Nephilim Academy

"I what?" She looked to him and started to laugh. "Well okay then." She said the hooted, trying to imitate an owl. She then looked up and saw Danny then looked forward and saw the house. 
(weirdest gossip ever, btw EDIT)
(OH YOU BETTER BELIVE IT LOL!!! I have ten more minutes... or less till I am cut off and have to go to bed :( ))

Danny soon landed gracefully she was actually kind of surprised she didn't eat it and fall flat on her face. She looked ahead. 
(Oh and I know that joke....pai)
Danny left Soran and ran to Danny, wrapping her arms around Danny from behind. "So this is it?" She laughed then let go. "It's nice... for an abandoned house."

(link us an idea of the house?) 
(AHH I DONT *gasp* UNDER*gasp*STAND *gasp* THE JOKE.)
((Haha I got trolled by that joke on Ask.FM they were all like "Someone said you sounded like an owl" and I was like "Who?" And then they started laughing and I'm all like, "WHO?!" Then I finally noticed after what, 3 questions? lol))


Soran shuddered when he saw the house. "You sure it's safe?" Frowning lightly, Soran glanced down at Sky and shrugged. "Well, you know what they say," Soran beamed brightly. "YOLO!!"

"Yep," Danny said looking at the house and not at the girl. She hated her glowing eyes. It was her natural eye color the necklace helped hid that... now it showed.
(LOLOLOLOLOL I GET IT. and interesting house .-. )

Em shrugged and began toward the house. "What are we waiting for?" She said walking backwards. When she caught sight of Danny's eyes she smiled a bit. She then turned and ran into the house. "Floor is good, except for the holes."
Danny walked inside pulling her wings in. She followed her best friend in and looked around the old empty dark house. There were a few rag blankets in the corner of the room and a old dust matrice in the center of the room. There was still another room yet to be discovered. The place scared her a bit it reminded her of a hunted house that she would see in all of those horror movies.
Soran walked the scary house like the floor was going to collapse underneath him. Staring warily at the ground, Soran tip toed through the house and placed Sky down on one of the torn up couches. "This...reminds me of my own home." Soran frowned as he said those words. If the house was restored back to proper living condition, it would look almost exactly like his own. Just a bit bigger.
Em ran through the house, dogging holes leading to the basement. "Hey, I found stairs!" She yelled from the kitchen. "They are mostly intact." She said jogging up to Soran and Sky. "May I go up them?" She asked Danny.
Danny followed her then looked up the stairs. "Yeah," she said she wasn't sure why Em asked her permission but if she went down the stairs she would come.
Em raced up the stairs then jumped to the top step. "They are good!' She yelled. At the top of the stairs there was a door to a bathroom on her left and a window a few feet from the steps. She looked to her right and there was a small hall. She tunes to face the hall the first door on her left was a closet the next door was a bed room then there was another door that was above the stairs facing the window. It was a bed room, as well as the last door that faced the closet's wall; it was more of a study though. "It's so cool up here." She said leaning on the window seal. "Its pretty!" She yelled
She ran up with her and looked around. "It looks so cool," she said her golden eyes scanning the rooms. "I like it," she said and smiled at her friend the looking at her with her golden eyes for the first time.
Em smiled when Danny looked at her with the golden eyes, then laughed a little thinking about the outsiders. "Let's go back to Soran and Sky." She was still giggling as she headed down the stairs.
Em came into the room as sky woke up, she patted her head from behind the couch, then leaned onto her elbows on the couch. "So two of the rooms up stairs are pretty much fallen in; there is a bed down here, the couch, and a bed up stairs." She stated with a smirk. "Two of us will have to share, or someone sleeps on the ground."
Soran groaned, "Looks like I'm on the ground." Running a hand through his blonde hair, Soran sat down on the creaky floor and grabbed a pillow from one of the couches. Laying down, Soran tried his best to get comfortable, which resulted in him moving around into different positions.

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