Nephilim Academy

"Thankyou very much my good buddy I'm goign to take a bath I heard they were amazing here would you like to join me and I think that weird kid paipai900 Soran is coming with"
Valdun yawned, as he walked through the halls. He was soaking wet and water fell to the floor. 'I guess I'll get some rest.' It was already late and he needed rest before classes started. He decided that taking a shower and heading straight to bed would get rid of his fatigue. After today's events, he would need an aspirin too.
Ayra looked up at Lunar and stretched with a yawn "I guess I could use a bath." he said and shivered. "I'm quite cold." he said with a smile. The young half-angel walked forward and looked back "Do you know where the baths are?"
"hey I just got here I could barely find this place" Lunar walked over and grabbed a towel and other toiletries I guess we can just walk around until we find it" He laughed "Adventure in a magical mansion sounds like fun" he grinned
(HEY, so i have to leave until around 7:30... but we should have a hot spring near us, like where we can go for the weekend or something~ )
Valdun had managed to find the bathing area with relative ease and began to remove his wet clothes. He hung them on a nearby coat rack and turned the water to a cold temperature. He preferred cold water over hot water, the former always felt more refreshing than the latter. He took the time to inspect his body for any injuries and was glad to know there were none. Although Valdun had a rather petite frame, he was actually quite muscular, so an injury would be a little tricky to notice. The front of his body had a few tiny scars, while his back had two very large ones, forming an 'X' pattern. He had gotten the injuries in darker times, but they were nothing to fret over nowadays.
Sky finally got up, walking back to the academy. Her hair and clothes were covered in mud from the fall. She made her way back up to her dorm, pulling off her dirty clothes and sticking them in a bag to get cleaned later. She stepped back into the shower.
Suddenly waking up in a cold sweat, Soran was breathless. Staring at his freezing wet bed sheets, Soran got up and decided to take a shower. Grabbing some clothes and a towel, Soran headed for the bathing area. Stripping his wet clothes, Soran turned on the water, letting the streams hit his body. Immediately Soran could feel his tense muscles loosen up. Brushing his hair out of his face, Soran traced the scars where his wings used to be. Soran muttered a curse when a shot of pain came from his back. "Augh!" he traced his scars again, deep inside, Soran missed having his wings and regretted tearing them out. But, Soran was too proud to admit it.

Spotting a figure through the steam, Soran recognized it to be his roommate, Valdun. They hadn't communicated very much, and Soran was going to change that. That kid needed to get some friends. That's when Soran noticed he forgot to bring shampoo and conditioner. Deciding that would be a good excuse to approach the other boy, Soran walked up to naked man and tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me? Could I borrow some shampoo?"
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Valdun kept observing his scars, until he heard a voice. He recognized the voice to be Soran's. He didn't see why he couldn't lend him his items. He handed Soran the bottle and continued to observe his scars. The bottle didn't have any sort of brand on it, it was simply labeled 'Shampoo.' in black letters on the white bottle. He had been too preoccupied with checking for any irregularities, he forgot to mention something about the soap. It cleaned your hair extremely well, but after a few seconds, it eould burn your scalp like hell. Valdun never had any problems with it, since he always took freezing cold showers,so it was pretty easy to forget about that.
Solar finally found the bathing area and gasped "This place is huge!" Solar got naked and jumped in the bath and then he noticed people were using the showers and blushed "Oh I didn't see you there I'm sorry for that sight you had to indoor" he sank farther into the bath trying to hide his embarrassment
(It's a good thing I'm pretending the girl dorms have their on bathroom. O.o )

Sky finished in the shower and pulled on her pajamas. She wasn't planning on going back to bed, but she wanted to be comfy. He pulled on a loose fitting black tank top with white Alice Cooper eyes on it and a pair of sweat shorts covered with with kittens. She left the dorm room, eager to explore.
Seth looks down at the page settled beside his hands, allowing his icy gray eyes to scan what he had written so far.

