Nephilim Academy

((Lucem's secret love of Dance Dance Revolution is out!))


"Hah, I would've skipped class anyway. I don't even wanna be at this damn academy. I could be doing plenty of better things, like working on my wri--" He came to a quick halt in his words, catching himself before he revealed something he certainly didn't want to.

Seth clenched his jaw shut, wondering why he was even still talking to this boy.

He hated people.

Wait--he hated people!

Once he remembered that little detail, he shook his head and scoffed, feeling gross for having actually just been part of a conversation.

"Well anyway, my apologies for bothering you. And you don't need to cover for me again, I can handle myself next time."

Seth narrowed his cold gray eyes on the boy, realizing he never caught his name yet. But he wasn't about to just turn around and say, "hey, what's your name, I forgot to ask." Instead he just kept his icy gaze on the boy as he walked up the steps, back into the academy.

It's not like he was planning on ever speaking with this dude again.... 


Ava smiled warmly as Soran played with a small strand of her silky brown hair. Sure, he was a bit odd, but it was actually rather cute the way he acted. If everyone was so 'normal' it wouldn't be as fun to meet new people.

He released her hair and began to walk again, so Ava threw her arms behind her back once again and hurried alongside Soran. He was very tall, but then again Ava was quite minuscule herself. Therefore, everyone pretty much seemed like a giant to her.

"Hm? What was your teacher like?" Ava asks curiously, looking up at Soran with wonder. "I'm new here, so.." she shrugs lightly, a content smile on her face.
Valdun didn't even blink at the icy gaze. He had gone through a similar phase when he was younger. Hating the world in its entirety and finding it worthless. That phase didn't last long and it morphed into what he was now. He could tell that deep down, that boy wanted to be acceptance. If he didn't, he wouldn't have came up to him. He would eventually find his way. He adjusted his coat and began walking. Maybe he would take a walk on the beach. He had nothing else to do.

(There was no Dance Dance Revolution. I called up the only three people who would be awake at that time and we danced at my house. There was nothing girly about, we danced to the manliest song ever.....Everytime We Touch by Cascada....)
((I'm actually starting to wonder if Seth is bipolar hahah)) 
((**Lucem's secret love for Cascada is out! xD ))

Seth walked into the building, a deep sigh escaping his mouth. This world..this damn world..why was he a part of it?

He started to walk down the hall, heading over to a massive window on the wall. He felt so worthless sometimes--scratch that, all the time. There was not one moment where Seth felt happy inside, well unless he was reading, writing, or listening to music. But every second that he wasn't doing one of those things he was just remembering how pointless his existence was.

It's not like he had any friends that cared about him. It's not like he had anyone on this planet that he cared about. It's not like he even wanted to be alive. It's not like he deserved to be alive......

Seth flopped himself down on the edge of the windowsill, peering out the glass and taking in all the beautiful nature. His eyes scanned over the evergreen trees with leaves that blew softly with the wind, the garden full of a variety of different colors and life, the small animals that scurried through the freshly cut lawn. It inspired him..all that life out there inspired him.

Sure, maybe he hated his own life, but the rest of life..that really wasn't worthless, he cherished. He wrote a lot of poems about nature and life, but that's on the list of things he would never tell anyone. However, it's not like he had anyone to tell either way.

He thought back to a few minutes ago when he almost spilled to that boy that he was a writer. What if he had told him the truth? What would he think of him?

Seth shook the thought away, not giving two sh*ts what the boy thought about him.

He didn't care what anyone thought about him.

He leaned his head back against the wall, still gazing out into the forest. 
((Here I'll leave it at this: ******Lucem's secret love for dancing to Cascada's hit single, Every Time We Touch is out! xD ))
"Thanks again Benjamin!" The cab drove away with a friendly honk. Evrun now stood in front of the academy. It was big and fancy. Evrun didn't know a lot about fancy places. Him and Valdun lived in a small home away from the cities. He would always say that luxuries like a pool, weren't necessary and wouldn't help them live. However, Evrun did make Valdun get him that pool for his birthday. Valdun always seemed to have a lot of money, but he never wanted to use it on anything besides necessities. His brother was a really strange person. Evrun stepped through the gates with multiple bags. Most of them were shopping bags. Besides the shopping bags, he had two bags with his belongings inside and a black case that was locked up tight. He walked into the school with a smile on his face. 'Let's see. Where would Brother be?'
Valdun now sat on the beach, watching the waves. The beach was pretty close to the forest and the scents of both areas mixed well together. He laid on his back with his eyes closed. He was finally able to relax and he needed now more than ever. He didn't know when his little brother would be here, but Evrun would run him ragged when he did. That kid had way too much energy. He knew exactly how to get what he wanted, like when he made him buy that pool. Under any normal circumstance, he would've told him why they didn't need one, but it was his birthday and he didn't want to make Evrun sad. He sighed to himself, thinking about the chaos that would happen when Evrun got here. He began to whistle softly. It wasn't very loud, but it sounded nice. He stopped whistling when he felt a force on his head. He opened his eyes, to see a bird peering down on him. Valdun gave a slight whistle and watched as the bird whistles back. He extended his index finger and the bird was happy to use it as a perch. Valdun grew the smallest of smiles. He truly loved nature and nature seemed to feel the same way. He found the animals and plant life much more enjoyable than people. He and the bird continued to whistle back and forth. Another bird soon came and so did another. Eventually Valdun was covered in chirping birds. He looked like Snow White. He let out a tiny laugh at the situation. Maybe he would come here from now on.
(( :o Seth and Valdun don't even realize it, but they have a lot in common. If only they were able to talk like normal people ;w; ahaha xD ))
(can't wait for this to happen xD )


