Nephilim Academy

Danny flew up above them but not to far up where they could still hear her and call her if they needed to. She could see the town getting closer and closer slowly to the town.
((I am soo sorry!! I'm not getting any alerts for some reason! QAQ))

Soran nodded and lifted Em's shirt up to check for anything. "They look fine." Soran said with a grin, placing Em's shirt back down and petting her blonde head cheerfully. Pushing the thought away, Soran did his best not to grimace in pain as the pain of ripping out his wings came back to him.
(so you know her's are coming in? :D )

"Alright." Em nodded, with a flat face, and continued on. She kept an eye on Danny and didn't watch her step. She let her arms fall by her side. If he says it's okay then it is. Stop thinking you might get wings. There is no chance. She started to zone out, then tripped. She felt her shoulder blades tug up; the pressure unbearable, like it was going to rip skin. She landed on her side, then stood up. A few tears trickled down her cheek but she tried to be strong. The balls on her back were now visible through her shirt as she walked ahead of Soran. The lumps tried to jump out, Em fell to the ground, curled up, and started screaming. The balls on her back were now trying to be born. She looked up to Soran, tears streaming down her face. "What's going on?" She whispered, fairly audible. She reached her arm around to the wings in process and began to scratch her skin, attempting to help the wings break free.
Soran flashed Em a comforting smile. "Don't worry, it'll only hurt for a few minutes." Trying to keep the girl as calm as possible, Soran suddenly realized that he could've exposed his secret to the rest of the girls. Only Em knew that he had ripped out his wings, the others didn't know, nor did they need to either. Coughing lightly to try and wave off what he had said, Soran rubbed the back of Em's neck, knowing that it would ease the pain a little bit. "Just try to stay calm, okay? Don't tense up your muscles." Soran did his best to help Em through the process of getting her wings. "Just take slow and deep breaths."
She laughed. "You make it sound like I'm giving birth to a child." She swatted away his hands on the back of her neck and completely, well as much as she could, relaxed. She did as she was told, then held her breath when she pushed her wings against her skin and they didn't go through. She let out a hurt sigh and tried again. This time she tried with all of her might, she even did a cat back. The grey wings popped out and fell onto the ground. Em closed her eyes and really relaxed. "That was horrible. If giving birth is anything like that I'm never having children."
Soran chuckled lightly and smirked at the exhausted nephilim. "You did give birth," Soran gestured to the two new wings that were ripping through the girl's shirt. "To two feathery twins." Chuckling lightly, Soran extended a hand to Em, helping her up and being there to steady her movements. Pushing his terrible memories away, Soran smiled at the girl before continuing on his way.
Valdun hit the cloaked figure behind the neck with the back of his sword, incapacitating him. He continued running, the water from last night's rain splashing with each step. As he ran, two more figures ran at him, guns in hand. When the figures were about to fire, they began screaming bloody murder. During their yelling, Valdun threw chains around the two, causing them to crash into each other very hard. He approached them, collecting the weapons and confirming their unconscious state.

After stuffing the guns into his coat, Valdun stared at an empty puddle. "Good work, Evrun." When Valdun spoke, his younger brother came into view, his signature wide smile replaced by a more serious look. "Yeah, but I was the one who alerted them." Evrun had accidentally got their attention after their plane landed, resulting in their current situation. Valdun approached his little brother, placing his hand on his shoulder. "That doesn't matter, we're safe now. Just try to be careful next time, alright?" With those words, Evrun's wide smile was back in place. "Okay!" After hearing the response, a small smile found itself on Valdun's face. He didn't like seeing his brother act out of character, so he was glad he was able to cheer him up. "Now, let's find the town."

After awhile of walking, the brothers made their way into a fairly large town. The buildings were high and it was right next to a river, giving it a calmimg atmosphere. "Brother, what are we doing here?" Evrun was completely confused, his brother seemed to know exactly where he was going. Valdun continued to walk, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity. "Evrun, do you remember when we lived in Japan for two years?" Evrun's smile grew larger at the memory. "Yup! You said you had business here, so we moved. Those two years were really crazy! I still remember that time when you were in that casino and you were wearing that kimo-" Valdun clamped his hand over Evrun's mouth, not wanting to relive that dreaded memory. "Well, I still own that room in the apartment we lived in. We're going to be staying there while we figure things out." Valdun grabbed his brother's hand and dragged him off in the direction of the apartment complex.

