Nephilim Academy

"Well, it's more colorful than my old one. I like it." She said as she went and sat on her bed, taking out her cloths and putting them into the drawer under her bed.

(I have to go to practice; can be back on about 7:30 pacific time)
Dusk looked at the chocolates and gave the girl a small smile. "Thank you," She replied while taking one. "My name is Dusk Harlem, yours?" She didn't seem too bad, definitely someone Dusk wouldn't mind being roomies with. Maybe even friends with actually.
[QUOTE="ploy.klam]OCC: I'm sorry I didn't wait for your reply, I hope I didn't offend you or break the rules! Sorry sorry sorry!!!

(It's fine. I know I replied last night but I can't find my post. I guess it didn't go through.)
"Bijoux Galipeau." She said said while taking off her sunglasses. Bijoux looked around the room and saw that Dusk was hanging up some clothes. Maybe if she offered help, it might give her a chance to try conversation. Putting her hand into her pockets and balled up the paper that was in there. It was a list of conversation starters from her psychiatrist. "Want some help?" Pointing to the closet.
After being told multiple times to report back to his room, Valdun had managed to make it out of the girl's dorm. Maybe he needed a haircut. He strolled outside and checked his watch. It was about ten minutes until dinner started. He hoped that they didn't serve anything too large. Valdun didn't eat much and didn't think eating until your were full was practical. He never knew the feeling of being full, he ate until he was no longer hungry and nothing more. Overconsumption would do more harm than good.

As he neared the dining hall, his phone began to ring. He didn't recognize the number on the black device, but answered it anyway. "Hello, how did you get this number?" Valdun gritted his teeth at the response on the other end. "I'm sorry sir, but I'm no longer in that business." He hasn't gotten a call like this in years. "I don't care how much you offer, I'm out of that business and have no intention of returning. Delete this number, it is no longer of any use to you." He ended the call with a sigh. He should've known he would still be getting offers, even after he quit. He was well-known in his former line of work and it wasn't surprising that people still had requests for him. However, he had put that life behind him and wanted nothing more to do with it. A bell rang throughout the school, as Valdun stared at his phone. It looked like dinner had started.
Dusk smiled as she popped her chocolate and nodded, "I have some musicals that you can put on the shelf in that suitcase if you want to help." She nodded towards the unopened purple suitcase filled with her collection of dvds and opera memorabilia. "I have the clothes handled."
[QUOTE="Amaterasu Miyamoto](I have to go to practice; can be back on about 7:30 pacific time)


Danny nodded. The room was bright. "You know I was going to head down to the pool, you wanna come?" she asked hoping she would. It would be fun to go with someone than alone. She thought that they would be good friends.
Sky got up, deciding to head to dinner. She sat down in the first empty seat she saw, a few down from the boy she had seen in the forest.
"Alright." Bijoux headed towards the suitcase and slowly scanned through each of them. She noticed the opera's and musicals, being able to attend a few herself, she used this as a conversation starter. "Have you ever watched Phantom of the Opera on Broadway before? It's a grander experience up close."
Dusk sighed wistfully, "No, I've never seen any musicals or operas up close. But I do have the twenty-fifth anniversary at the Royal Opera House." After she was finished with the clothes, Dusk joined Bijoux by her bed and started putting her sketchbooks on shelves.
Valdun was still in a bad mood, as he sat in a chair in the dining hall. That call was annoying him to no end. What was the point of coming here, if he was just going to be hassled by his past. He wasn't proud of what he used to do, he actually hated himself for taking up that lie of work. He was youn and foolish and didn't think things fully through. He didn't care about the process, as long as he reached the end. How could he have been so stupid. He began twirling a knife in his hand, as a way to vent. The deeper he went into his thoughts, the faster the twirling was.
Sky glanced over, only to see the boy twirling a knife. She watched uneasily, wondering if she should have sat father away.
"Mmmm, maybe we can watch it sometime later tonight. I'll show you where I sat." Bijoux said while finishing up the shelves. She turned around to look at her suitcases and gave out a loud sigh. "I'll unpack after dinner." Her stomach grumbled, the chocolates weren't enough. She looked over to see Dusk still shelving, "When you're finished, would you like to accompany me to dinner?" It's not like Bijoux to ask people to go with her anywhere, she could care less if she were alone. But this was one of the keys to making friends....apparently.
Dusk set the stuff in her hands down and smirked a bit, "We can go down now if you would like. I don't mind." She was a go with it kind of girl, and dinner would give her a chance to meet some of the other students.
Swiftly sliding ofd the bed, Bijoux turned her head and nodded while replying with a simple, "Good." Her hunger was growing and she wasn't used to having to go through with the slightest bit of starvation. She continued out the door, not being used to waiting for people. Hungry and tired, a temper was growing.

OCC I'll be offline for a while.
Dusk followed silently behind her, very happy the girl was taking the lead. It meant she wouldn't have to talk that much. When they entered the dining room, she noticed the boy who showed her to the dorm twirling a knife. She watched with a hint of amusement as she sat next to Bijoux.
Now with a budding temper, the fussy blonde was not in the mood to be waiting. Without her sunglasses, Bijoux could not avert any gaze; everyone could now see a full face of grump. Tapping her fingers on the table, Bijoux pouted while looking around. There was Sky who she had recently met, a boy who was twirling his knife, her roommate dusk, and a bunch of empty tables. Another level of temper has been reached. She hasn't had dinner with anyone in a long time, and now she remembers why.

OCC: Trying my best to keep on replying! This is 21st century, nothing can keep me back from Internet connection.
( Sorry I wasn't getting any alerts and hold on I will post in a minute and can make this work) 
Danny needed a breath of air and told her room mate that she would be back in a bit so she wondered outside, and felt a nice breeze. She really didn't know where she was going she just needed to get out.
He kept on walking and took his phone out of his pocket starting to play Temple Run without looking up. He suddenly felt himself crash into a girl and instantly stepped away and said "I'm sorry."

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