Nephilim Academy

The group walked back to the academy without any complications. The night was dark and cloudless, you could easily see the stars and the crescent moon. The air smelled like wet grass, and flowers. When they got to the academy, most of the lights were off.

(I got it :) but Soran didn't xD )
Ayra sat on his bed in his dorm his knees to his chest. He had just finished unpacking and and was nibbling on a snack roll, seeing as he had missed dinner. He let his icy blue wings flutter behind him softly. He smiled as he read the book in his hand, his hair falling over his face covering one of his eyes.
Lunar burst into his new dorm room "I'm here finally,that plane ride took forever!,I should've flown on my own damn wings" He yelled while stretching his wings "Now where are all the hot guys,god I hope my roomie is hot and straight" Lunar began to unpack his things
Walking into his dorm room, Soran laid down on his bed, trying to concentrate what he was thinking of before. He knew it was important, but couldn't remember it. Sighing in exhaustion, Soran conjured a small little flame in his hands and began to play with it, flicking it back and forth, throwing it up in the air and catching it. He brought the flame up to his face and stared into it. The flames licked his skin, giving it a warm feeling, but not burning it. Soran toned down the heat and got off the bed, sneaking out of his dorm room, using his flame as a little light.
Ayra jumped startled as his roommate burst in the room. Causing him to drop his food and his book fell to the floor. He looked up through his bangs at the newcomer. "Good graces you scared me." he said in a soft and clear voice.
Hearing the commotion in dorm room 1, Soran burst into the room screaming, "WHERE'S THE FIRE?!?" when he himself had a flame in his hands. The little flame grew quite large in Soran's hands when he panicked at the large sounds. Noticing the fire had grown very big and strong, with one swipe of his hand, Soran extinguished it.
Ayra looked up and picked up his book "What the the world, where are all you people coming from." he huffed. He picked up his food and pouted as he was dirty. He threw it in the trash and walked up to Lunar who was very much taller then him and put a finger on his chest "You owe me a new snack roll, mister drama queen."

Lunar looked at his new roommate "I'm sorry honey,look I have some food in my bag" Lunar goes into his bag and pulls out a sandwich "Wow your cute,What's your name? I'm Lunar and you?" Lunar outstretched his hand to the cute boy
Ayra took the sandwich and smiled. He held it to his chest and looked up at Lunar. "I'm Ayra, nice to meet you Lunar." he said and took a bite of the sandwich. "Lunar is a very unique name." he smiled and shook his hand.
"Ayra is a pretty unique name as well" Lunar squinted his eyes "Say you wouldn't happen to be straight?" He said hopefully thinking his fantasy had come true 

paipai900 said:
(Wait are you talking to your roommate or me? idk I'll delete this post if it's your roommate)
Soran smirked and got closer to the man. "Soran, and you're not bad yourself." He glanced at the other guy and smiled, "You guys are new, right?" Soran liked to greet everyone he could, since most of the other nephilims from last year had already graduated and left for the human world. And the new students were good looking, but Valdun's hair was probably the softest all of all of them. Soran grinned and approached the other guy.
(i was talking to ayra)
Em and Danny were in their room now. Em was laying on her bed; bored to death. She sat up and was craving for a smoke. She looked up to her sleeping roomie. Well, head master has already done a dorm check. Might as well leave for a bit. She got up and slipped her Finn and Jake slippers on and left the girls dorm. It was warm out side; well warm enough to not wear a sweater. She lit her cigarette and started wandering. As she was passing the boys dorm she herd yelling; then through a window saw what looked like flame light, but it dissipated quickly. She shrugged it off and wandered down to the beach, then sat there and gazed at the stars reflecting off of the water.
(mkay :)

Feeling the awkward atmosphere in the room, Soran chuckled and added in, "Well, I'm Soran, I'm in Dorm 2. So, yeah." Soran coughed a little, then slowly back out of the room. Opening the door he laughed nervously, "Bye." Once Soran was in the hallways darkness he lit up the small flame again. Sneaking around carefully, Soran avoided the supervisors roaming up and down the halls, and escaped to the woods. Finding sanctuary in the calm, dark place, Soran pulled out a small, old and dusty book from his little bag. Opening the pages, Soran's eyes met with unfamiliar runes, seemed like Ancient Greek. Spending the night in the woods, Soran carefully studied the book the whole night, not looking away from it once. Why was Soran reading the dusty book anyway? Well, let's just say, Soran remembered what he was pondering about before the girls interrupted him by the cliff....
Ayra grinned up at Lunar "Thank you and nope, I'm pretty much Homosexual." He said and took another bite of his sandwich. He walked back over to his bed and sat down and fluttered his wings behind him.
"Damn" he shouted "I thought my fantasy was finally going to come true,oh well" he sighed Lunar walked over to Ayra and lifted his chin studying "Your lips are really kissable" he licked his own and went back to unpacking
Ayra tilted his confused "Fantasy?" he echoed and blinked. He blushed softly when Lunar called his lips kissable and shook his head "Thank you, I guess.." He said. His roomie was quite weird but he was cute.
(you should join me to find out ;)

Soran placed the book down in frustration. What did it mean? There was one unfamiliar rune that he could find in any of the textbooks he brought. He even tried a combination rune, a rune that was a short version of two, or more, other runes. Massaging his temples, Soran took deep breaths, trying very hard to control his anger. Soran flashed back to the last time he got angry....

