Nephilim Academy

Hearing a small voice, Soran turned to the cliff and looked down, seeing nothing but darkness. Deciding it was just the wind, Soran stumbled around the area, trying to figure out how to get to civilization.

"Why am I in Japan?" Soran pondered out loud, glancing at the sign that had kanji on it. Trying hard to remember what had happened, Soran could only come up with a small hooded figure.
Danny tried hard to untangle herself but couldn't. She remembered that she had a lighter in her pocket she struggled to get it but she finally did then burned the rope off burning her wrist a little.
Danny wings were still pulled back painfully behind her back, but she couldn't reach to free them. She went and saw Sky she crowled over to her and tried to free her. " Try to stay still," she told her. Her voice sounded nothing like her.
Danny was trying hard herself not to scream out in pain from her own wings being tied. Danny made the chain looser than slipped them off of her wings. It might have hurt her a little but it was the only way to get it off.
Sky winced in pain as the chains fell. She gratefully spread out her white and black wings. She flapped them, rising just enough to sit on the branch she was hanging from.
Danny still had something around her wings that was killing her. "Sky... can you help?" she asked her voice shaky trying not to cry.
Soran entered the forest and saw two small figures. Quickly hiding behind a tree, Soran peeked in on them, trying to hear their voices.

"" one of the voices said, as it looked like s/he was pulling on the other's wings, causing much pain.

Not knowing he had misheard what the person said, Soran leaped out and shot a fireball at the figure that was threatening the other one. Running over to them, Soran pushed the person down and held a small blue fire close to their face.
Sky nodded. "Yeah," she said. "In a sec." She struggled against the bonds on her wrists, letting out a sigh when they finally came loose. Her arm still ached from the tranquilizer shot but she swing herself down and began fiddling with the chains around Danny's wings. 
Sky jumped back. "Soren!" she yelled. "What are you doing?"
All of a sudden a fireball was headed tords them and Danny didn't have a chance to move and got slightly hit. "Ouch," she said. "Soran what was that for?"
Soran's eyes widened when he realized it was Danny and Sky. Getting off the girl, Soran extended a hand to Danny, helping her up from the ground.

"Sorry about that." Soran apologized sincerely, a little apologetic smile on his face. "I didn't know it was you guys." Looking around, Soran popped in the question. "Where do you think we are?" Soran rubbed his wrists, which were still stinging from the ropes.
Soran frowned, his eyebrows furrowed together. They were no where near Nephilim Academy, in fact, the group was on an entirely different continent!

"I think," Soran crossed his arms and looked around the woods. "We're in Japan." Soran pulled out the sign from the cliffs and thought to himself, "Why did they get to be hung from trees? I had to climb him a cliff!" The sign looked familiar, it was similar to some of the Chinese Hanji, but different at the same time. So, concluding it to be Kanji, Soran figured that they were in Japan. 
((why isn't anyone posting as much...?))
"How did we get here. Why??" she asked mostly to herself because she knew that everyone was probably as clueless about this as her.
Soran shrugged, rubbing his wrists. Seriousness overwhelmed the young nephilim's face when he asked, "Why were we hanging upside down anyway?" Being serious was very rare for Soran, he was always so silly and cheerful. "And why did I have to be hung off a cliff?" Soran envied the girls, who were only hung from the tree branches.
Soran gasped childishly, and pouted. "Why did I have to be hung upside down then!" Soran huffed, his head still hurt from all the blood that was rushing to it a few minutes ago. "My captors hated me, then..." Soran muttered, not having a good day at all.
Danny felt around her neck her necklcess it was gone. "It's gone," she muttered and dropped to her knees looking for it. She NEEDED that neackless. But she couldn't find it...
Em opened her eyes still hanging in a tree when she herd voices in the far-ish distance. "Hello? I need help! Hellooo?" She called to the direction of the voices, then irritation rushed in; not because they couldn't hear her but because she had not smoked in over 3 hours(or so? I dontsmoke so idk when they start to get angry....) "Freakin come help me!" She scram at the top of her lungs, sending with it a huge rush of air in all directions from her. She started to squirm around, getting more and more irritated storm clouds began to form above her making her the eye of the storm. "Help me!" Her mood turned quickly from irritated to sad and it started to rain. "Please!"

(sorry for the late entry, i hope i got the siti-ation right.. d: )
Soran's ears picked up some one screaming and ran towards the noise. Finding Em hung from a tree the same way Sky and Danny were. Quickly undoing the binds, Soran caught the girl before she hit her head on the ground. "Are you okay?" Soran frowned as he looked around, trying to figure out what was happening..

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