Nephilim Academy

Valdun took note of the boy, who had sat next to him. 'Anthoter strange character.' He continued to eat his apple, not even glancing in the boy's direction. He didn't like interracting with others, especially the people at this school. He would not group him in with the others just yet. Making assumptions was a bad trait and he knew that every individual was different, which could be observed by looking at him and his younger brother.

After finishing his piece of fruit, he took a sip of his water and reached into his coat. He withdrew a small pocket book. Unlike when he was memorizing his dictionary, this was an actual book with a story. Some stories were actually tolerable, compare to the happy fairy tales that Evrun seemed to enjoy. That kind of happiness didnt exist in this world, so making a story about it was illogical. The book on his hands was much more complex and contained deep meaning. You could actually relate to it, if you had been through a similar pain that the main character experienced.
Danny lead the way outside and got on her shoes real quick. "You know what would be funny if nobody showed up to class. If everyone ditched and hide," she laughed at the thought as she went out the room.
"That would never happen." Em laughed with her as they walked the hall towards the dinning area. Em stayed pretty close to Danny because there were different people than she met last night. (By that i mean if there are other students besides us; and the ones who weren't there o-o) She grabbed the back of Danny's shirt making sure not to loose her.
Soran got up from the dinning table and went into the kitchen to wash his dishes. For most students, the chef would just kick them out. But, Soran was raised in a strict household, clean up after yourself, or else. Cleaning up was drilled into Soran's brain. Besides, he sometimes helped around with the cooking (that explains the charcol), which he was terrible at. Humming a light tune, Soran washed his plate, and placed it on the rack to dry. Walking outside, Soran stretched and began to jog around the school. His mp3 player blasting out tunes as Soran began to hum the lyrics. Not too long after, Soran was found rocking it out in the lounge, singing very loudly.
"Hey!!!" she said loudly and cheerfully as they soon entered the dinning room. She bounced around the dinning room. She was quiet the morning person ((Total opposite of me lol)).
Seth ended up sitting at the boy's table, deciding it'd probably look better if he sat with someone rather than sat in the corner of the room on the floor. That way, he'd end up drawing less attention from a variety of people. At least this dude in the black cloak looked like a loner himself.

Maybe I'll finally fit in...Seth thought sarcastically to himself, rolling his gray eyes subtly again.

He picked up his knife to cut his waffles with, but it slipped right from his grasp and landed on the floor. Seth let out an annoyed sigh, leaning over to pick it up. Once he retrieved the knife, he went to cut his waffles for the second time. But of course, the knife slipped from his hands again, landing on the carpet.

"What the hell..." he mumbled with frustration, picking up the knife again. As he lifted it from the ground, it slipped from his grasp a third time, causing him to finally grip the knife tightly and stab it right into the table, through the white tablecloth.

His jaw was clenched tightly as he grabbed the fork and began to eat his waffles with that. He could feel his face burning up, not to mention he was actually slightly embarrassed by his actions. He hoped he hadn't caused too much of a scene.
Em slugged behind her, loosing grip of her shirt as we entered the room. She smiled to the people around her and couldn't find anyone she felt close enough to sit with. She saw Valdun and another boy sitting alone, Maybe I should sit with them? She contemplated. No. I will just follow Danny, I can't lose her anyway. Em admitted to herself as she jogged to catch up with her roommate. "Hey, we should probably eat quickly and take some to go." She whispered over Danny's shoulder.

EDIT: After speaking to Danny she herd the boy slam his knife into the table; she jumped a little but then just stared at him. What the f**k dude? She asked herself.
Sky jumped, walking in at the exact moment Seth slammed the knife into the table. She stared at him with her big eyes before sitting down at the other table. She stacked her plate with a small amount of french toast.
Seth noticed that the boy was reading a book in front of him, which created a bit of a joyful sparkle in his gray eyes. But right as he blinked, it was gone just like that. There was no way he was going to ask about the book he was reading...even though he really wanted to.
Danny drank some coffee. She was so hyper right now. "Yeah I brought a bag just shove as much food as you can in my bag." she told her giggling as she drank more coffee.
Valdun's blank stare remained, even as the knife pierced the table. This kid definitely had some issues. But then again, so did he. It was hard to notice, but the stranger seemed embarrassed. It was at this moment that the chef barged in and yelled. "Who did this! I demand payment!" Valdun closed his book with a quiet sigh and withdrew the knife from the table. He walked up to the chef with the knife. "I did." His facial expression remained blank and his voice still held no trace of emotion. "I'll pay for the damages, but it only happened because it wasn't cleaned properly. I couldn't hold onto it and it went through the table." At was at this moment that his phone started to ring. "Excuse me, I have a call." Valdun then left the dining hall to answer his phone.
Em smiled big and bright taking her bag and asking a waiter/cook/someone to make her an iced triple shot caramel macchiatto. (idk how to spell that) She stuffed the bag full with fruits and some veggies; she also put in muffins and a ton of sweets. She added a zip-lock bags of dry cereal, eggs, etc. I doubt she is a vegetarian. Em thought to her self disappointed.

