Nephilim Academy

Ayra let out a small giggle and blushed softly "Now who is flirting?" He said in a soft voice.
Soran laughed along with Lunar, taking his arm off Ayra. "Well, isn't it getting steamy!" Soran chuckled, and took a bite into his apple.
Ayra felt jealousy wash over him. He didn't like Lunar, did he? Ayra made a pout and glowered into his food with a small snort.
Soran raised an eyebrow at the older man and laughed, teasing him a little. "If you'd like...." Soran whispered in a sultry voice, trailing his fingers up the man's chest.

"NO SEXUAL ACTIVITIES IN THE DINNING ROOM!!" the chef yelled from the kitchen, holding a knife with a very threatening look on his face. "People eat there for mama's sake.." the chef creepily disappeared, keeping a trained eye on the students.
(Lunar's only 19 xD )

Lunar cleared his throat and backed away "No thankyou besides I could never do that to Ayra he's too cute" Lunar blew Ayra a kiss
Ayra giggled and caught the kiss out of the air. He winked and stuck his tongue out playfully "I want to go for a a morning fly, anyone want to join me." he smiled sweetly.
Soran chuckled nervously, "I don't have wings." He flashed back to the time when he ripped them out. Soran could remember every single detail of it, and would always remember the pain of tearing them out. No one except Em knew that though.
Ayra jumped down from his seat and stared up at Soran with wide childish eyes. "No wings?" he blinked "Why not?" He said and looked down nervously "I don't mean to intrude, sorry." he said and scuffed his shoe on the floor.
Soran paled a little at Ayra's question, he evaded their eyes by looking at the ground. "It's," Soran mumbled. "Personal, I guess..." Soran pondered upon if he should lie and say they hadn't grown in yet, but that would probably come and stab him in the back later.

Soran turned to Lunar and laughed. "No, I didn't!~" Trying to lighten up the mood, Soran poked him in the chest. "When we first met, I barged into your rooms screaming 'WHERE'S THE FIRE?!'" Soran chuckled at the memory.
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Ava padded down the spiral staircase as her chocolate brown ponytail swung behind her, her gentle blue eyes scanning the dining hall. Of course, not many people were there at the moment. Hmm, she thought, pulling her pink studded cell phone from the pocket of her white dress. Her pupils looked down at the screen, causing her to realize that it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

She gasped softly, seeing that she was already twenty minutes late for her first class. No longer paying attention to what she was doing, she stumbled down the last three steps of the staircase, falling onto her hands and knees at the bottom.

"Oof!" she yelped, her phone sliding across the carpet.
Hearing someone fall, Soran turned around to see a very pretty girl on the ground. Jogging towards her, Soran crouched down and handed the girl her phone. Getting up, Soran extended a hand to help her up.

"Are you alright?" Soran asked, concern shown in his eyes. 
(hahah I'm here! Sorry, no one was posting for a bit so I was making a lyrics video while I waited xD )

Ava sat up and rubbed her head, which was a bit dizzy now from the fall. She shook the dizziness away, her wavy bangs falling into her eyes. After shoving her cell phone back into the pocket of her dress, she reached out to take the boy's hand and stood up, brushing the hair out of her eyes with her free hand.

After releasing the boy's hand she smoothed out her knee length dress before looking up at the boy with a thankful smile spread across her face. Her ocean blue eyes were sparkling with joy once again.

"Ohh, thank youuu!" she squealed, quickly embracing the polite boy. She stood back and looked up into his eyes, "You are so kind..and I'm so clumsy!" she brushes her fingers against her rosy lips and giggles softly, her cheeks turning pink with embarrassment.
Soran laughed at the girl's antics. "That's alright," Soran ran his fingers through his silky blonde hair, grinning boyishly. "Just be careful going down those stairs," He leaned into the girl and whispered, "They're eeeeevil!"

