Nephilim Academy

Danny herd a cry for help. She ran after the cry and found a boy that looked familiar from school that was tied up in rope then she soon herd another cry but she focused on getting this boy out of the rope first though. After a couple of minutes she untied the knot and the roped came loose.
Em followed Danny trying to keep up with her. "I will get that one down." She called to Danny with a smile. She ran towards the other voice and found Ayra in the same potion she was in not to long ago. "Holy crap." She laughed a bit untangling her classmate and helping him down. "You okay?" She asked trying her hardest not to be irritable. 
(I was literately gone for the first half of the day and already two pages. -.- anyway i have to go to a movie in a while~)
Sky stood back while the two girls helped the others down. Her wings were still in pain and some of the white feathers were red with blood.
Danny made sure the boy was alright. Her wings were beginning to drip blood, she went over and tapped Em on her clothed shoulder. She hopped she could help, she looked at her with her brown watery eyes..

"Can you help take the stuff of my wings?" she asked something was around her wings like bobwire or something...
Em went behind Danny and found a blood trail and bobwire tied around Danny's wings. She gasped and tugged gently at the wire trying to get it out fast. She started to tear up when the wire came out and Danny's wings were red with blood. "I- I don't know what else to do." She admitted.
Danny winced as it came out she could feel the blood coming out but it felt better with the bob wire out... there wasn't really anything they could do. "T-thanks..." she told her but looked up and gave her a soft smile, she would hug her if she had her neackless on she was surprised her powers didn't work while she was taking out the bob wire.
As soon as there skin touched Danny's eyes turned a dark gold, and she gripped Em's hand a bit harder. She saw flashes of Em smoking and getting into fights, people making fun of her. She felt it and experienced in all. When she came back she was breathing hard and looked up at her her eyes still glowing a bright gold and tears ran down her face. 
((gtg brb)
(kay ) "Danny, wh-why are your eyes... gold?" She stuttered wiping away one of her tears. Her eyebrows furrowed and she frowned when tears kept comming. She wrapped her arms around Danny. "It's okay, Danny."
"I saw... I saw your past, I'm sorry I couldn't help it it happened when you touched me..." her eyes bright as she hugged her back she was shaking as she hugged the girl back afraid to let go..."My eyes turn like this when it happenes..."
(FYI I love your signature :) )

She pulled away from Em then looked up to the boy with her now golden eyes... "Oh okay," she said and wiped away some tears.
(Thanks Dylan O'Brien is my husbandd)

Solar went to work immediately "Twilight Healing" his hands began to glow and the wounds on the girl with golden eye's wings began to vanish "Does anybody else need healing?,he asked"
(Stop stealing my power! xD )

Sky was carefully sealing the scrapes on her wings. She felt a little lightheaded after, making her wonder if the injuries were worse than she had originally thought. 
(Okay, since it seems everyone can heal (even though my character was the first to do so) I'm gonna add the fact that Sky can ease emotions as well, that way she at least has something different.)
"Thanks," Danny told the boy. She hated when her eyes turned gold she never knew when they would go back to normal, sometimes minutes, hours and sometimes even days before she gets her plain old brown eye back.

(My husband is Logan Lerman <3 oh and okay Alley :) )
Sky noted the exchange and told herself to be careful not to touch the girl. Her past was something she liked to keep hidden.
(Uggghhhh I accidently brushed my teeth with face wash and my jaw feels all weird and my head hurts... should I be worried?)
(I'm sorry I just figured all angels could heal and that your characters healing powers wewre simply stronger than average)

Solar smiled "So now what,where the hell are we?" he asked confused and dazed about the events of today
(Nope. It was my character's special power. o,o xD That looks like an owl.)

Sky went on to heal the raw flesh on her wrists from the rope, instantly regretting it as a sharp pain rang through her head.
(I did I washed my mouth with normal toothpast and washed out my mouth good... Oh well if I stop replying I either feel to sleep or died)

"It looks like we are somewhere in Japan," she told the boy who healed her.
(Don't worry about it. You aren't the first person to also have an angel that can heal. xD I just figured I should add something to her so she's at least halfway useful. xD ) 
(I hope you fall asleep. Face wash would be a horrible way to go down.)
((It said keep away from children is digestead call piosen control emetiatly.... I am going to throw up...) 
((Guys I am going to log off I will tell you if I survive tomorrow or not night xD )
(Go stick your finger down your throat, drink a bunch of water, and stuck your finger down your throat again. It might help.)

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