Nephilim Academy

"We should see if he wants to come he is kinda cute," she said and waved over to him motioning for him to come over and join them. Danny was friendly to everyone.
The smell of smoke wafted over to him and he coughed lightly. He'd been offered a cigarette a number of times, but he denied it each time. He didn't know what was so great about it, seeing that it just made you look absolutely disgusting.

He moved away, walking to another side of the building to distance himself from the smell. He shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his skinny jeans, looking down into the dirt. He kicked a rock, causing it to bounce violently off a tree and back over to him.

His face was blank as he leaned against the wall. He allowed his eyes to wander the area, unsure of what to do now.
Soran was rocking out to his mp3 player, singing to the Cheetah Girls. Getting a few laughs from the supervisors, Soran bowed to them. "Thank you, thank you, thank you very much." The supervisors were used to Soran's weird and crazy antics. That boy had gotten into so much trouble that 911 even had a special code for him. Code Soran-Got-Into-Trouble-Again. Soran jumped off the table and decided to stroll around campus a bit.

(someone interact with me please?)
Seth looked up, noticing the girls waving him over. He furrowed his brows together, unsure of what to do. He kept his hands in his pockets and stayed put, but he kept his cold eyes on them.
Danny ran over to him. "Hi my name is Danny and that is my friend Em. We are going to ditch class today wanna come?" she asked hoping he would and wouldn't go up to a teacher and tell.

(FYI Danny isn't smoking)
Soran spotted Sky and waved at her. "Hey there, ground!" Soran laughed, jogging up to the girl. "How ya been?" Soran slung an arm around Sky, a cheerful grin stapled into his face.
Em rolled her eyes and stayed where she was. Obviously he doesn't want to be around us, or just me. What a stupid habit to have, it turns people away. She thought as she went and leaned against a tree.
Seth opened his mouth to deny her offer, but stopped himself and rolled his eyes. "Tell me again why I'd want to tag along?" His piercing gray eyes focused on hers.
Valdun walked to the appointed classroom, eye still twitching, and releases a sigh when he realized nobody was there. Not even the teacher was present. He walked out of the room traveled down the halls. Maybe the principal will know something. He went outside and saw three people, not even trying to get to class. He continued his walk to the principal's office, dissapointes with the students. Attending class is why they were here in the first place. 'It doesn't matter, I'll solve this.'

He knocked on the office door and was met with no response. This wouldn't do. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pen and a sheet of paper. You could say he was always overprepared, but he always found a use for the things he carried. He began writing on the paper and it appeared to be an excuse note. He had seen the teacher's signature outside of the door, so he knew how to copy his handwriting. He slipped the note under the door and walked away. That note would get everyone out of class today for an 'outdoor learning experience.' It was likely that the teacher wouldn't show up until tomorrow, so he took it upon himself to write the note. It was better to not have class, than to have people miss information.
((Ohhh, I was wondering why he said Sky. I was thinking 'Shy' and I thought it was a mistake. Oopsie. //slapped// Lemme fix that. ~~That awkward moment~~))
(Nope. Sky's my character that Soren now calls Ground. I think we found her nickname. xD ) 
(Just realized that I'm officially an "active member." I feel so special!)
(Yeah, it's almost 2 AM so I'm a little slow right now x'D hahah, well I edited that last post that I screwed up xD Edit reason: IM SO STUPID OMG. xD )
"Because it is better than sitting in class all day," she told him but figured that he didn't want to go so she sighed. "Never mind you don't have to come, I thought I would just be nice and invite you," she said and started to walk off sllowly.
"Wait," he blurted, reaching out and grabbing her wrist as she turned away from him.

His face burned with embarrassment, not knowing why in the world he just did that.
"So does that mean you'll come?" she asked hoping he would join them. She looked into his eyes not pushing his hand away. 
((I will in a little))
Valdun walked outside, hoping to get some fresh air. Since Valdun wanted something to happen, of course it wouldn't. Valdun gave another sigh as he phone rang once again. What did Evrun want this time? "Hello." Valdun could hear elevator music in the background. Was he at a bank or something? "Brother! Quick question. Which color do you like better, black or pink." He was definitely not at a bank. "What are you talking about? And you know I hate pi-" his sentence was interrupted by his brother's overly happy voice. "Pink it is!" What was he doing? "Evrun wait. Where are you? What are you doi-" He was getting really annoyed by the 'mysteriously' ending calls. 'Why does he keep doing that!?'
He shot her a puzzled look when she didn't pull away from him. He scoffed, ripping his hand from her wrist and crossing his arms.

"As if," he spat, looking away.
"Um... okay I guess I will see you around have fun in class..." she told him kind of bumbed, that he wasn't coming but she still had Em. She started to walk off again

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