"How can you not remember when you tried sake? I remember it all. All those girls were there and then you said something about public decency." Valdun turned his head turned towards Evrun, head pounding from remembering the night. "Please, just drop it! We already know how it ended! I dropped the charges and you made be buy you a pinball machine!" Evrun smiled as he thought about his beloved pinball machine. "Yup! Good times!" Valdun massaged his temples, as they walked inside the apartment complex. The building was insanely large and looked like a five-star hotel, rather than an apartment complex. "We're home, I guess."

(Looks like I will forever be the king of late posts.)
(its okay) 
Em flapped her wings a little. "This is so cool." They still hurt, obviously, but she continued to move them.
Danny soon landed next to the others. She then saw Em new wings, she rubbed her eyes. Was she just thought that it was from lack of sleep. "Wait did you have wings the hole time?" She asked confused.
Em smiled. "Nope, new borns." She laughed and nudged Soran. "Soran helped me with the process." Em suddenly got really excited. She ran and glomped Danny. "I can fly like you now!" She yelled.

(ah. that wass so gross. so weird... I'M SO BAD AT WRITING TODAY.)
Danny giggled and smiled hugging the girl back. "Yay, you can fly. they are so pretty," Danny said looking at the beautiful wings.
Em blushed and got up. "Thanks!" She held a hand out to Danny, helping her up, and smiled to Soran. "You guys should teach me to fly- or does it just come naturally?" She didn't let go of Danny's hand.
Danny graved her hand when she got up. "Um well, it came naturally for me," she said truthfully. She just picked it up on her own. She realized that Em hadn't let go of her hand but let her hold on.
After a rather long elevator ride, the brothers arrived at their room on the top floor. As Valdun opened the door, Evrun practically jumped inside and landed on the king-size bed. "Finally! I'm soooo tired!" Valdun walked over and lifted his brother off the bed. "Don't go to bed just yet, take a shower. We were in the rain all night yesterday and I don't want you catching a cold." Evrun pouted a little, before walking into the bathroom. Once Valdun heard the water start, he dropped their luggage in the corner of the room and removed his long coat, along with his dress shirt. The clothing was soaking wet. He set the items in the nearby washing machine and stared out the window. 'Now what?'
"well, I guess we can figure it out later." She sighed and let go of Danny's hand finally. "Lead us forward, cap'in." Em hooked her finger and winked, pretending to be a pirate. (don't ask, idk where it came from..)
"Okaay," she said and chuckled a little at the pirate thing that she did. She spread open her wings and took off into the air.
Em smiled, leading Soran who was still carrying Sky toward Danny. She flapped her wings like she was going to fly, her smiled almost blinding. "Soran, I can carry her if you are tired." She said slowing to walk next to him.
Soran gave Em a "Are you serious?" look, raising one of his eyebrows at her. "Nah, I'm good." Soran nonchalantly shrugged it off with a silly smile. "Hey, do you guys want to hear a joke?" Trying to lift the atmosphere, Soran grinned cheekily. "What did one casket say to the sick one?" Soran stifled a laugh. "Are you coughin'?" Soran let out a loud laugh, wiping a stray tear from his eye.
In the middle of the room, a king sized bad had been flipped over, its side facing upward. On this bed, Valdun was balancing on his index finger, sweat beading down his neck. He had been doing this for about thirty minutes and he didn't appear to be stopping anytime soon. However, he jumped off when he heard the bathroom door open. "Geez, Brother. Do you really need to be training right now?" Valdun was about to give Evrun a speech on why they needed to train even harder, but stopped when he notices his brother's voice. It was more high pitched than usual and his presence was smaller than usual. Sure enough, when he turned around, his brother was shorter and his clothes covered him like a tarp. Evrun looked no older than ten. He rubbed his forehead, as he bent down to dry his little brother's wet hair. "Not again. I thought you had this under control by now."

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