Nephilim Academy

"Sure." She said stepping out of his grip. "Thanks." She began to dust herself off and search for her cigarettes; when she didn't find them she simply slid against the tree she had previously been hanging in. "Who else is here? I mean you were talking to someone weren't you?" She said with a slightly rude tone.
(Sorry I was so busy I am here now...)

Danny got up and ran over Em. She was here too? "Hey Em you okay?" she asked her but kept her distance she didn't have her neacklace so she had to ignore any skin contact with people...
"Yeah... I'm okay..." she said her voce not sounding like her own. She was scared and didn't know what to do. She still had something wrapped around her wings she couldn't get it off but she didn't want to ask for help because she didn't have her necklace...
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Em leaned sat down and looked up to the branches of the tree she was leaning on. "I don't know. Where are we anyway?" She asked looking to Soran.
Soran leaned back on a tree and pulled out the sign, tossing it to Em. "Japan." Soran gestured to the Kanji on the wrecked sign.
"Oh glob it." She frowned. "Well, bright side is I have always wanted to travel here." She joked up to him and Danny. "Is there anyone else besides us? I mean; a kidnapper wouldn't have only taken three nephilim would he?"
(Fourty four?)


Soran sighed and ran a hand through his mangled hair. Not caring about his appearance right now, Soran walked around the clearing, trying to figure out a way to get back. Finally, Soran gave the girls a simple answer. "Why don't we just find civilization and call the school?" Soran reached for his phone, only to find it wasn't there. "What." Soran felt his brain shut down for a moment. My. Phone. Is. Gone.
Danny stood up. "Then what are we waiting around here for?Lets go." she said her voice sounding a little more chipper than before, her regular self coming back.
(If you want to RP. I rebooted the Magical Girl rp, I can accept you and we can RP. Maybe some romance between our characters?)
((If you guys want to join us in the action thing you totally can we were hanged off of trees but Soran was off of a cliff and we all managed to get down, we found out we are somewhere in Japan and if you guys just say your all wrapped up in rope just scream for help and one of us will find you xD ))
(Sounds good Nico and great)

Solar woke up and saw he was wrapped up in a rope "HELLPPP" he yelled ouy praying somebody would find him

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