Nephilim Academy

"I'm Clary. Uh.. thanks..." She said, quietly introducing herself. She saw Soran fall to the ground, then got back up. "Uh, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna play volleyball." She ran over and took the ball from Soran while it was midair and ran a little away. She then threw it up and served it over to him, smiling.
"Thanks!" Evrun gave the boy a quick pat on the shoulder, before heading into the area if the forest that was closest to the academy. That boy kinda reminded him of Valdun. He continues into the forest and looked around. "Brother! Where are you?" 'I don't see him.' He was about to head to another area, when he heard the sounds of birds. He looked up and his smile grew larger than it's been all day. "Brother!" Evrun launched himself at Valdun, silver wings spreading out from his back. In happiness, he tackled his brother, but ended knocking both of them out of the branches. "Whoops.."

Valdun sighed when he caught sight of his little brother. He really didn't want to interact with the other students. "Gah!" He ended up being tackled by Evrun and fell out of the tree. Luckily, he landed on his feet and caught Evrun in his arms. "How did you manage to do ruin the peace in less than five seconds?" His brother simply sent him a grin, as he set him down. "Come on Brother! We're going to a party! It's been so long since we've seen each other! You know I just met this kid and...." Evrun continues to ramble, as he pushed Evrun towards the beach, not even giving him a chance to argue. "There's no reason for me to go to a party. And what do you mean 'it's been so long.'? I just saw you two days ago!." Evrun simply kept pushing Valdun, until they reached the beach, smile as wide as ever. Valdun let out a sigh. "There's just no fighting you when it comes to things like this."
Em nodded abruptly. "So what do you want to do?" She said turning to the crowd talking to Danny.

EDIT: "Sorry, I didn't mean you have to stay with me." She laughed still facing the crowd of people gathered. "I would just like it if you did." She said quietly. She messed with her headphones around her neck after she said it.
Getting up, Soran caught the ball in his hands and grinned. Some of the staff went and quickly set up a volleyball net on the beach, then disappeared immediately.

Jumping up, Soran yelled as he hit the volleyball with his wrist, "Service!" The volleyball went over the net, skimming it slightly as it went to Clary.
Seth crossed his arms and leaned against a nearby tree. He watched as the group of people all played volleyball together, their faces full of joy and laughter, smiles spread across their faces. He closed his eyes in disgust, not understanding how anyone could do things like sports for fun. There's no emotion, no serenity, no time to think.

To be honest, Seth wasn't quite sure why he was staying there at the beach. He could be in his dorm writing, but for some reason he wasn't in the mood, which seemed very rare for him.

Fortunately, he brought his headphones and his phone along so he could listen to some tunes. He reached into the front pocket of his gray hoodie and retrieved his cell phone and headphones. Seth knew that if he went to a social event, he was certainly going to be in need of his large headphones.

He placed the headphones over his head and plugged the end of the cord into the top of his phone before scrolling through his list of music. After another minute he pushed his thumb down on The Deceived by Memphis May Fire. As the soft intro started he began to rest his eyes, when the music suddenly became heavy. He smirked to himself, taking comfort in the emotions he could not express aloud.
Sliding for the volleyball, Soran's fist missed the ball by only 1 centimeter. Falling down, Soran said to Clary, "Alright, alright. You win!" Getting up off the ground, Soran dusted his Hello Kitty boxers, removing the sand. Out of the corner of his eye, Soran spotted a small male leaning against a tree, listening to music. Soran approached the guy quietly, careful not to disturb him as he sat down next to him and leaned back against the trees.
Sports weren't exactly Ava's thing, but she certainly didn't mind participating in them with everyone else. Actually, she was slightly afraid of activities such as this. Let's just say she's been hit in the face one too many times with a ball. However, that wasn't going to stop her from playing volleyball. She figured that she may as well have fun until she does get hurt, if she did end up getting hurt this time around.

Ava laughed joyfully, watching as the ball was hit back and fourth over the net. She hit it a few times, managing not to get hit in the face. Most of the time the ball went right over her head due to her height, but that was okay.

After about ten more minutes had passed, she was panting from running around the court in the sizzling heat of the sunshine. Of course, she loved sunshine so she didn't mind the heat, but she needed to take a little break.

"I'm gonna..sit down..for a little bit.." she said in between heavy breathes as she smiled cheerfully at Soran, moving off the court.

Ava looked to the side, noticing a dark haired boy leaning against a tree listening to some music..all alone. He looks like he could use a friend, she thought to herself, putting her hands on her hips as she kept her eyes on him.

After she was able to catch her breath she made her way over to the boy. "Hi! You seem a bit lonely over here," she said loudly, trying to allow him to hear her over his music, in which she herself could even hear. It sounded extremely heavy and..well a bit frightening..but everyone had different tastes in music.

