Nephilim Academy

"Wow what are you doing?" Danny giggled as she was thrown over his shoulder. She had no idea what he was doing but she didn't care it was fun.
While running around, Soran spotted Lunar (Ronkaime ) and screamed, "LOONEY TOONS!!" Waving his free arms at the man, while jumping up and down. Soran jogged towards him and grinned manically, pulling Ava along with him. 
Or if the last post doesn't work....
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Ava giggled happily, smiling joyfully as she continued to be dragged along by Soran. It seemed that he knew quite a few people already, hastily pulling them along with the rest of the group. Ava still was uncertain where they were even going, but she figured it'd be fun no matter what. Not to mention, she was really excited to meet some new people. Everyone at the academy seemed wonderful.
Lunar heard the voice and landed with the loud crack of lighting 'HAyyyy guurrrllllll" he said in a typical gay fashion and smiled at Soran and his new friend
"Brother sure is a good hider." Evrun had been walking for a while and he still couldn't find his older brother. He took out his earphones as the song ended. "Maybe I should call him." It was at this moment that Evrun saw a small group of people. 'Maybe they know something.' "Hey!" Evrun ran towards the group with his usual large smile, jacket flapping. "Could you please help me with something? I'm looking for someone." They seemed friendly enough, maybe he could be friends with them.
Soran laughed at Lunar's antics and winked at him, "Heyyyy booooyyyy!~" Setting Danny down and bringing Ava closer, Soran took Lunar's hand and picked Ava up, giving her a piggy back. Using his free hand, Soran took Danny's hand in his and ran off to find Valdun.

Hearing a boy's voice, Soran stopped running and looked back with a large grin. "Who're you looking for?" Beginning to walk slowly, letting the other guy catch up with them.


((Mom! Look! I got a pokemon!))

~current people that I am dragging along: Ava, Danny, and Lunar WE'RE GATHERING EVERYONE AND HAVING A PARTAYYYY!!! YEAH!
Evrun was glad that they had answered him. "I'm looking for a kid my age. He has white hair, looks like a girl, and shows emotion like a brick wall." Evrun did gestures for each of the traits of his brother. He pointed to his blond hair, made himself look more feminine, and wiped his face of any expression. It was a pretty good impression. Maybe he should be an actor. He had heard people describe his brother like that, so he thought these people would know him like that, if they knew him at all.
(('and ran off to find Valdun' oh boy xD ))

After waving at the boy whom Soran called 'Looney Tunes', Soran hiked her up onto his back. Everything he did was so suddle, causing her to gasp once again. Ava wrapped her arms around Soran's neck, smiling as he gave her a piggy back ride on their search for others. She laughed cheerfully along the way, when they heard a boy greeting them this time around.

As Soran turned, Ava's sparkling blue eyes focused on the boy with neck length blonde hair and a very happy grin spread among his face. Her eyes twinkled as she smiled even more, thrilled to see someone with such a pretty smile.
((Well, Seth is currently sitting on the windowsill--but not for long--Valdun is off somewhere with a bird perched on his finger xD , his adorable brother Evrun is searching for Valdun, and Soran is trying to gather everyone for a party I believe--So far he's got Danny, Ava, and Lunar, and he's currently talking to Evrun ^^))
Clary spent most of the night finding her way back. She had a deep cut on her arm from an animal she had to fight off. Her face was flushed and she had been crying, still having tears. She ran into the school and walked quickly past the classes and everything, trying to hide the cut. She saw Soran running and she slowly tried to hide.
Valdun still remained on the beach. Resting on his back, as birds covered almost all of his body. This was relaxing. He was alone, surround by nature, and it was quiet. Too quiet. Whenever he started to enjoy himself, things always took a turn for the worse. 'Evrun!' He new he had a bad felling. He was never able to relax. If Evrun found him, he would make him socialize with others, claiming that he's 'too serious'. He quickly got up and went into the forest, birds following.
Knowing who the boy was talking about, Soran burst out laughing, "Yup, that's Valdun alright!" Grinning mischievously, and gestured for the boy to follow him. "We're actually going to find him right now," Soran's eyes spotted Clary behind and tree and raised an eyebrow at her. "Why are you behind a tree, Clary?" Beginning to walk towards the beach, since that's one of the more quieter places on campus, Soran dragged the others along with him.

Deciding that going the long way to the beach would take too long, Soran walked into the woods, taking a short cut. "Why don't you come along with us, Clary?" Soran shot Clary a boyish grin and kept walking along the overused path.


