Nephilim Academy

As the girl ran from behind the back of the bear, she lots her hold on him and the bear went wild once again and raised it's claw, slashing her right arm blood gushing out. The bear then ran as fast as it could back into the woods. Tears flooded her eyes as she felt the massive pain in her arm. She treid so hard not to scream.
Soran wrapped his arms around Clary, whispering comforting words to her. "It's going to be alright," Soran turned to the bear and saw that it had gone wild, Danny was lying on the ground, bleeding. The only capable people from fighting the bear was the new guy, Sky, and himself. Clary was too scared to fight the bear. Soran paused for a moment, then turned to Clary, "Look after Danny, okay?" Soran recognized the bear. That was the bear that hated Soran to China and back. Wondering why the bear, Gertrude, despised him so much, Soran approached the bear, getting his hand ready to set it on fire, he remembered when they first met. Sure he may have accidentally burnt down a tree, causing it to fall and block the entrance to the bear's cave, but he couldn't control his powers back then! And he even built a little house for them, one with three beds, three chairs, and threes bowls of porridge. "Maybe I should've given them more porridge..." Soran pondered out loud. The bear pounced onto him, knocking him onto the ground.
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These people were foolish to come here. He went over to the female and grabbed her arm. Bears are dangerous creatures unless properly trained. A small light encompassed Valdun's finger, as he waved it over her arm. The wound slowly began to heal. He then began to walk back into the forest. "Go back. Your violating the rules." He never turned back, as he went deeper into the forest.
Sky stared as the bear ran away. Instincts hit her as she jumped up. She ran to Danny's side, dragging her to the ground. She wrapped her hands around the girl's arm, squeezing tightly and closing her eyes.

(I'm not editing my post. xD Healing is my job!)
Danny looked back at the wound. It was deep. The bears claws went through the sleeve of her shirt and you could clearly see each claw mark. She was surprised when the boy waved his hand over her arm and it disappeared. "T-thanks," she told him before the boy went deeper into the forest. She was a little shucken u from the bear attack... 
(Um... *confusion*)
Soran grabbed the bear and slowly set fire to its fur. "Come on, Gertrude. Snap out of it, or else you're going to die." the bear seemed to get scared off and ran away. Soran sighed, it was stupid to bring the newbies here. They haven't learnt to control and use their powers to the fullest yet.
(I just don't understand how bending light and darkness allows you to heal people. Healing people is Sky's special power....)

Sky got up from the ground. "I'm heading back," she frowned.
(That's not his power, it's energy manipulation. Light and darkness are just examples, as is healing energy. He can't heal major injuries, but he can still do some healing.)
Soran gave Sky a quick smile as he helped Danny and Clery up, "Yeah, just follow the path and you'll get to the Academy." Soran stared at the direction where the mysterious man went, he could feel a dark blush appear on his face. He followed the man into the woods, trying to convince himself it was just because he didn't want the newbie to get lost.
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After a long flight and having to carry her own bags all the way to the school, Bijoux still managed to get lost even once she had arrived at the school. She was cranky, tired, hot, and still had no one to haul her luggage. Even though she noticed the group of people walking her way, she didn't care whether or not they saw her in her disheveled state. Kicking her luggage like a can to her room, she looked over to them behind her sunglasses and gave out a loud "Uuuurrrggghhh" and kept on kicking.