The boy opened his eyes slowly, but didn't bother looking at her. He must've noticed her there, though..

"Ah, well I'm Ava! Ava Dawson!" she smiled immensely, shooting her arm out towards him for a handshake. This time, the boy glanced at her with his icy gray eyes, practically sending chills up her spine. She kept her hand held out towards him and he glanced down at it, then looked away again. He even closed his eyes, completely ignoring her presence.

He's just resting his eyes, she thought to herself.

"Well, you should come hang out with us!" she tried again.......still no response from the boy.

She scratched her neck and then said to him, "Okay, uhm, well if you'd rather listen to music that's perfectly fine too!" 
"Oh, hello Soran!" Ava said cheerfully, tilting her head as she waved cutely at him. 
((I'm so tired x-x I must sleep now. I may not be on much tomorrow because I'm hanging out with my friends, but I should be back soon. Goodnight everyone! ^^))
Danny turned to face Em. "I want to hang out with you Em," she said with a friendly smile. She loved hanging out with her it was fun. "I don't know what do you wanna do?" she asked. There was lots of things they could do.
Since the guy next to him hadn't noticed his presence, Soran decided to take a little nap. Closing his eyes, Soran was pulled back to reality by Ava's voice.

"Oh, hello Soran!" She said, bubbling with happiness.

Soran's eyes fluttered open as he looked over at Ava, giving her a small smile. "What's up?" Soran grinned with a yawn, stretching his arms.
(( Party at the beach, everyone [mostly everyone] is there, Valdun's bro came along, new girl Ava is cute, Seth is being a loner by a tree, Clary was bleeding [not anymore], and Em and Danny want to go smoking and stuff ))
Em laughed and blushed a little. "No clue. I'm not good at these kinds of social events." She rubbed the back of her neck. "To be honest I've never been to a real party. Just lame birthday parties and sleep overs with my friend."
"Yeah I have been to a few party's... none that I was exactly invited to..." she said. Shewasn't the most liked or popular girl back in her old school so she would just crash party's a lot.
Em chuckled. "Party crasher." She slid her hands back in her pocket and looked out to the ocean(or lake what ever it is). "What does one do when they crash a party?" She asked sarcastically looking over to Danny.
"Dance to loud music, eat the free food. And drink, and ocasinolly make out with random guys" she told her and smiled. She never really did that last part, she wasn't like that, but she saw other people do that.
Em smiled and laughed a little under her breath. "Well, I'm good with eating." She watched as some of her class mates playing volleyball. "Why don't we play with them?" She asked Danny.
Ava sat down beside Soran, the two of them sitting on the ground by the black haired guy's leather boots.

"Nothing really!" she replied, feeling energetic again already. "Do you know this boy's name? I don't think he was able to hear me speaking to him," she questions, gesturing towards the boy leaning against the tree behind them. She giggles slightly, her eyes shining beneath the rays of sunshine. 
Although Seth's eyes were closed as he leaned against the tree, and although he was unable to understand what they were saying, Seth could still feel their presence around him. He didn't come here to speak to others--even though that's basically what a social event was for. He just came here to show up. All he wanted was to relax and listen to his tunes, but figures..others had to try to talk to him.

He didn't understand why people cared about his presence..I guess they just wanted to point out how much of a loner he was. His eyes were already cold as ice, but when people just decided to point out that he had nobody in his life, it just made his features grow even colder.

Seth was actually very annoyed at the fact that these two people had decided to take a seat right by his feet, but he did his best to hide his annoyance by completely ignoring their presence. However, he did wonder why they couldn't just find another place to sit and chat.
Seeing the boy's eyes open slightly out of the corner of his eyes, Soran was struck with an idea to make the new kid feel awkward.

Putting his arm over Ava's shoulders, Soran turned to her, putting on his best "I'm going to kiss you" face, and leaned in to her before whispering, "Just go along with it." Tilting her head in a different angle so that Soran would only kiss her cheek, and it would look like he was kissing her. Leaning forward, Soran placed his lips on her "lips".

Pulling away, Soran glanced back at the boy, trying to contain his laughter. Man, did he love messing with new people.

Making it look like he just noticed the boy, Soran placed a fake blush over his face and laughed nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh, uh..hi?" Soran hid amusement in his eyes with awkwardness.

Soran knew that this guy didn't want to be talked with, but Soran wanted him to feel happy and welcome here.
(( Party at the beach, everyone [mostly everyone] is there, Valdun's bro came along, new girl Ava is cute, Seth is being a loner by a tree, Clary was bleeding [not anymore], and Em and Danny want to go smoking and stuff ))
Lunar showed up to the beach in his bathing suit looking sexy as ever he ran up to his rookie "Aura.Soran hayyy!"

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