Nephilim Academy

Again, his body went on autopilot. Only this time, Instead of flipping Soran, he hit a pressure point and caused him to become immobile. He would be unable to move until late in the morning. Valdun then went back to bed and slipped under his covers. "This school is really weird."
Since Soran's body couldn't move, his soul emerged from his body and grinned insanely. Soran's soul's hand wrapped it's ghostly fingers around Valdun's wrist, "Ohhhhh, Saaaaaasuuuuuukeeeee-kuuuunnnnn!~ It's our wedding day!~" Soran's ghost chuckled evilly as it neared Valdun, a deathly smirked placed on his lips.
(....I'm just gonna treat what happened as Soran's dream, since I cannot conprehend how or why that just happened...)
(This roleplay never fails to make me laugh hahahahah x'D

I'm just sitting here cracking up like, what??? x'D)
Em's alarm clock went off for a good two minutes before she hit the off button. She rolled onto the floor and yelled to her roomie. "Danny. Danny! I don't want to go to school." Her eyes were still closed and she was half asleep.

(sorry I posted while you guys were figuring out characters D: )
She opened her eyes and grond not wanting to get up. But she did and helped Em off of the floor. "We have to it's our first day of classes..." she muttered.
And the whole time, Soran was still immobile. On the floor. Asleep. Quietly chanting, "Marry me, Sasuke. Marry me." over and over again.
Valdun woke up early in the morning and changed into a white dress shirt with black pants and shoes, along with the black jacket he always wore. He brushed his teeth and left the room. He paid no attention to his roommate or the fact that he laid unconscious on the floor. He then walked to the dining hall for breakfast.
Will you remember me as the one from the trees, when the forests used to sing? Or when I locked myself in the heart of the wood and threw away the key?

Seth's eyelids fluttered open as he rolled over, awakened by the sound of heavy metal blasting from his alarm.

You just kept giving yourself away, a gift to cherish until piece by piece--

He reached out to his desk, picking his cell phone up and holding it over his head. He pressed the off button forcefully, cutting off the rest of Widower's eerie melody. Sitting up, the sheets slid off of him as he rubbed his eyes tiredly. He sighed, dreading the day that was ahead of him.

Seth flung his legs over the edge of his bed and stood up before lazily walking over to his closet. He grabbed some clothing from his wardrobe and then padded over to the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him.

After exchanging his flannel pajama bottoms for dark washed skinny jeans, he slipped on a black t-shirt and a grey and red hoodie over it. He then turned to the sink, flipping the faucet on. Cold water gushed out as he grabbed his toothbrush and quickly brushed his teeth.

After turning the faucet off, he stared at himself in the mirror emotionlessly. Seth quickly combed his fingers through his hair to perfect it a bit, although it was already perfectly fine the way it was. He jerked his hand away, remembering it didn't matter. He wasn't trying to impress anyone.

After a moment, he messed up his hair more so it looked like he didn't care. Smiling a little with content, he flipped the light switch off and left the bathroom, heading back into his dorm room.
"Are you sure?" She said smirking to her roomie. "I've influence you!" She laughed going into their bathroom to do her make up. She brushed her hair and put her four bobby pins in where they always go. When she was finished she sat on her messy bed. "So, are we really doing this?" She laughed.

(us and our links xD )
Valdun now sat in the dining hall and took the seat farthest away from the others. Food was already there, courtesy of the chefs. Just like last night, multiple food items littered the table. Waffles, pancakes, muffins, eggs, fruits, they had everything. A normal person would've been filling their plate by now. However, Valdun was not a normal person. He simply took an apple and a glass of water. 
(If you want to know where Evrun is, there is a hint in a previous post.)
Sky quickly changed into a somewhat tight fitting Volbeat shirt and a fresh pair of cut off shorts that were navy blue and stopped right above her knees. She slipped her Vinyl Scratch necklace over her head before leaving the door, her ipod slipped into her pocket and a single earbud in her ear.
Soran jumped up, regaining his body movement. Cracking his bones, Soran's back was really stiff, all he could remember from last night was going to bed and having a dream about marrying Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto. Stretching his back, Soran combed his hand through his hair and slipped on a sweat shirt and PJ pants, lazily trudging down the stairs for breakfast.
After Em finished her make up and hair she did hers. She put her hair in a messy bun. She then quickly did her make up. "Your a bad influence on me... but I like it," she said. "I think we are going to do this..." she said.
After throwing on his black leather combat boots, Seth flung the door to his room open, allowing it to slam obnoxiously against the wall. He didn't flinch at the loud noise, especially since he was still half asleep. Even if he wasn't fully awake yet, Seth's level of annoyance was extremely high considering he hated having to deal with others. And he knew that today was one of those irritating days where he was going to have to deal with others.

He let the door close with another noisy thud as he stepped out into the hall. Seth then made his way down to the dining hall, where of course other beings were. He rolled his gray eyes which were currently narrowed on the table of food ahead of him.

Not wanting anyone to approach him or speak with him, he pulled his hood over his head. He made his way over to the table of food, grabbing a plate and slapping five waffles onto it. He didn't care if he was taking a lot, he was starving. After pouring some syrup onto the waffles, he made his way over to the furthest area where no one was sitting...except for one dude.

Seth stood there, eyeing the boy for a moment. Damn, he thought, trying to search for a place to sit, but there wasn't another lone table left.
Soran slammed open the dinning room's doors, a dark aura coming from him. His body ached, his head hurt, and he had a nosebleed from falling down the stairs. He was PMS-ing in a very bad mood. Muttering profanity, Soran walked up to a table and sat down in a chair grudgingly, swiping the whole bowl of blueberries, popping them into his mouth. Instantly, when the blueberries were crushed and swallowed, Soran perked up. "Hey, guys! What's up?" Soran grinned cheekily, his bad mood disappeared like magic.
"Lets grab some grub and then head to the woods or something." Em said jumping up and and gave Danny a high-five. She rushed to put her shoes on and open the door, allowing Danny to lead.

(sorry it took so long, i got distracted.)

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