I've been suffocating beneath the darkness for so long

I try to escape it, but it sleeps within my heart

The blindfold before my eyes keeps me safe from shame

I want to stay hidden from the world

so don't repeat my name

He then moves his pencil back to the paper and begins to scrawl more words across the page.

I'm aware that what I did was wrong

and I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgi--


Seth closes his eyes momentarily as he lets out a sigh of frustration. Once they reopen, his pupils land on the broken pencil tip. With that, he slams the utensil down onto his mahogany desk.

He gazes down at the words on the paper once more before reaching out and crumpling the poem up in his fist.

"It's not good enough," he murmurs to himself, chucking the crumpled ball over his shoulder across the room.

Seth then spins around in his chair, seeing that it landed in the metallic waste basket atop the rest of no good crumpled up poems and stories he'd written.

Taking the bottle from his hands, Soran thanked Valdun, his eyes glancing at his body, before blushing heavily. Going back to his shower, Soran squeezed some shampoo into a bottle and massaged it into his hair, feeling great. After a few seconds, his head began to burn. Soran's eyes snapped open in surprise, the burn kind of...felt nice. Soran made a mental note to ask for more shampoo from Valdun later. Washing it out of his hair, Soran rubbed his soap all over his body, and washed it off quickly. Taking his towel, Soran slipped into the large bath, leaning back and letting the hot water caress his body. Soran was actually above the average height of most men, and had a toned body, there were a few burn scars from some accidents with his fire. Soran let out a sigh and placed a hand over his hard abs. What a long day..
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(I was gonna wait 'til morning to make my first post, but the night seemed to continue..and I decided to just post something now xD )
After cleaning up properly, Valdun changed into his nightwear. He wore a long-sleeved black shirt, that matched his black pants. The clothing was made of satin, making it quite comfortable. Valdun exited the bathing area and walked towards his room. He yawned as he opened the door and climbed into his bed. He pulled the covers over his body and fell into slumber.
Getting out of the bath, Soran dried himself with a towel and put on his hello kitty boxers. Not giving one s***, Soran draped the towel over his neck and walked back to his dorm.....half naked. His feet dragged against the marble floor, as Soran lit a small flame to light the way. Opening his dorm room, Soran climbed into bed and closed his eyes. Snuggling into his pillow, Soran took in the smell of his bed, and closed his eyes, letting sleep overtake him. At the very last moment, Soran thought to himself, "Wait, a minute...pillows don't breath..." But, before Soran could jump out of bed, he was already asleep.
Valdun had a rough past, that required him to be on high alert at all times. And when Valdun said at all times, he meant at all times. He had built up a defense mechanism over the years, making his body turn to autopilot when he felt threatened. Needless to say, upon feeling contact with his body, Valdun immediately woke up and flipped the mysterious person, causing him to fall to the floor. He turned on the nearby lamp and inspected the person on the floor. "Oh, Soran it's you. You should get in bed, you'll get a backache if you sleep on the floor." he spoke with his usual monotone voice. Yes, the frail boy had managed to flip the tall man. He then went back to sleep, like nothing had ever happen. Although, it was like nothing did happen to Valdun. His body's instincts took over while he was asleep and he woke up when Soran was already on the floor.
With everything that had happened today, Soran was still asleep, even after Valdun had flipped him. Gripped Valdun's hand tightly, cutting off the blood circulation. Soran pulled the boy to him like a teddy bear, whispering, "Oh, yes, Sasuke. I will marry you...~" in his sleep.
Seth rushed a tired hand through his silky black hair, his eyes wandering over to the clock hanging on the wall. He raised his dark brows once he realized what time it was. Have I really been writing for that long..? he wondered, standing up from the chair in front of his desk. And I ended up trashing everything.

The temperature in his room seemed to be rather hot at this time of night, but it was probably just because he was wearing heavy attire for this season. He pulled off his gray hoodie and tossed it onto the rug as he moved over to the other side of the room and switched the fan on.

The cool breeze that the fan emitted felt refreshing against his bare chest for the moment he stood there. Finally, he headed over to his bed and laid down, pulling the black comforter over his body. With that, he fell asleep.

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