Nephilim Academy

Em flicked her head up once she realized she was sleeping, and hit her head in the process. While rubbing the back of her head she peered up to find Danny still talking with that boy and Valdun walking. She jumped up to talk to him. "Hey, Valdun." She said with her hands behind her back and smiling. 
( ahhhh Shy!!! we post at same time! D: )
This time Seth walked away, wanting nothing to do with that girl or her plans to go on an adventure. As he turned away, he lifted his head to see the boy from earlier standing nearby. He was holding his cell phone, a confused look among his face as he stood there.

Seth sighed, knowing he had to say something about earlier in the dining hall to him. With that in mind, he approached the boy gradually.
Just as he arrived beside him, the girl who was smoking before rushed over to greet him. Seth narrowed his eyes on her, feeling terribly awkward for having just made his way over to speak to him. He moistened his lips as he glanced away as he always did in awkward situations like this. It was too late to just turn away now, but he felt as if he was interrupting a conversation.
Em looked over her shoulder to check on Danny and she wasn't there, she was wondering into the woods. Alone. "Sorry to say hi and bye, but I'm doing it anway." Em said as she ran off from Valdun towards Em.

"Hey, don't go so fast." she panted and pulled out a map.
Why did I think it'd be a good idea to talk to someone? Dammit, can never make good decisions on your own...he thought to himself with frustration as he scratched the back of his neck.
Valdun was confused by the woman's appearance. He couldn't exactly remember if they had met, but they must have if she knew his name. "Hello." His voice was as emotionless as always. He was about to ask where he knew her from, when he was interrupted by a vibrating in his pocket. A text message? He never texted, he found it ridiculous. The message contained a picture of his brother in front of a mall, giving a peace sign and smile as wide as ever. This picture was too normal for Evrun, there had to be something else. Sure enough, he got another picture. This time his brother was high-fiving with a stranger. Is that a taxi driver? He looked down at the message at the bottom. 'Benjamin and I will be there soon!' Now that was a picture his brother would send. It took everything in his power, to suppress the twitch. He had won over the urge, when the boy approached him and the girl left. Wasn't he the person who stabbed the table?
He then watched as the girl hastily said her goodbyes right after saying hello, then scurried away. Seth watched as she ran into the forest to catch up with her friend. Slowly, he turned back to face the boy who was now standing alone beside him.

Seth placed a hand behind his head, squinting as he forced a smile. Unfortunately, his smile was obviously false, making him look like he was in pain. However, smiling was a great deal of agony for him.
She stopped and looked back to see her good friend. "Hi," she greeted her happily. Her mind was wrapped on that boy. He was kind of weird... oh well....
"Are you okay?" She said starting to lead the two in the right direction. She observed her friend spacing out and grabbed her wrist to make sure she didn't go off the trail.
"Yeah I am okay I am just getting lost in my thoughts again," she told her and followed Em. She gave her a reassuring smile.
Soran let out a large laugh. "Aren't you observant!" Chuckling, Soran linked arms with Sky as he started to walk with her. "So, what were you doing before I came and blessed you with my presence?" Soran winked at Sky jokingly.
"You shouldn't force yourself to do something that's out of your comfort zone. Did you need something?" The boy was obviously forcing that smile. He had told him not to do anything out of his comfort zone, but Valdun was doing it right now. He didn't like interracting with others, but he also didn't like being rude.
"Kay, just making sure." She looked down to the map, still holding Danny's wrist. "We have about two and a half miles until we get there." She turned around and smiled to her friend.
Sky gestured to her ear bud with her free arm as they walked. "Listening to music that wasn't made by "The Sickenly Wonderful World of Disney."
"Kay sounds good with me," she said and continued to walk. She was still stuck in her thoughts. She hoped nothing bad happened while they were out here.
Seth's fake smile faded rapidly as the boy called him out on it. "Was it really that obvious?.." he mumbled while glancing away. His face seemed to be burning with embarrassment again.
"Cool beans." Soran grinned when he was struck with an idea. Pulling out his mp3 player, Soran placed one ear bud into his ear and the other into Sky's, his fingers tickling her earlobe. Grabbing one of Sky's ear buds and placed it into his ear. Immediately So ran was bombarded with Sky's taste of music. Puttingnhis mp3 on shuffle, Soran listened as the music blended together. After a few times of pausing and placing it back on beat, it actually sounded really cool.
Sky watched him mess with his mp3, laughing softly when the two musics actually sounded decent together. "Interesting," she smiled. "It's almost like that one time someone mixed Justin Beiber's "Baby" with Slipknot's "Psychsocial.""
Valdun could sort of relate with the boy. This boy knew pain as well. He could see it in his eyes. "It's not noticiable to the other care-free people at this school. They would simply ignore it and continue to believe that noting bad happens in the world and that the people who experience bad things aren't struggling." His voice was emotionless and his face was blank, but he truly believed in what he was saying. He had experienced such events and he knew how the people here were wrapped up in their fairy tale world.

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