Nephilim Academy

Ayra showed up to the beach looking around he wasn't watching where he was going and ran into Lunar. "Oh, sorry." he said nervously and stood up.

(( Soran's manly man shorts ))

Soran turned his head to the newcomer and grinned. "Hello!" Soran waved at the two boys, his arm still wrapped around Ava.

"Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate." Soran got down on one knee and began to recite Shakespeare."Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, and summer's lease hath all too short a date." Taking a deep breath, Soran continued to recite the words. "Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines, and oft' is his gold complexion dimm'd," Soran took another deep breath, continuing, "And every fair from fair sometime declines, by chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd!" Soran spoke the words in a loud, and fluent manner. He had been memorizing it for the past week.

"But thy eternal summer shall not fade!" Soran yelled dramatically, clutching his hand into a fist. "Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest." Soran looked up at the two boys, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Nor shall death brag thou wanderest in his shade..."

Giving them a cheesy smile, Soran quickly flipped out a piece of paper and skimmed it, then threw it away. "When in eternal lines to time thou growest. So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see." Taking another deep breath, Soran finished it off by saying, "So long lives this, and this gives life to thee..."

Standing up, Soran bowed to everyone, a silly grin stuck on his face.


(( Is it wrong that I know half of that sonnet by heart? ))

EDIT: an emotional scene where Em is all emotional and stuff! xD and QAQ I used it as a face. lol
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(oohh xD I am sad to announce I am leaving. I won't have wifi all week and if I do it will probably be slow free crap. I will try to get on~ also; lets just say em is in a coma or something while i'm gone </3 )
Sky was sitting against a tree, her ear buds in and her music blasted. She wore a simple blue swimsuit with a low back and criss-crossed straps.
(( byeeee! have fun :D oh and just to tell you guys.. I won't be here either, for 3 days. Today, tomorrow, and the next day :) ))
"Look who I found!" Evrun had pushed Valdun all the way to the beach. He was going to make his brother enjoy this. Valdun whispered to Evrun so nobody could hear. "Why can't you just be here without me?" Valdun didn't need to be here, but his brother just kept dragging him along. Evrun grabbed him by the shoulders, smile still there. "You're always so serious and stiff. You need to relax." Valdun would've pointed out that he was actually relaxing before he was dragged over here, but he was unable to speak when Evrun started pushing again. Valdun released another sigh."You need to eat less sugar, Evrun."
(( Valdun whispered to Valdun? lol ))

Soran grinned at Valdun when he appeared. "Hey Sasuke- I mean Valdun!" Soran coughed to cover up his mistake, why did he even call Valdun Sasuke? Soran tried to remember, but failed terribly.
Ava blushed immensely as Soran moved in to kiss her on the cheek. She wasn't sure what he was trying to do, but it seemed as though he was trying to either make the boy standing behind them jealous or uncomfortable.

Once Soran pulled away, her eyes were wide with surprise, but they twinkled merrily. She bit her lower lip as she stared at him with wonder, completely blurring out the rest of the world around her.

"Wha.." she stammered, trying to find the words to speak.

Finally, she looked down at her lap and twirled a strand of wavy brown hair around her index finger. Her cheeks were still rosy pink, but she knew Soran was just using her for a joke....but--but not the bad kind of using... 
Seth finally rolled his eyes, completely aware that the boy knew he was standing right behind him and his girlfriend. It was obvious that he was doing it on purpose so that Seth would feel jealous..or something along those lines. Of course, he wasn't the least bit jealous. Rather, he was simply disgusted with how pathetic the boy's actions were.

"Get a room.." Seth muttered beneath his breath, just loud enough for everyone around him to hear.

Seth then moved away from the tree and headed over to a wooden bench. He sat down and shoved his hands deep into his sweatshirt pockets.
Sky pulled out the book she had brought with her, still sitting against the tree with her headphones in. Her wings were wrapped around her shoulders loosely. She looked down at her iPod, the album having already ended. She scrolled through the list, selecting an old Alice Cooper album and opening her book.
Soran gave a small apologetic smile to Ava, mouthing, "Sorry about that," Soran blushed a little, since he had to admit. Ava was very cute.

Soran felt a little bad about using the girl for his own joke, but he wanted to do something so that he could get the boy's attention, even if he didn't do it in the best way..


(I got wifi!!)
Ava's face turned beat red when the boy told them to 'get a room.' She had to admit, she was quite embarrassed. Although, she certainly didn't mind the kiss in general. Ava was just a bit dejected from the boy's response to Soran's actions. She felt like the boy was embarrassed as well, but for a whole other reason.

Ava then turned to face Soran as he spoke, unable to hide her terribly rosy cheeks of chagrin. She smiled warmly at him, placing her hands neatly upon her lap as she cocked her head to the side.

"You don't need to apologize to me," she told him gently, "but maybe you should apologize to that boy..I think he felt a bit uncomfortable..maybe he's really lonely.."

She turned her head in the direction the boy had headed, seeing him settled on a brown bench with his eyes closed.
(Just wondering if I could get some character interaction tonight? I have the entire house to myself until long past midnight and I'll be pretty bummed it I don't get any rping in.)
((Feel free to have her talk to Seth xD He's sitting alone on a bench listening to music. Although, he might be a bit difficult to speak with xD ))
(Okay, thanks.)

Sky took her earbuds out, noticing the album had ended again. She slipped it into her pocked and closed her book, carefully getting up. She looked around, a bit bored, but not wanting to spend time with a bunch of people. She noticed a boy sitting alone on a bench and hesitantly approached him. "Hey," she smiled. "Whatcha listening to?"
Seth opened his eyelids, planning on resting them again. However, he was startled by the sight of a slender girl standing in front of him. She had platinum blonde hair with strands of black and she was holding an mp3 player in her grasp.

He sighed to himself, rolling his eyes as he lifted the bulky headphones off his head of silky black hair. It was official. He would never be alone in such a public place.

"Is there something you need?" he spat, narrowing his icy gray eyes on the girl.
Seth paused for a moment, at first thinking of pushing past the girl and heading back to his dorm. However, he figured it wouldn't hurt to speak with this stranger.

After taking a deep breath to prepare himself for an annoying conversation, he spoke. "I was listening to Widower by Make Them Suffer. It's heavy stuff, so you probably wouldn't like it."
Seth lifted a dark eyebrow, wondering if this girl was telling the truth. He'd honestly never met such an attractive girl with such an awesome taste in music.

"Oh yeah?" he says carefully, eyeing the girl with an unusual spark of curiosity in his eyes. "So you like metal..?" he wonders, completely oblivious to that fact that he was willingly participating in a conversation.
Seth smirked as he made room for the girl on the bench. "It's good to see that there's others besides me that are into some actual good music. Not only are the instrumentals insanely incredible, but the lyrics are always so deep and emotional..something to relate to, y'know?"

He looked up at the girl as he spoke, for once feeling less tense around another individual. He felt that he could finally discuss his passion for music with another being.
Sky nodded. "It's hard," she said. "The only place you can really find other fans are at concerts and half the time it's still just drunken idiots," she laughed. "It's much easier to relate to than the crap they play on the radio." She scooted over a bit, just enough so she wasn't hanging off.

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