Nephilim Academy

(No Don't worry I am okay now :) )

Danny looked over at Em... "Are you mad?" she asked her hoping she wasn't because she couldn't help it, but would understand if she was.
"No, it's your power." She laughed. "You couldn't help it. Just don't judge me on what you saw." She smiled and looked around the area. "Where to next?" she asked the whole group.
She smiled happy that she wasn't mad at her and she would never judge her about her past. She was going to ask her something but would talk to her when they were alone.
"I-I think so," Sky nodded, regaining her balance. She took another step forward and fell to the ground.

(I'm not nice to my charries. xD )
Em went to catch Sky but Danny made it before her. She had a blank face and was shaky. What the f**k is up with this place. She thought as she patted her body for her cigarettes, not finding them again. F**K. She sat down again and took deep breaths as she watched Danny help Sky.
"I don't feel right," Sky whispered, struggling to keep her eyes open. "I think I drained myself. It's only happened once before."
"I-I don't remember. My daddy was there. He took care of me," she whispered. She didn't even remember what she had done to drain herself so bad that last time. She was in her bed for a good week or two.
"Maybe you need to rest," She told the girl. It was late and getting dark maybe she just needed to get some sleep to get more energy.
"Yeah." Em said sitting up. "I think we all need some rest." She continued getting up and looking around once more. "Soran, have you seen any shelter?" 
( paipai900 *does sad eyes* respond..)
((...I didn't get any alerts...CURSE YOU ALERT MACHINE!!!))


Soran shook his head. "I kind of just got here. But, I think that under the cliff I was hung there was a river. Water equal civilization nearby." Soran glanced around the woods. "Then again, I have a terrible sense of direction. Remember how I told you I got lost many times in the woods in my first year? Yeah. That's still me." Soran chuckled lightly and ran his hand through his hair.
"Alright, do you know which way you came from? Any hint then we can go straight." She said standing and then looking to Sky. "I can carry you, if that's okay?" She said looking to the others. 
(*pats paipai's head* Welcome back)
Soran let out a nervous laugh. "I have noooo idea." Chuckling lightly, Soran turned to Danny. "You can still use your wings, right? Why don't you just fly up and check for any water sources or towns?" Soran suggested, wondering why they didn't just do that in the first place.
Danny nodded and pulled out her long silver wings. She flapped them and quickly flew straight up looking left then right. Flew quickly more to the right for a couple minutes and then she started to see a city. She then flew back and landed right in front of them pulling her wings in. "There is a small abondond house to miles going up the river. There is a city but we won't be able to get there before everything gets pitch dark. I think that we should head to the house then in morning we could head to the city,"

(I am going to bed soon, please don't get to far without me)
Em giggled, she wouldn't have thought of that. I always forget others have wings. She face palmed herself. "Soran, since your the big man why don't you carry Sky on your back to this house?"
Soran chuckled at Em and picked Sky up gently. "Alright, alright. Where's the house then?" Glancing up at the sky, Soran felt a small frown appear on his face when he saw how late it is. "We need to hurry." Soran began walking off, only to notice that he was going in the wrong way. "I'm going in the wrong direction, aren't I?"
"Yep," Danny giggled and started to walk the RIGHT (LOL) way. She then slapped out her wings. "I will lead you guys from the sky okay?" she said and began to fly but not to high where they couldn't see her.

(I am sleep typing.... I got talent xD )
Soran chuckled lightly and jogged up behind Danny, careful not to hit Sky. "Hey, Em, someone told me you sound like an owl." Soran stated out loud, telling Em about the gossip about her. 

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