She looked around the room for her hyper friend; instantly finding her with more coffee. Em rolled her eyes as she finished her drink and ordered another one for the road, making her way over to Danny. "Ready to go?" She asked smiling over Danny's shoulder.
Seth sat in his chair, sitting up a bit straighter as his narrowed eyes followed the boy out of the dining room. Staring down at his now empty plate, he tried to figure out why the hell that dude just covered for him like that. Seth couldn't help but feel both thankful and guilty at the same time.

He looked back up in the direction that the boy ran off in, curious as to where he went. Seth stood up from the table, part of him tempted to follow the boy. He didn't know why, but it wasn't to thank him..or was it? He sighed, crossing both his legs and arms as he leaned against the table and shook his head, feeling like some people were just too kind.
"Yep," she said cheerfully and got more coffee. Then she took Em by the hand and headed outside. Screw classes!!!! she thought to herself.
(mom says: PEW PEW Rick Gains jumped in and shot everyone in the head and screamed "ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE." --referance to The Walking Dead. Just thought you guys would want to know what my mom says about this. xD It's her trying to participate. ) 
Em blushed a little when Danny grabbed her hand and led her outside. "So," She said as they came to a stop (Sky can decide where we stop) and lit a cigarette, "What are we doing today?" Em finished as she puffed out smoke in the opposite direction of Danny. Her coffee was in the opposite hand of her roommate, it obviously didn't effect her much.

Valdun sighed as he answered the phone. He was a conciderable distance away from the students, so nobody would be able to hear the conversation. "What do you want, Evrun?....How are you here already?..... How did you afford a plane ride?....You don't have any money!......Who's Daniel?.....You've never been to Africa!.......Three hours?...... Look, please just listen to me. There are strange people here. Just fly back home. Do not come to the school, Evr-" once again, the call had 'mysteriously' ended. Valdun could feel his eye twitching again.
"I don't know, but we do have to be careful and make sure that none of the supurvisors don't catch us or we will be in big trouble," she told her.
"If we do get caught, I will take the blame. Just saying right now." Em replied, blowing out more smoke. You wanna explore the forest, I herd there is a hot spring place on like the other side or something." She shrugged. 
(some one should quickly come and join us on this skipping school day~ )
"First of all: No your not we both are doing this. Second of all: We have to be really careful okay there are bad things in the forest and we aren't suppose to go in there," she told her and started to walk, remembering the big bear that attacked her. Using both of her hands to fix the strap on her bag.
Seth watched as a number of students began to head off to their morning classes, causing his lower lip to curl in disgust.

Classes, he thought to himself, who has time for that?

He was of course still extremely tired and annoyed at everything, grabbing a knife from another table and stabbing it into wood forcefully. He released the knife, leaving it stuck there in the table. Smirking to himself a bit as his eyes glowed deviously, he headed for the main doors to the building.

As he pushed open the heavy doors easily, he glanced back at the knife, a pang of guilt striking through him. He sighed, knowing regret would hit him a moment after the rebellious act. Sometimes he just didn't think these days. Ever since.........he had been a pretty dreadful kid, plus he wasn't really taught manners for the most part. He remembered the manners from when he was very young, but he kept those in the back of his mind.

He kept walking outside, turning to see two girls smoking together. He eyed them cautiously.
Evrun smiled to himself, as he ended the call. "Brother is always so serious." He adjusted the dark blue hat on his head and climbed into a taxi. He couldn't wait to see his big brother. He was perfectly aware that Valdun didn't want him to go to the academy and that's why he was enjoying this even more. "Brother always has the best expression when he's surprised. That's why I'm going to ninja my way in there and give him a good scare." He was making good time and traffic was clear. Nothing could stop him now, not even...a mall... In full view of the car's mirror, a large mall towered over the taxi. "Driver, stop the car!" He got out of the car with a large grin on his face and ran inside. 'What does it matter if I'm a few minutes late? Maybe I can find something for Brother!'
"Well where are you going then that is out of sight?" She asked saying put. "I really want to find this hot spring place." She looked to the ground building up her fake tears then looking back up to Danny. "Please? I will clean the dorm for a whole month with no help."

(danny doesnt smoke~)
"Fine. Like I said bad influence, but I love to have the fun," she smiled and headed towered the forest cheerfully. This was going to be so much funner that going to class.
"Wait." Em said grabbing Danny's arm and holding her cigarette in her mouth. "Look, that kid is just staring at us." After a moment she smirked and waved him over with out consent from Danny.
Sky finished breakfast and decided to wander around until it was time for her first class.

(Character interaction, someone, please! Her roommate hasn't been on all day and when she is on I feel like my posts are being ignored and when my character enters the room she leaves it.)

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