Nephilim Academy

Seth laughed briefly before agreeing, "Yeah, that sh*t they play on the radio just makes your ears bleed."
"If only they just killed your hearing," Sky nodded. "Then it'd be over with."

(My cat is trying to eat my fake chicken!)
"I wouldn't mind if they killed my hearing. That way I'd have an excuse not to listen to people talking to me." He closes his eyes while crossing his arms, leaning back against the seat.

Seth had almost forgotten that he was making conversation with someone. He felt like he was actually starting to enjoy talking to this girl, but that was until reality struck. If he really enjoyed talking to her, then he most certainly couldn't allow himself to. All he needed to do was to shoo her away with his bad manners.

(( fake chicken? :o I love cats <3 My cat is asleep right next to me :3))
(I'm a vegetarian who loves freaking chicken. I get Morning Star veggie food. They make fake chicken out of soy and corn and stuff. I have seven kitties.)

Sky patted her book on her lap, looking down. She felt as if this conversation had somehow failed.
((Oh, I thought you meant a rubber chicken x'D I was like, sounds legit. hahaha. Seven kitties?!? I am so jealous x-x))

Seth eyed the book in her lap for a moment before asking, "What's that?"

He really didn't want to make more conversation, but he was quite curious of the answer. Therefore, he had tried to ask the question in a way where he sounded rather disgusted.
( xD And two guinea pigs and a turtle.)

Sky looked down. "A book," she said. "Beautiful Creatures."

(I base way to much of my characters off myself. I was like, what book should I put? Oh, there's Beautiful Creatures, sitting right next to me, all open.)
(Omg I love that book!!!!!!!! sorry I haven't replied in a while I just didn't know who my character should talk to...)
Soran's eyes snapped open, had he fallen asleep...again? Groaning slightly, with a powerful migraine, Soran tried to sit up, only to fail. Deciding to just look around, Soran's eyes widened in shock. Why the f*** was he hanging upside down in the forest. No wonder his head hurt so much, the blood was rushing to his face.

Trying to call for help, Soran yelled for someone to hear him. Only for his voice to echo back to him. Glancing down, Soran was hanging over a large cliff, if he fell. He'd die.

Frowning furiously, Soran made a mental note to have a little "talk" with the school headmaster. Flexing his abs, Soran reached for the rope tied to his feet. Getting a hold of it, Soran began to pull himself up. Yup, definitely going to have a talk with the headmaster.


(( I. Am. Back. Two days without wifi is very scary relaxing! Since I have no idea what happened. I'll just start off randomly ))
Ayra stirred in his bed and groaned. He rolled over and snuggled into his pillow not wanting to get up.
(( I think I'm going to create a second character > :D I have one of the craziest ideas ever. Drank waaaaaaay to much coffee this morning... ))


Soran pulled himself up the thick rope, his body glistening with sweat. Soran's muscles flexed as he gripped the rope, heaving himself up. With his legs wrapped around the rope, Soran panted heavily. He was almost half way there. The edge of the cliff was so close. Yet so far away.

After pausing for a few seconds, Soran began to slip down the rope. "Nonononononononono!" Soran's hands slipped, as he fell from the rope, and into the dark despair.

Feeling something tug at his legs, Soran's feet took the weight of his body. His feet were stilled tied to the rope. Soran groaned in annoyance, he'd have to climb the rope all over again.

Why did this cliff have to be so big? Who tied him like this in the first place? Soran massaged his temples, shutting his eyes for a moment.

Suddenly, Soran was struck with a crazy idea. Placing his hands behind him, Soran felt heat emerge from his palms as a fire burst and pushed him up.

"I feel like Iron Man." Soran thought smugly as he flew up, emerging from the darkness beneath.
Nico said:
Ayra stirred in his bed and groaned. He rolled over and snuggled into his pillow not wanting to get up.
Solar watched as Ayra was waking up and threw a pillow at him "Wake up sleepy head" he sreamed
Ayra groaned and fell out a bed. His hair sticking up in odd angles and a cute pout on his lips, he looked up at Solar and whined 'Why?" he said and huffed.
Ayra blushed a bright red and his eyes where half-lidded and then he smiled. "You are a good kisser and yes I'm awake."

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