said in reply to the quiet girl and lay back down. She swirled her finger to form a clock with the clouds, showing 3:15 on it.
Soran turned to Clary with outstretched arms, "Care to join us?" Soran leaned back and looked up at the stars happily. "Man, it's so good to get that weight off my back!" Stretching his body, Soran laid down on the ground and closed his eyes, letting the sounds and smell of nature drown him in peacefulness. While he was laying down, Soran followed in suit and began to play with his fire clouds, soon he began to create a story with them.

A faint outline of a house was created by the flames, the fire then turned into two brothers. Creating a heart between them meant that the brothers loved and cared for each other very much. One day their rich grandparents died, they gave all their money to the brothers. The brothers fought over the money, which drove them farther away from each other. Suddenly, the dollar sign split in half and dispersed. The brothers were left poor and broken.

Soran frowned at the story and decided that he would be a terrible children's book author. He glanced at the two girls next to him and lay awkwardly on the grass, with nothing to do. Soran didn't want to pull out his books again, since he wanted to keep it a secret between him and Em. He sighed at gazed at the stars, dreamily. Suddenly, without thinking, Soran whispered carelessly, "I wonder what heaven's like..."

(Nico sure :)
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Clary sat down on the ground beside Soran, laying down and looking up. The stars were pretty, glistening in the dark sky. She was pretty cold but she tried to ignore it, not wanting to go back inside. Her phone went off again in her pocket, she read who it was and deleted it right away when it read 'his' name again.
Ayra sighed as his roomie disappeared and he looked outside at the night sky. He stood up and climbed out the window and spread his wings, small snowflakes scattering. He flapped them three times before taking off, he flew around for a good amount of time before spotting a group of people. He landed in a nearby tree and sat in it. His landing sent snowflakes scattering down and he smiled his eyes glittering "Hello?" he said softly.
"Hey, everything okay?" Em said, rolling on her side and propping herself back up on her elbow to see over Soran. She then shot a look up to the boy who had flown in. "Hello." She said, startled.
Liam went into his dorm and laid down on his bed relaxing. he saw that he had gotten a text from Danny. He relplied. 'Hey.' he turned up his music and started to rock out on his air guitar while waiting for her to reply to the text.
Danny heard a faint buzzing sound and lifted her pillow to see that Liam finally replied. 'Hey... What are you doing?' she asked not really knowing what to say. It was like past 3:00 in the morning.
' Yeah same here... Hey I am thinking of heading to the inside pool wanna come?' she asked him hoping that he would. She was board and not all that tiered.
Just go come in through a cab (or whatever) drop your stuff off at your dorm and maybe "accidentally" stumble across Em, Clary, Ayra, and I's little angst group. :) Don't worry, we're not like Belarus.


"Hi," Soran waved at Ayra. "How'd it go with your new roommate?" Soran chuckled, remembering the awkward situation. "Ayra, right? Well, if you remember, I'm Soran." Soran flashed Ayra a wide and charming smile.
(Thank you Paipai I love you lol) 
Russia exits the car arrived,tugging at the very edges of his gloves making sure they weren't coming loose.He stands there in front of the school for several minutes studying it. So this is where I will be living for now.He thinks,tilting his head to the right as is ready to ask a question his silvery blonde hair falling in front of his face a grin widening across his pale face.This will be interesting.

He walks into the tall school building and quickly makes his way to the dorm,where he drops off his stuff and runs out to exslpore.
Valdun had left dinner early. He wasn't hungry anymore and he didn't require anything else. The phone call from earlier was no longer on his mind. All he had to do was simply change his number. Nobody ever called him, but the phone was for emergencies. He decided upon heading back to his room. It was late and he needed to rest for classes tomorrow. Since that is what Valdun wanted, of course it didn't happen.

On his way back to the room, his phone decided to ring. Before he could crush it out of frustration, he noticed that he recognized the number. "Hello....I don't care......Don't you dare!.....Don't come all the way here just because I forgot that thing! It's dangerous here!......What do you mean 'alright'?......I can hear you packing!......I really don't need that thing, listen to your bro-" Valdun never got to finish his sentence, as the call 'mysteriously' ended. Valdun could feel his eye start to twitch. "I need some air." He then began walking outside, when he caught sight of an older male.

(The king of late posts continues his reign.)
(What the heck is going on right now? My computer decided to stop sending me notifications.)

Sky woke up. She had fallen asleep in her bed, still dressed in her clothes she had arrived in. She looked at the time, frowning at how late it was. There was no chance of her going back to sleep now.

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