Nephilim Academy

Now Danny wanted to go into the woods... "I have a feeling that I am going to get lost here often," She chuckled not kidding.
Soran had a wicked smile on his face. "So, who wants to go to the woods?" Soran had many memories of the woods, good and bad. Fun and absolutely terrifying. But, even after all those injuries something always dragged Soran back to the woods. And that was the thrilling feeling when he was doing something dangerous, like covering himself in gasoline and using his nephilim powers to sent fire to himself. Okay, Soran has to admit. That was a stupid idea.
Valdun laid his few belongings on the bed farthest from the door. He didn't see any other items in the dorm, besides the ones provided, so his roommate probably hasn't come yet. It was good, he wanted as much time to himself as he could get. He made sure his bag and case was securely locked, before opening the nearby window. Since he had time, he thought surveying the area would be best. He jumped out and stretched out his hand to cath a ledge. He turned his body and began to quickly climb the structure. The top of the building would provide the best view of the entire school, so going there first would be a good decision. He could've flown to the top, but he felt climbing would be best. Climbing was good training for his body and he really didn't feel like flying.

It had taken him about a minute to reach the top. He could see the entire layout of the school from his spot on the roof. It looked like they had put amount of work into making it look nice. He laid down on his back and enjoyed the pleasant breeze that began to blow. He had a difficult time these last few weeks and this was relaxing. He would take a quick rest here, until he felt he was ready.
Soran grinned at Sky, "No, I'm Soran!" seeing their blank looks Soran coughed a bit. "No? Okay...No Harry Potter jokes." Soran walked in the direction of the woods. "Well? Are you guys coming? Dinner's in two hours, that gives us about one and a half hours to explore!~" Soran gave the girls a thumbs up. "I just need to grab something from my dorm. You know, so we don't get killed!" Soran chuckled, shaking his head.
Clary noticed he just nodded, so she quickly went to her dorm. She laid in her bed and stared at the ceiling, crying silently. She needed to go home, there was no way she would make it here. She saw a bookshelf but saw something that wasn't a book. She stood up and went over, finding a Mac with a sticker on it. 'Clarissa Fraiser.' It said. She took it and turned it on, exploring the internet.
Soran entered his dorm and noticed a few new items added into his room. "Looks like my roommate is here." Soran thought out loud. "Anyway, I'll just grab this and we'll go." Soran grabbed a small white bag and slung it over his shoulders. Soran bowed at the girls as he left the room, "Shall we go, my princesses?" and began walking through the halls and towards the exit.
"It sounds fun," Danny said. She loved to explore and see knew things. She was excited, she wanted to see what was in the forest. She then followed him to the forest.
Sky didn't say anything, continuing to follow him. She was a bit nervous, not quite sure the forest was really safe.
Clary got bored with the internet and put her Mac under the pillow. She got up and went outside, looking to see if there was anything around to do. Figuring out she wanted to be somewhere quiet and peaceful, she went into a nearby forest and climbed a tree, sitting on the branch like it was a lawnchair. She didn't know the other people were in the forest as well, she just closed her eyes and enjoyed the nature sounds and breeze.
Vallan awoke from hi rest and stretched his limbs. In the corner of his eye, he caught sight of three people entering the nearby forest. He knew that entering their was against the rules. He had been told not to leave the school, the forest included that. They had also mentioned that the forest was a dangerous place. He gave a sigh as he looked at the retreating figures. It was none of his business, but he might be punished for not at least attempting to bring them back. He brought out his wings from beneath his skin, black and white feathers scattering everywhere. Bringing out his wings was a painful process, but he had grown used to it. He took off into the sky, blending in to avoid being noticed and followed the trio.
Danny had a weird feeling that they were being followed, she looked around casually but she couldn't see anyone. She knew this was against the rules, but she wanted to have fun. Also her curiosity was killing her and she had to find out what was in the wood.
Sky kept walking. She had barely heard of the forest and hadn't been informed of the rules against entering said forest yet.
Soran hummed quietly as he and the group strolled through the woods, hearing a quiet shuffle or a dangerous hiss once in awhile. Suddenly a giant viper jumped out of the bushes! Standing at seven feet, the viper had venom dripping from its sharp fangs. A dangerous hiss was released from its mouth. It's long, forked tongue flicked in and out, tasting the air. The viper curled back, like a jack-in-the-box getting ready to pop out. The viper attacked, opening its jaws wide. In a flash it was about to inject Sky with its venom! Soran walked up to the viper, placed a hand on its cold, scaly skin....and set it on fire. The viper was swallowed by the flames. Shrieks of agony and pain filled the forest, scaring the birds and other small creatures. The viper burned to ashes.

"Shall we keep going? I want to show you guys something." Soran continued walking through the woods like nothing happened. He followed a trail, worn out by its continued use.
Sky screamed, jumping back and pressing herself against the tree. She let out a deep breath as the viper collapsed in a pile of ash. She stared at Soran as she got back up, dusting herself off. "Let's just be careful," she said.

(Sky can get hurt. She has healing powers. Woo hoo!)
She looked at the ashes of the snake for a moment, then kept walking along behind Soran. He didn't have to kill the snake, the snake was just scared...
Clary heard screams and jumped, falling out of the tree and screaming herself. She's fell onto ground hard, and laid there. There was too much pain to move.
The group kept walking, it seemed the trail was going upwards. After an hour, or so, of walking, Soran led the group into a clearing. It was a cliff, the ground was decorated with wild grass and flowers. Soran stood by the edge of the cliff and sat down, dangling his legs off the edge. The sun was beginning to set, and at this height, it was beautiful. Multiple colours painted the skies, the sun was setting. If you looked down you would see Nephilim Academy's private beach, the sand seemed to shimmer like gold. The whole sight of it would make you breathless. Soran leaned back on his arms and watched as the sun set, turning the day into night. He seemed to enter his own little peaceful world.
Sky jumped at the sound of another scream. She looked around frantically, still a bit shaken up from the snake attack. 
Sky relaxed when they reached the cliff. She sat down cross legged and looked out at the sky.
Danny looked at the beautiful view. "It's so beautiful..." she said looking at the beautiful sky painted in only the finest colors. After a while of looking at the sky she heard a noise coming from behind them. She turned around to see a big brown bear. It showed it's teeth and it's eyes looked wild. It stood on his two paws.

"Stay where you are," she ordered them as she looked the beast in the eye. The bear started to calm down. She came closer to it and it went back on its four paws. She then placed a hand on it's shout.
Clary stood up and heard a hiss. She looked and saw a viper and screamed, running. She saw three figures ahead and noticed it was the three from earlier at school. But also saw another big brown figure, she snuck around the side and ran to Soran, going behind him and crying, her lip bleeding a little. She didn't know they were on a cliff and almost fell.
Valdun continued to follow the three Nephilim, until they reached a cliff. He was confused by the bears sudden appearance, but paid it no mind as the girl from earlier began to fall. He retracted his wings back into his skin and began to fall. He landed on the ground perfectly fine and grabbed the girl's arm, stopping her fall.

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