Nephilim Academy

When Soran noticed the thunder, got up and looked up at the skies, it was beginning to rain. "Yeah, I'm going to get inside to, rather not catch a cold." Soran made a little flame in his hands to light the way.
(it's actually someones wings o-o )

Em ran into dorm room and slammed the door shut, sliding down it when it was closed. (idk if my roomie is in the room or not.) When thunder rose again she ran to her bed and covered herself in the red and white stripped bedding.
Soran calmly walked through the forest, the rain got heavier, until it was practically pouring down from the skies. But, Soran's fire never went out. When he spotted the academy, Soran let out a sigh of relief. "I thought I had gotten lost again!" Picking up the pace, Soran began to jog towards the academy. Suddenly lightning struck a tree next to him, causing Soran to let the fire go out. But, the lightning had given Soran an idea. Sprinting towards the cliff, Soran stood tall and straight, trying to get struck by the lightning.
Instead of going inside when the thunder had started, Valdun simply laid on his back. This weather wasn't the least bit frightening. Rain started to pour down on his body, but he didn't care. He enjoyed the rain. It was soothing to him. The sounds it released when hitting the ground were calming and the water on his skin helped clear his mind. This was his favorite type of weather.
Soran stretched out his hand. He thought that maybe, because he could control fire, and lightning is pretty much fire, he could control lightning. A flash of lightning hit Soran's hand. Soran screamed.

In surprise. The lightning's power was very strong as he danced around with it between his hands. A large grin emerged on Soran's face as he sent the lightning back to the clouds only for it to collide with another of its own and explode into a beautiful mess of fire.
(People kept saying thunder, lightning, and rain, so I just assumed the weather had just changed.)
Em started shaking in her bed. I cant stand this. It's not weather related; obviously I would change it if I could. She thought as she shivered. She ran to the bathroom before the next boom, still shaking. She turned the shower on and stayed in there for a bit, drowning out the thunder a little bit. When she got out it was almost 4:30. She ran to bed and passed out. (OMG ITS SO LATE.)
(I don't think it matters why the weather changed, as long as people can fit it in to their writing. And thunder and lightning usually go along with rain.)
Soran laughed, his eyes filled with glee. He figure out how to control lightning! Soran danced around in the rain like a mad man, her blonde hair stuck to his face. Then, he collapsed on the ground, smiling happily. After resting in the rain for a few minutes, Soran got up and jogged back down to the academy, back down to the dorms, and hit the bed like a rock. His bed sheets were soaked with water, but if you looked at Soran, you could see a small smile gracing his facial features.
(Sky already went to bed, just waking up way too early. Now I have nothing for her to do. I sent her outside to apparently meet up with another character but that character just went inside. I guess it's raining.)

Sky stared up at the sky, watching as rain fell through the trees. She didn't get up, enjoying the feeling. She did however heal the scrapes and bruises from the fall.
Ayra landed on his window edge and climbed through the window. When he walked into the room he flapped his wings spraying water and snow everywhere.
Ayra stopped and looked at him sheepishly "Sorry." He laughed. "I didn't see you there." he smiled with a blush.
Lunar got up and handed him a towel "Dry me off,you owe me" he stood back and spread his arms legs and wings
(Ronka we are having the double date in the group)

Ayra huffed and started to dry Lunar off. "Fine, fine." he laughed.
Lunar laughed at how comfortable he was touching another man all over "Wow you sure are bold aren't you" Lunar laughed nervously
Ayra blushed and pouted as he finished drying the half-angel off. "Hmph, next time you can dry yourself then." he said and stuck his tongue out. He turned around and dried off his wings.

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