Nephilim Academy

Clary, Em, Ayra and I are in the woods singing campfire songs and telling stories about our lives over a campfire :P and Russia came in, Liam and Danny are going to the pool, and Valdun's just plain late. :)  
Soran's eyes dashed from one person to the next. Em, Clary, and Ayra. "Sooooooo...." Soran started, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "Who here likes.....cake?" Soran asked nervously, raising his hand up, saying that he likes cake. Silence. "No?'d the chicken cross the road?" Soran grinned, trying to make a joke.
After Lunar finished unpacking he decided to go for a fly he climbed up to the schools roof and jumped off into a nose dive and at the last minute he spread them hearing the crack of lighting when he flapped them (Somebody find lunar pleasee)
(I might intrude on those campfire songs. xD )

Sky went into the bathroom with a small stack of clothes. She turned the shower up as high as it would go before undressing and slipping in. She let her wings hang loosely as she took a shower. Once she was finished she stepped out, wrapping a towel tightly around her before drying off and changing. She flapped her wings a couple times in the shower to shake the water out. She put on a low backed black shirt with tiny white skulls dotted all over it and sleeves reaching down to her elbows, and a pair of dark blue boot cut jeans with worn knees. 
(Nevermind. I'll have Sky find Lunar. He seems lonely.) 
Sky jumped at the sound of thunder, glad she was already out of the shower. She pulled her hair pack, deciding to go out flying since she was up already, something she hadn't been able to do often back at home. She slipped on her green bracelet with skulls made of turquoise before walking out of the building.
Em widened her smiled. "Why" She asked sitting up and leaning in to hear the joke
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Russia looks around corners and stalks the halls trying to find someone to talk to,"Hello anybody home,"He shouts in the middle of the hallway hearing his deep voice echo of the walls.
Soran's grin grew as he tried to contain his laughter. "To cockadoodle do something!" Soran burst out into laughter, muffling it with his hand. Tears emerged from his eyes as Soran kept hitting the ground repeatedly over and over again.
AlleyKat666 said:
(I might intrude on those campfire songs. xD )
Sky went into the bathroom with a small stack of clothes. She turned the shower up as high as it would go before undressing and slipping in. She let her wings hang loosely as she took a shower. Once she was finished she stepped out, wrapping a towel tightly around her before drying off and changing. She flapped her wings a couple times in the shower to shake the water out. She put on a low backed black shirt with tiny white skulls dotted all over it and sleeves reaching down to her elbows, and a pair of dark blue boot cut jeans with worn knees. 
(Nevermind. I'll have Sky find Lunar. He seems lonely.) 
Sky jumped at the sound of thunder, glad she was already out of the shower. She pulled her hair pack, deciding to go out flying since she was up already, something she hadn't been able to do often back at home. She slipped on her green bracelet with skulls made of turquoise before walking out of the building.
Lunar continued to fly around every flap fast and loud like lightting
Russia enters a room where a boy is on the ground half laughing half spazzing on floor,but unfortunately Russia thought this boy was having some kind of seizure or attack and runs over to him,"Oh sh** is he having a seizure,"He shouts loudly running over to Soran and pokes him,"CAN YOU BREATHE STRANGE PERSON."
Valdun heard the screams of a male voice in the area. Why would somebody be yelling this late at night? He siding recognize the voice, so it had to be someone he hadn't met yet. He traveled through the halls, until he met with the owner of the voice. He appeared to be at least two years older than him and had silvery blonde hair. His yelling was starting to add to the headache the phone call was already causing him. "Please be quiet, others are sleeping." Valdun didn't seem intimidating, with his girlish appearance and young age, but he wasn't meant to. It wasn't an order, just a request. It was at this moment that he noticed the older male was next to Soran, who had appeared to be having some sort of spasm.
Ronkaime said:
Lunar continued to fly around every flap fast and loud like lightting
Sky saw another angel flying and contemplated whether or not to approach them. She decided against it but didn't fly any farther away.
Lunar could hear rain,he looked up into the sky and saw nothing "Wth is going on is somebody else flying?" Lunar began looking for the source of the rain
Soran grabs a stranger by the shoulders and screams, "THE CHICKEN!!" waking up a few birds. After yelling at unknown man, Soran wipes a few tears from his eyes and says, "I think I'm okay..!" Pausing for a few seconds before bursting out into laughter again.
(It's not raining. Her wings are just wet. xD )

Sky decided to give her wings a break, sitting on a thick tree branch.
Russia couldn't help,but laugh he fell down to the ground huge tears streaming from his eyes his sides aching from laughter all because of the weird randomness that has exploded from Soran's mouth.On his hand and knees he gasp for air,"Why....So....Funny,"He can barely get out of his mouth,as his body is rocked with extreme waves of chuckles and snorts,"Can't....Fl....Spleen."Again he tries to talk,but fails horribly.Unable to make a complete sentence.
Em fell to her back and started rolling around. She was half laughing at the joke and half laughing at the others. 
(i thought we were in the woods o-o )
Why were these people laughing? Was there a gas leak or something? He hadn't seen or heard anything that was particularly funny to him. He released a small groan, his headache was getting worse. Under any other circumstance, he would have left immediately, but a headache because of strangers was better than a headache over the call.
Soran wiped the tears from his eyes and laid back on the ground. His abs hurt from all that laughter. Glancing at the new guy, Soran stuck out a hand and said, "I'm Soran, you?"

(me to lol)

Nico you can answer my question I asked you on the page before this one :) EDIT: make that page 28
As thunder roared Em froze. "I'm going to head in." She said rushing to get up. "I will see you guys tomorrow." She said practically running out of the woods/room.

EDIT: "Nice to see you again, and nice to meet you all." She said as she left.
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