Nephilim Academy

Em giggled. "I don't know!" She said as she poked her salad with a grin on her face. "My granny would make it when she was around." Em then smiled up to the irritated girl with a kind smile. "Would you like to try it?" (sorry didn't know what word to use for describing your character's attitude. D: the salad is quite salty, but the lemon kinda quiets it down.. idk its really yummy <3 )
Never been asked to try food, Bijoux didn't know what to do or say. Her mind went blank and replied with a nod and her mouth slightly gaped. She took the food in, not knowing what to expect. Kindof salty, but in a nice way. Not being one to try new things, Bijoux...liked it. "It's really.....good. Of we have time, mind teaching how to make it?" she said in a taken backed confused tone of a child.

OCC: It's alright, the easiest way to put it is that my icon is Bijoux's spirit animal. And I will actually try the salad I have time. :) Thanks
(lolol, grumpy cat xD and i think i missed some stuff though D: and i dont know the name of the salt i used but i'm sure if you use a lot of like sea salt you can get the same result... :D )

"Of course~" Em replied. Her smile grew wide, believing she had just truly made a friend. She started eating her salad herself. Still not the same as Granny's... she thought to her self, disappointed with the first bite.
Valdun didn't understand why they had made so much food. There weren't many of them here and nobody needed to eat this much. He hadn't gone for any of the meats or sugary treats, he simply just took one piece of bread and filled his glass with water. Everything else was just an unnecessary amount of food.
Em looked around the table, seeing people eating their meals. Then her eye stopped on Valdun; Well then, sticking to the basics. She said as she took a drink of water and continued her half way done salad. She kept glancing up at him; My god. How does he stay healthy with just that? She thought to her self after a while of him eating his piece of bread.

(sorry going to stop there to see others responses :D )
Not being used to eating with other people Bijoux stiffly ate her food. Even though she had liked it, she still didn't want to seem like a pig stuffing her mouth with Tiramisu. Looking over at the two eating basic food and looking at her plate made her feel a bit piggish. Cake, bakes, and a shake. Thinking of one of those oh so sugarcoated movies, maybe she could share, maybe we could talk like the movies do at dinner. It didn't seem like the had a sweet tooth like her, so she looked for the healthiest thing n her plate and asked looking intently dead straight in Em and Valdun's eyes," Would you two like some raisins?"
Em started laughing, then she nodded. "Your cute." She laughed taking some raisins. She had finished her salad, then after she ate the few raisins she took she grabbed a lemon cupcake iced with cream cheese frosting; though it was a mini cupcake she became full fast.

(is anyone else going to join this conversation at the dinner table? ;D )
( I don't think anyone is really up right now except for us. We can pick it up tomorrow once everyone's her eif you want) :)
(So sorry I fell asleep and just woke up...)

Danny saw that dinner was already almost over so she just went to her dorm room she looked at her phone that was on her bed, then at the number that Liam had gave her. She saved the number in her phone but thought it might be to soon to call so she just slid her phone in the back pocket of her black skinny jeans. She pulled out her ipod and put in her earphones listening to music.
(Same here.)

Sky picked at her food slowly. She carefully slid a couple rolls and a pastry into her bag for her roommate in case she got hungry later.
Em noticed Sky take the food; so she copied her only taking sweet things in her bag, finished her delicious cupcake and just up 'n left. She didn't say a word as she walked back to her room, she wasn't thinking either; just zoning out on life. "Hey." She said as she entered her room and fell onto her bed. She looked up to the bed diagonal from her when there was no response. She then stood on her bed and over her roomie smiling as she herd the music.
She soon saw her roommate. She smiled as she saw her. "Hi. Sorry I had my music on I didn't hear you," she apologized taking out her earphones. She had been listening to music and just finished paining her nails. She had been working on them for a while.
Em grabbed her hand and gawked at her roomies nails. "These are so cute! Would you do mine?" She asked as she climbed onto Danny's bed and forced her hand into Danny's face. She smiled and tilted her head a little (like an anime character would o-o )
"Okay what color?" she asked and looked through the stuff that she had. She was happy that she was getting to spend some more time with her room mate she wanted to be good friends with her.
"Any, as long as there is yellow somewhere on there." She giggled and watched Danny dig through her nail polish and stuff. "So, how was your walk earlier?" She said still looking in the stuff.
"Um good, there was this cute boy that ran into me... he gave me his number," she said sorta blushing. She got a yellow and took her hand starting to paint.
(Wait what happened? I wasn't getting any alerts and now we're on page 20...)

EDIT: Okay never mind then I'll just jump in again.
Em smiled wide. "oh mi god. What did he look like? Wait first what was his name?" she said, sitting up straight and locking her arms out on her criss-crossed leggs and raising her shoulders. 
(dinner ended and Danny and I are back in our rooms; i took the raisins :D )
Soran suddenly woke up from a weird dream. He didn't remember falling asleep... Wasn't he at the pool before? Shaking his head, Soran got up, brushing his blonde hair away from his face. Looking around the room, Soran recognized it to be his dorm room. "When did I get here?" he asked himself, looking down at his clothes, Soran was still wearing his swim trunks. "Must have been one of the supervisors." Soran shrugged and got off the bed, slipping on a sweat shirt and jogged down to the dinning room for some late dinner.


Alright thank you :)
Danny smiled. "His name is Liam," She told her cheeks blushing a little as she explained to her what he looked like and painted her nails. She finished the first hand and started on the second.
"Oh, like from one direction?" she laughed, then noticed Danny's cellular device and frowned a bit. "That's fun." She said turning back to Danny. "Hopefully you guys have classes together, right?"
When Soran entered the dinning room, literally, no one was there. "Wow, I'm late." Soran chuckled, and walked into the kitchen. "Sorry, I wasn't here for dinner. Do you have any leftovers?" the chef handed Soran a plate of food and pushed him out of the kitchen. Soran thanked the chef and sat down at the table, finishing his dinner. One of the good things about Nephilim Academy is the food, the perfect, heavenly, gourmet food.
Sky had left for her dorm awhile ago. She smiled at her roommate and set the baggie of food for her on her bedside table silently.
"Yeah, I haven't called him yet..." she told her. She was suppose to but didn't know when the right time would be. She soon finished her nails. "Vuala! Finished. I hope you like them," she told her hoping she did. She took one good look at them then looked up at her seeing her reaction.


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