(( Nami do you think we could get Seth to join? If it's alright with you))
Seth gradually opened his eyelids, seeing a forest of large trees through the glass window. He sat up straight, rubbing his eyes before stretching his arms out and yawning. That little nap he had just taken was certainly something he needed. Now he felt much better than he did before he fell into a slumber..well..not that anyone would be able to tell it made him feel any better. His gaze was still just as icy as it had been earlier.

He stood up from the windowsill, shoving his hands deep into the pockets of his dark skinny jeans. Seth figured he better head back to his dorm. That way, he could work on some of his writing. He smiled a bit at the thought of being alone with just a pencil and paper. That sounded good..

As he began his way back to the dorm, he found that the main lobby was full of a number of others. He sighed, rolling his eyes at the scene. Figures, he thought to himself with annoyance.

He allowed his eyes to scan the crowd, even noticing a blonde haired boy carrying a girl on his back. Seth raised a dark brow, realizing just how strange everyone was around here. It was absolutely annoying to him.

He searched for a way around the group, praying no one would approach him. He thought about how he was practically invisible to others..or at least he usually was. Maybe if I put up my hood no one will see me, he thought to himself, throwing his hood over his silky black hair.

With that, he began to move past the group carefully.
"Yay!" They knew his brother and were looking for him. This was extremely lucky. He looked at the girl behind the tree. What was she doing there. The other boy had said her name was clary. 'Clary and...fairy. Maybe she's a guardian of the forest, sent to protect nature from pollution!' Evrun laughed to himself at the thought. Maybe he should write a children's book. 'Clary the Fairy, by Evrun Nexus. It has a nice ring to it!'
Clary wiped her face quickly and walked away from behind. She forgot to cover her arm and her eyes widened. Blood was all the way down her arm and dripping, and her arm was in pain. "Uh, nothing. I just needed shade. Uh... Sure... I'll go." She talked awkwardly, shaking. 'Not having a good first week, aren't ya Clary.' She thought to herself.

Em lay in her bed on her back, thinking about her cell phone. Her parents had taken it away before she left so she "wouldn't get distracted." She smiled when the smart phone appeared in her hands. She brought the phone above her and texted her friend from her home town; her only friend. When she responded with "Who is this?" Em lost all hope and dropped her arm over the edge of her bed holding the stupid thing.

I hate this. The one person I was depending on. She closed her eyes and pulled her fore arm over them, tears falling down her face as she did so. She brought earbuds of Finn the Human she had just congered to her ears and allowed the Mika station on Pandora to roar in her ear.
Placing Ava down, Soran whipped out his phone and began to text everyone he knew. How Soran got their numbers, well, he broke into the student records.

To: Em, Seth, Ayra, Sky

From: Soran

Party at the beach, bring food :D

Even though Soran hadn't met "Seth" yet, he still placed the guy's phone number down in his phone. Pressing "Send" Soran put his phone back into his pocket and turned around to the group grinning happily with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Let's go on an adventure." Soran chuckled darkly as he took a short cut through the woods, heading for the beach.


((anyone got any suggestions on what should happen?))
Evrun kept his big grin on his face. He loved being surrounded by this many people. 'Brother is gonna be surprised he sees all these people. Oh! That reminds me.' "Could I get a picture of you guys real quick?" He pulled out his dark blue camera phone and waved it around, smile growing bigger. "It's a surprise for someone!"
Hearing the boy's words, Soran quickly wrapped his arms around the two people who were closest to him, who were Lunar and Ava. "Say CHEESE!!" Soran gave a ridiculously large grin, showing off his pearly whites in a weird way. Soran loved photos, he was one of the most photogenic people you would ever find.


(( Just to warn you guys, I won't be here for the next 3 days since I'll be camping :D ))
Em herd her phone having a fit on the floor, so she rolled onto her stomach and looked at it. She slid the unlock button to revile Soran's text. She smiled a little then rolled off of her bed. She grabbed her large head phones that she actually brought and headed down to the beach. She walked with her hands in her pockets and headphones on; Mika's Good Gone Girl playing. Her face was straight as she sat on the beach. Hey, I forgot food... She thought as she placed her hands in front of her and there appeared a large plate of lemon cupcakes with red cream cheese frosting. She smiled down at it and set it in the sand next to her.
Valdun was currently sitting on a branch in a very large tree. He had his back against the trunk, the birds from before hovering over him. He would be safe up here. He opened his eyes, when he opened the familiar vibrating of his phone. He read the message and felt himself getting another headache. There were three students in the the forest, who he recognized as the other students. The message at the bottom didnt make him feel any better. 'Be there soon!' What was this familiar feeling? Oh right, it was the twitching.

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