Nephilim Academy

Em smiled as she hugged Danny. "We can sleep together and Soran can sleep in the bed down here!" She blushed slightly. She felt her heart race and she squeezed Danny waiting for her to be pulled off.
"Okay," she said and pulled away, she was happy that she wouldn't be all alone, she was happy she would be with her best friend.
Soran looked with with much hope in his eyes. "So, I'm not sleeping on the floor? The termite infested floor?" A huge grin replaced that man's scowl as he jumped up and laid down on the bed. "Much better.." The bed wasn't the greatest bed, but it would have to do.
Em beamed when she agreed. She was excited to cuddle with a cute girl. She froze when she herd rain falling. "I guess it's a good thing there is a roof in the areas still sleep-able
"Yeah," Danny said sleepily. It was getting late she was a little nervous that thunder was going to start, she was terrified of thunder.
Em beamed when she agreed. She was excited to cuddle with a cute girl. She froze when she herd rain falling. "I guess it's a good thing there is a roof in the areas still sleep-able
(I'm on my phone, it said I didn't send it D< stupid thing.) 
"I'm going first." She smiled to Danny the to sky and Soran "night, be safe. Also be on edge; the person who brought us here may come." She got serious then waved and headed for the room on the second level.
She stayed close to Em and when she saw the bed she ran too it and sat criss cross on the bed. "Hey Em?" she said nervously.
"I feel bad for seeing your past," she admitted. " So I want you to see mine, but please don't tell anyone what you see, okay?" she told her looking her in the eyes.
Em gave a slightly confused face but nodded, she was fine with seeing her past but she didn't want Danny to feel bad for seeing hers. "You shouldn't feel bad." She gave a half smile. "It was an accident and my fault." she laughed.
"Okay, close your eyes," she said and took the girls hands then started to transfer her memories into the girls mind. She will see them sort of differently than how Danny usually sees them she will watch them like a movie.
Em closed her eyes, then as Danny grabbed her hands she saw a woman yelling, screaming, cussing at a child in the corner. Em realized it was Danny. The woman threw the beer bottle she had been drinking from at Danny. Em squeezed Danny's hands as the glass shattered on her childhood self. She opened her eyes, an angry expression and tears running down her face she embraced Danny.

"You. You are strong." Em held Danny for a moment longer then let go.
"No... no I'm not..." she told her looking down. She took what her mom gave her and still belives that her mom cares about her she just stood there and took it... She was still and unmoving until she started to hear thunder and she jumped.
Em froze as the thunder boomed. She went into the hall and found flashes of lightning. She went and sat on the bed quickly waving her hand around; if any normal human would have been with her would have thought her crazy. She frowned and almost started to cry. "I can't do anything, I think it's a warm and cold front meeting. That's against the rules for me to change." She said turning onto her side and rolling up in a ball.
Danny wrapped her arms around her friend. She didn't know if she was trying to comfort her friend more or herself. She was shaking from fright but still held on to Em.
Em squeezed her eyes shut and returned the grip to Danny. She felt her friend shaking so hard it could cause an earthquake, so she held on tighter then fell asleep to the beat of the thunder.

(I have to go to bed, I have an interview in the morning! :D wish me luck~)
(K good luck :) and good night :) )

She soon fell asleep in the comfort of her friends arms, she soon stopped shaking and they fell.asleep together as the thunder boomed. Danny woke up a few times in the night from bad dreams but then would fall back to sleep.
(AHH i was so nervous, but i think i did good! My voice didn't shake but i didn't make a lot of eye contact D: I'm horrible.)

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