(Already the ninth page, I'm so late. Sorry.)
Soran swiftly followed the other guy into the forest, watching as his pure white hair was blown around by the wind. Soran could feel a blush growing on his face again. Soran thought back to Gertrude's incident, they had quite good control over their powers for newbies. When Soran first came here, he was burning everything to the ground! His thoughts then moved to his power. The ability of fire....Soran stared down at his hand and flexed it. He could burn anything, is that why he was so bad at cooking? Soran shook his head to clear his thoughts and began pursuing the other man.
Valdun walked through the forest, hoping to get back to the school soon. He didn't want to get in trouble, because he rounded up a few Nephilim. He did a double take as he caught sight of what appeared to a flaming bear. He chased after it and quickly doused the flames with his jacket. He didn't know why the creature was protruding flames, but he knew that the creature was suffering. He put the coat back on his body and looked the animal straight in the eyes. "Don't go causing trouble for people again." He was met with an awkward lick from the bear in response. "I suppose that means you understand." He walked away from the animal and caught the school within his sights. He was tired and he had a lot of unnecessary social interaction today.
Soran had followed the other man all the way back to the academy, spotting Gertrude, whose fur was burning. He's going to have to have a talk with that bear, attacking his friends. Seriously! Soran never knew Gertrude was the jealous type. Soran thought he felt his heart skip a beat when the man doused his flames out with his jacket. What a sweet heart, Soran thought, blushing furiously.
He made his way back to his dorm and took a seat on his claimed bed. He was tired after everything that happened today. He healed a wound, saved a flaming bear, and he had jet lag on top of everything. He grabbed a book from his black duffle bag and began reading. He enjoyed reading a lot. The stories within them were much better than what was going on in his life. However, this was not a book that contained a enchanting story. This book was something that he enjoyed very much and was something along the lines of a reading bible. He might be the only person in the universe who enjoys reading the dictionary. The activity was even known to be the highest on a scale of boredom in human society. He had even heard many people compare situations 'as boring as reading the dictionary.' But for whatever reason, he loved it. He enjoyed literature and this book was like the foundation of everything. He had even memorized the book up to the Y column. He continues to read in silence, hoping that this day would end soon.
Sky had walked far ahead mostly everyone. She didn't see the girl kicking her luggage and was surprised when she completely ran into her. "I'm so sorry," she frowned, looking up.
Soran stalked secretly followed the man into the dormitories, looks like he is a student! As Soran kept stalking secretly following the handsome student, he found his way to his dorm room! Dorm Number 2. "So, this is my new room mate, huh?" Soran spoke out loud when he saw the guy reading a book. Soran smirked inwardly, well, isn't this going to be fun. Soran took a seat on the other bed and smiled at his new roommate. "I'm Soran, you?"
Valdun closed his book and turned his attention to the newcomer. It was too bad that he had to stop reading, it was getting good, he was in the middle of the Zs. "Valdun Calidus." His expression was blank and voice was void of any emotion. He inwardly hoped that this person wasn't too intrusive. He enjoyed his solitary lifestyle and didn't want to have it disrupted by a person who couldn't comprehend personal space. So far, nothing too weird had happened, so he thought his desired would be met for the first time in his life.
Looking up, Bijoux was too tired to even think of a snappy comeback. She hasn't had an actual friend for a while, not like she ever needed one. But she suddenly recalled something her nanny said a long time ago, "You'll never make friends if you don't try, so strike up a convo and say Hi!" This was a fresh start, it wouldn't hurt not to be snarky. "It's okay...." showing her forced almost creepy smile, "Um...which way to the dorms?" she asked the girl in her usual monotone voice.
Soran glanced at the book his new crush roommate was reading and raised an eyebrow. "Are you seriously reading a dictionary?" Soran stared at his roommate in disbelief. So, he had a weird quirk, Soran found that quite adorable. Snickering slightly, Soran jumped off the bed and asked Valdun, "You're new right?"
'Is reading the dictionary that odd?' He didn't understand why so many people questioned him about it. If it was printed and used all over the world in english classes, then it was meant to be read. He honestly didn't understand why more people didn't read it. It was a great piece of literature. He watched as his roommate jumped down from his position on the bed. "Yes."
Nicoledashorty said:
(omg, I'm sorry! My phone gave me no alerts! I don't know what's happening now :/ )
So far Sky & Bijoux walked into each other and Valdun & Soran are in their rooms I think. Hope that helped a little. I just entered recently too.
(Everyone just went back to the school.)

Sky smiled, relieved the girl hadn't snapped on her. "I'll show you," she smiled. "Do you need any help with your bags?" 
(Everyone just went back to the school.)

Sky smiled, relieved the girl hadn't snapped on her. "I'll show you," she smiled. "Do you need any help with your bags?"

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