"Why won't you listen to me?!" Soran slammed his hands down on the table, his eyes were brimmed with tears. Soran's father sat on the other side of the table.

"I did, and that's a stupid idea." Soran's father answered bluntly. His face was covered with frown wrinkles, showing that stress had gotten to him. "You will go to the academy whether you like it or not." His father sighed and massaged his temples, leaning his elbows on the table. "Soran, this is for your own good. You need to learn what you mother gave you." a sullen look glazed over his father's eyes.

Soran bit his lip to contain his tears. Feeling anger well up in his heart, Soran took deep breaths. But, that only seemed to fan the flame inside of him. "I DON'T WANT WHAT THAT WOMAN GAVE TO ME!!" Fire swelled in Soran's hands when he threw the table to the side, leaving it to burn in flames.

"Soran, listen to me-" his father stood up, rage shown on his face.

Soran stomped up to his father and grabbed his collar. "No." Soran hissed. "You listen to me." Normally Soran would have never done this, he was raised to be calm and to be respectful. By now his father would have punished him, he would have never taken this attitude from his son. "I can handle my powers just fine. I'll find a way to get rid of them, and we can be a normal and happy family." Soran spoke lowly, glaring into his father's eyes.

Soran's father gave his son a sadistic smile, "We will never be normal, Soran." Soran let go of his father's collar, in shock at what he had said. He didn't want to cry in front of his dad, Soran ran out of the house, only to return the next morning.

This is what was on the news the next morning: Wild fire destroys entire forest and deal major damage to nearby village.

Soran bit back tears, remembering what had happened between him and his father. His father was his hero, his role model. Finally letting the tears run down his face, Soran thought out loud, "Have I been wrong the whole time...?" 
Man, that was long -_- " So, yeah. Soran wants to get rid of his powers. He wants to become a normal human. :)
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Em herd noises in the forest behind her and decided to check it out. She squished her cigarette and burried it in the sand and headed toward the light. (idk if you have a fire or something, just ganna assume.) She walked up to Soran studying some old book.

"What's up, sugar cup?" She asked sarcastically, squatting behind him; looking shoulder.

(wearing her pajama's, j.s.)
Startled, Soran jumped up at the sound, quickly wiping away his tears. He pushed the books away and gave Em a fake smile. "Nothing much, just chilling here. My neighbors are really loud, well, one of them is." Soran chuckled, pointing his flame between Em and himself. "You?" Soran's flame grew slightly so that he could see Em's whole face.
Danny headed back to her dorm and sat laid down on her bed and checked her phone. No messages. She dicided that she would listen to her music again so she turned up the music and hung up some of the posters that she had on the wall that was right on the other side of her bed. She hopped that her roommate didn't mind.
Em pointed at his lips. "Fake smiles are the worst. I mean, you don't have to tell me what happened, just don't pretend." She then gave him a weak smile and sat down next to the fire and pulled her knees to her chest; wrapping her arms around them. "I came out to smoke, to be honest, bad habbit." As she said this a breeze flew in, not strong but it did blow leaves around.

Soran let out a quiet laugh. "I have a bad habit of putting up fake smiles." Soran looked up at the stars and closed his eyes. After a moment of silence Soran asked softly,"Do you like being a nephilim?" His eyes narrowed at the word, nephilim. He had to control himself to not spit out the word like it was vermin.
"Yeah, we have advantages over humans. I mean, I'm pretty much human except for my powers." She was zoning into the fire. "I haven't got wings... I mean my dad said I should get them sometime, but I haven't yet." She looked up to him. "How about you?"
Clary was laying down when she heard a buzz. Her phone had received a text from the kid in the abusive family. He was her age, and raped her when she was over there. That's the only thing she hadn't told her parents, and what makes her pretty quiet. She feels to ashamed of herself to talk. Clary picked up her phone and read the message that was on the screen. 'Hey sexy girl, come over for some fun or i'll find you? Play a game? (; ' Clary deleted the message and put her phone away, getting scared. He found her before, when she hid, far away. The girl went outside, seeing people in the same forest as earlier. She ignored them but sat on a bench nearby, putting her elbows on her knees, head in hands.
Soran frowned at the word. Wings. Wings were for animals. He didn't need wings. Soran glanced at Em, and sighed in defeat. He might as well tell her the truth. Soran lifted up his shirt and showed Em his toned back. Two larges scars were in place where the wings should have been. Staring at the ground, Soran shamefully said, "I got my wings when I was about 13, they grew in. Before they could grow large enough, I ripped them out of my back." Placing his shirt back down. "Can I tell you a secret, Em?" Soran stared sorrowfully at the skies. "I wish I was a normal human."

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