Nephilim Academy

Ayra blinked in surprised as he was scooped up bridal style and wrapped his arms around Solar's neck and looked up at him "We finished eating?" he asked in a soft voice.
"Nope it's time for dessert" Solar purred in Ayra's ear He began to take his clothes off doing a lil strip tease for ayra along the way
Ayra smiled up at Solar with an appreciative hum "I knew there was a prize under all those clothes." he giggled and sat up with a blush.
"ahh you like what you see?" Solar winked and continued to strip "However I'm more interestedin what's under your clothes"
Ayra hummed and grinned as he slowly took off his shirt. "This better?"
Solar licked his lips and smiled "much Mich better baby" he continued to strip his own clothes soon he was in nnothing but his boxers!
Ayra smiled and pulled down his pants and purred "Come here baby." (Time skip?)
Ayra laid on Solar's chest sweaty and spent. He smile and looked up at Solar and kissed his lips "You are too."
Ayra hummed and rested his head on Solar's chest and looked up at him "Shower and food, I'm hungry." he said and closed his eyes.
Ayra smiled and leaned on Solar as the walked down the hallway to the Cafe.
SOlar ordered a lot of food again and sat down with Ayra "Babe do you want to be my boyfriend?" he asked nervously twiddling his thumbs flicking his gaze from Ayra back to his food
Ayra looked up at Solar and smiled "I thought you'd never ask." he smiled and fluttered his wings happily. He said and took some food. "Of course I will be your boyfriend."
Solar grinned brightly "I'm so glad" he embraced ayra happily and sniffed his hair "Oh you still smell like me, I love it"

(Goin to sleep noww)
(( I'm just going to start a bigger plot now, one that everyone can join in :) ))


Soran huffed as he landed on his feet, the rope still tied around his ankles. Running a hand through his blonde hair, Soran thought to himself, "How did I get there in the first place?" Soran paced around, only to fall flat on his face because he was still tied up.

Using his powers, Soran quickly burnt through the ropes, setting him free. Bending down to examine his ankles, Soran rubbed the rope marks, trying to make them go away.

Looking around, Soran knew immediately that he was nowhere near the academy.

Soran Aran was in Japan.


(( oooooh what happened? Okay, here's the quick plot idea I made up quickly, so that everyone can join in: There's a group of people (human? or an entire different species?) that are hunting down the nephilim. So yeah, tell me what you think about it, or if you got any other ideas. We need to get a story down so that everyone can join in.

:) ))​
((I like it i am just going to jump in))

Danny woke up. Her head hurt like hell and she felt ropes around her. Her face was scraped and she couldn't untangle herself from the ropes. She didn't know how she got here. All she remembered is wondering off and being alone then two guys knocking her off. She herd a noise and saw Soran. "Soran..." she said her voice coming out small and dry.

((Is that okay??))
Sky let out a sigh and got up, walking into the forest. She cried out as she felt arms wrap around her shoulders. She struggled until she left something jab into her arm and her body go limp....

She woke up hours later, hanging by her wrists from a tree.
Valdun and Evrun watched the hooded figures run away. Evrun had an unusual serious look on his face and Valdun looked at the retreating forms. "Who were they, Brother?" Evrun had no idea what happened. One minute he and his brother were walking and the next, were suddenly attacked. They weren't very strong and it had only taken the both of them a few seconds to beat them. It would've been bad if that wasn't the case. Valdun had trained him and he took the lessons seriously, since his brother wanted him to learn so bad. He now realized why he did. "What about everyone else? Where are they? What are we going to do?" He kept firing questions at his brother, hoping to get an answer.

Valdun watched as the people left and then went back to walking. Evrun was asking too many questions. "I don't know where the others are and I don't know who this men were. As for what we're going to do, we're going back to our rooms." Valdun continued to walk with his usual blank expression, unfazed by the situation. "But brother, we need to help them! What if they're in trouble? What if-" Valdun silenced his brother's yelling by placing his hand over Evrun's mouth. He really did have to much energy. "You misunderstood me, little brother. We're going back to our rooms to pack out bags. I placed a tracer on one of those men and we're going to follow them." Valdun continued back to the school. Evrun ran over to him, smiling at full force. "That's my brother!"

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