Nephilim Academy

Clary walked into the lobby and heard a groaning voice saying something about being bored. She then noticed a figure rolling on the floor. Her eyebrows raised confusingly as she gave a weird look. She quickly turned away so he wouldn't catch her staring and she sat on a bench close by, reading a magazine.
Soran kept rolling around on the floor singing about how he was so bored. Until he knocked his head into one of the tables. "Owwwwww..." Soran sat up and rubbed the bump on the back of his head. After the pain had receded Soran spotted a girl sitting on a bench. Soran's mouth grew into a cheerful smile as he jumped up and walked over to the girl. "Hello!" Soran beamed at the girl who was reading a magazine. "Are you new here?" Soran asked the new girl. He knew she was new because he had never seen her before, and Soran knew pretty much everyone here. Nephilim Academy was quite new, only a year or two, not many people came here. But, Soran knew that in a few years it'll be crowded with nephilim.
Clary looked up and put her magazine down, she nodded nervously and looked down. She was too shy to talk, really. Even though she hated it, Clary could never overcome her shyness. She lookes up and faintly spoke, "is your head okay?"
Sky eventually pulled herself from her bed, eyes wet and puffy. She carefully made her way back downstairs, finding her roommate the the boy from earlier in the lobby.

(I need some interaction.)
After Danny got all her things sorted out she then went back to the lobby where she saw the girl and boy from before then another new girl.
Soran grinned at the girl and rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine." Soran pushed a strand of his blonde hair out of his face. "Anyway, I'm Soran, you?" Soran sat down on the bench next to the girl and smiled, waiting for her to tell him her name. He hadn't noticed Danny and the other girl (who didn't tell him her name) from before enter the lobby.
Clary looked over then down to the floor, kicking her shoes together. "I'm Clary." She said faintly. The kid was nice, but she didn't know what he would think of her, probably weird because of her shyness.
Soran smiled at the girl next to him, who's name is Clary. "That's a really cute name." Soran gave her a thumbs up and began to strike up a conversation. "So, what do you like to do in your free time?" Soran turned his body towards Clary and leaned his arm on the bench. That's when he spotted Danny and the other girl, whose name he didn't get, from before. "Heyyo Dan, and girl-whose-name-I-didn't-get!" Soran waved at the girls, gesturing them to come over.
"Hi," Danny said and went over to where Soran and the girl.that she didn't know was. Soran seemed like he was the first to greet everyone around here.
Soran grinned, putting his hand to his forehead and posing in a dramatic fashion. "Finally! All this time o wondering, 'What's that girl's name?' has been solved! By Sky!" Soran patted the wooden bench. "Now come sit with us."
Clary smiled faintly and looked to the ground, letting the other people talk, and she thought about stuff. She didn't want to invade their conversation, so she stood up and quietly said, "I'm gonna go lay down for a little while... I'm.. Uh.. Tired." And with that, Clary slowly walked away, hands in pockets and head down.
Soran watched as Clary left the lobby, feeling worried for the girl. Had he done something wrong to upset her? "It was nice meeting you, Clary!" Soran shouted, waving at the girl. Soran was good with people, he knew when people were lying and the symptoms of tiredness. And Clary certainly didn't show any of them.
Valdun exited the office with his new map of the school, pulling the hood farther over his head. Getting a map had taken an unnecessary amount of time. He had spent at least thirty minutes trying to explain that he was a male, after he had been directed to the girl's dorm. Valdun had unnaturally feminine features, that mostly came from his mother and partly his father. He gave a quiet sigh as he traveled around, following the map's directions. He needed to unpack his luggage in the dorm. He didn't carry much, just a black duffle bag and a overly-locked black briefcase. This school didn't appear to have many residents, which Valdun was glad for. He preferred a quiet space and the ruckus of many students would distract him. 
(I am the new king of late posts, AlleyKat666.)
"So, Danny, Sky how do you like Nephilim Academy currently?" Soran gave the two girls a charming smile, he took one of the flower petals that were falling around him in his hand and played with it. Soran had been in Nephilim Academy for one year, this school year would be his second year. He got above average grades, but he was top of the class in PE. Since there weren't much people in Nephilim Academy, there weren't much people to have proper age separated classes. They usually keep everyone on the same class schedule.
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Clary was walking to the dorms when she walked into someone. He was carry black cases and bags, so he must be new. "I'm sorry. I d-didn't see you there." Clary said nervously. She was scared he would yell at her, so she looked at the ground and frowned a little.
"I like it so far, it's a big place," she said. It was it was really big, she would just have to get use to it, but she liked it.
Valdun stopped walking, when he felt a collision with another body. He hasn't even budged upon impact, so it was a little hard to notice. In the corner of his eye, he spotted a young girl. She appeared nervous when she stuttered out her apology. He gave a slight nod in her direction and kept on walking. Normally this would be seen as rude, but it was different with Valdun. He had a unique way with non-verbal communication. This one nod could say a lot, if a person looked close enough. If you observed closely, the action seemed to whisper 'Don't worry about it.'
"That's alright, I miss my father and home sometimes.." Soran gave Sky a gentle smile of understanding. "You know what? When I first came here I got lost, even with the map! They even had to send out a search team fro me!" Soran burst out laughing from the memory. "It was a terrifying experience! I had wandered off into the woods!" Soran was laughing hysterically when he recalled how freaked out he was. "I had run into a few other magical creatures, some tried to kill me. Thank the Lord that the search team got to me before that happened!" Soran's laugh calmed down into a chuckle. "Good times..." he stared off into the air, remembering his first year at Nephilim Academy.
Soran's face turned stoically serious. "It wasn't." Soran's eyes narrowed. A few seconds later Soran released a low chuckle. "Nah, I'm just messing with you guys," Soran pondered for a moment, then added, "But, seriously. Don't go into the woods. Those things aren't very friendly." Soran then muttered about something about 'Not saying please'

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