Pulling back, Soran stared into the girl's gorgeous blue eyes with his own rich golden orbs and blurted out, "You're really pretty." Realizing what he just said, Soran's grin spread onto his face like nutella on bread. Because, who doesn't like nutella? Slipping his hands into the pockets of his grey sweat shirt, Soran began to walk along side with the girl, towering above her small figure.
(Well, I don't know about the rest but, Soran's walking with a new girl, and Ayra and Lunar are in the dinning room/going for a romantic flight together)
(Alright, well i'll pretend i was left where we were sitting because i kind of blended in and you guys forgot about me.)

Clary woke up to the sound of screaming and birds. She noticed it was late and very dark. She stood up and looked around, thinking which way is how to get back to the school. She shrugged and went in the other direction, not towards school, deeper into the scary woods. She shivered as she walked, tripping over a stick every now and then.
Ava blushed immensely and clasped her hands together cheerfully.

"You think so?" she asked, tilting her head to the side happily. "Thank you! You're rather handsome yourself." She giggled, placing her hands behind her back as she walked along side the boy.

"Oh!" she blurted suddenly, coming to a halt. "I should probably introduce myself properly! I'm Ava--Ava Dawson!"

She grins brightly, her eyes sparkling as she holds her hand out to the boy she's just met. Ava loved meeting new people, so she was quite joyous at a time like this...even if it was because she tripped down the staircase.
Soran chuckled lightly and shook Ava's hand, "Soran Aran, pleasure to meet you." Soran flashed Ava a charming smile, showing off his pearly whites.

As the pair stepped outside and headed towards the classroom, Soran wondered out loud, "I wonder if everyone just ditched the first lesson..." Chuckling because it was true, Soran turned his head to look at Ava. Falling suddenly, Soran looked up at Ava and said, "I just fell for you!~" Grinning at the cheesy line, Soran stifled a small chuckle.
Valdun looked at the half grin on the boy's face. It wasn't anything major, but at least it wasn't fake. Unlike him, this boy seemed to want to be accepted, judging by how he acted. Valdun actually couldn't care less if he was accepted or what people thought of him. He was a solitary person and that was the way he intended to live the rest of his life, if he could help it. He wasn't a cruel person, just the opposite. Valdun was a very kind person, but just expressed it in his own way. If this boy wanted acceptance, then by all means go for it. His personality seemed to conflict a bit with his desires, but Valdun had a feeling that wouldn't be too much of a problem. "The staff here are quite frustrating. The teacher won't be here until tomorrow, so everyone who is skipping, isn't really skipping. I would like to say that I won't end up covering you again, but given my developed instincts, I don't think that's gonna be easy." His throat was starting to hurt. He never talked this much, except for when he talked with his brother. He would've plain ignored everyone here if it was possible, but it wasn't. He didn't like being rude and he felt that people should be polite in every situation. 
(The Rpnation page wasn't loading, so I danced until 8:30 A.M.
(Hahahaha Soran is so adorably weird <3 xD )

"Nice to meet you, Soran!" she said delightfully.

As they headed to their classes, he suggested the idea that maybe everyone bailed on their first class. Ava's eyes widened, wondering why anyone would want to do something like that. After all, they were here to be educated in the first place. Not only that, but Ava wanted to learn about her history. The Fallen gene in her was all she had left connecting her to her father.

Just as she was in the middle of a thought process, Soran fell to his knees and made the cutest little joke, causing Ava to giggle immediately, a grin spread across her face. Her small dimples were now visible as she chuckled, leaning over as she reached her hand out to help Soran up.

"You're so cute!" she said playfully, still laughing along with Soran. "I can tell we are going to be uber great friends!"
Soran gasped when he saw her cute little dimples. The sun hit Ava perfectly in this angle and Soran quietly asked dreamily, "Why are you so perfect..?" Still a little stunned by the little scene, Soran took Ava's hand and got up off the ground, dusting off his clothes.

Soran wondered if her hair was as soft as Valdun's as he reached out and took a piece of her hair. Placing the hair to his lips, Soran thought to himself, 'Not as soft as Valdun's...but still very silky.' Soran let the strand of hair fall back into place and continued walking with Ava like nothing had happened.

"I hope we get the same teacher as last year," Soran thought out loud. "She was awesome."

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