Soran walked into the classroom to find it empty. No one was inside it, not even the teacher. "Seems like everyone ditched this lesson today," Soran's eye twitched with annoyance. "Even the teacher..." Walking out of the room, and sat down on a nearby bench wondering what he should do.
((EVRUN<3 He's adorbs. o-o Go fix Seth's and Val's socially awkward problems xD ))


Ava smoothed out her dress from underneath her before sitting down beside Soran. She placed her hands on her lap neatly and looked up at him.

"Hm...why would everyone want to ditch class..?" she wondered, frowning a bit. "Maybe there actually weren't classes today!" she exclaimed, jumping back up onto her feet.

Ava spins around on her heel so she's facing Soran again. She grabs his wrist and pulls him up onto his feet as well, her expression filled with joy.

"If we have a day off, why are we just sitting around, silly?!"
Soran chuckled and got off the bench, stretching a bit. "Alrighty then! Let's go on an adventure!~" Soran picked Ava up like a sack of potatoes, hung her over his shoulder, and then ran off singing Christmas carols. "She's really light," Soran thought to himself. "Maybe that's why she's so small." Soran didn't know where his thoughts were going and decided it'd be fun to have a little party.


((if anyone wants to join, now's the time! :D ))
Danny was starting to get board so she got up. "I will meet you back at school later," she told Em she paid for her visit then when no one was looking she wiped out her silver wings and flew back to school. She landed right on the beach then started to walk towered the inside of the Academy.

((Sorry for the late post...))
"Oh!" she gasped as Soran picked her up and flung her over his shoulder as he started running. Ava giggled hysterically, wondering where on Earth they were headed.

"Where are you taking me?!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her enthusiasm. She was already having an extremely fun time here at the academy and she couldn't wait to spend the rest of the year here.
Soran chuckled at Ava's reaction as he spotted Danny and ran towards her, still with Ava over his shoulders. "Hi Danny!" Soran jogged up to Danny and grinned cheekily. "Whatcha doin'?" Soran adjusted Ava with one shift to fit comfortably over his broad shoulders.
Danny tucked her wings in as she heard a familiar voice then saw Soran with a new girl on her shoulders. "Oh hi, I am just wondering around," she told him truthfully.
Evrun had just dropped off his belongings and most of his shopping bags in his dorm. He now carried one shopping bag and the locked black case. He hummed a tune as he walked around the academy. Evrun made the walk as entertaining as possible, walking along ledges and jumping off. He jumped off a high wall and landed perfectly on his feet after a front flip. "And Evrun Nexus takes the gold!" He laughed to himself as he continued walking. His brother had trained him well when it came to stuff like this. "Maybe he's in a quieter place. Brother had always been reclusive." He had never seen his brother willingly be in the same room with someone besides him, unless it was necessary. He would have to fix that. He took out a pair of earphones and began listening to some music. It was very energetic, something that people would dance to at a club. The singer definitely had the right voice. Evrun did little dances while he was walking. "Brother~! Brother~!"
Ava clutched tightly onto the back of Soran's shirt, praying he wouldn't drop her. However, she believed he was strong enough to keep her settled over his shoulder.

"Hiii!" Ava said joyfully, waving backwards at the girl she couldn't see. "I'm Ava!"

As she laid over Soran's shoulder, her neck started to ache from having to look up in such a strange position. She furrowed her brows at the sudden pain and hung her head upside down willingly. She smiled to herself as the ache in her neck slowly faded away. Unfortunately, that problem was replaced by another.

"Ah..the blood is rushing to my head," she whined softly. "But it's okay, aha!" she continued to smile, even as the blood rushed to her head.
Hearing Ava's discomfort, Soran placed the girl down, giving her an apologetic look. Turning back to Danny, Soran frowned slightly, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "Well, that sounds boring!" Soran swiftly grabbed Danny and slung her over his shoulder, the same way he did to Ava. Taking Ava's hand in his, Soran ran off to capture find more people.


((Gotta catch em all!))

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