Nephilim Academy

Soran grinned and patted Valdun's head. "Well, dinners in an hour or so. So, just go down to the dining room and there'll be food." Soran paused for a moment, wondering if he should say it or not. "Oh, and don't worry about the dictionary thing, I think it's cute." Soran chuckled a bit, then added, "My dad does it, he says it 'increases your vocabulary'." Soran laughed as he looked back when he was still living with his father. "Well....bye." Soran exited the room, and ran around the corner. He looked around, checking if anyone was there. Coast was clear. Soran's face turned as red as a tomato. "I can't believe I touched his hair!" Soran giggled quietly. He's absolutely adorable! Soran thought to himself as he left the dormitories and went to the pool. 
Soran grinned and patted Valdun's head. "Well, dinners in an hour or so. So, just go down to the dining room and there'll be food." Soran paused for a moment, wondering if he should say it or not. "Oh, and don't worry about the dictionary thing, I think it's cute." Soran chuckled a bit, then added, "My dad does it, he says it 'increases your vocabulary'." Soran laughed as he looked back when he was still living with his father. "Well....bye." Soran exited the room, and ran around the corner. He looked around, checking if anyone was there. Coast was clear. Soran's face turned as red as a tomato. "I can't believe I touched his hair!" Soran giggled quietly. He's absolutely adorable! Soran thought to himself as he left the dormitories and went to the pool.
Surprised and relieved Bijoux replied to the girl calmly, "Thank you, you would think in this large place like this there would be a bell boy or someone assigned to to the work." She huffed a little and pursed her lips while handing the girl with some of the luggage. Remembering what most people do when they first meet each other, Bijoux awkwardly tried to introduce herself, "My name is Bijoux Galipeau, what's yours?" she glanced at the girl through her sunglasses.
Clary stood in the bathroom of her dorm, looking at the bruises and cuts on her face and arms. She sighed and put on a jacket, to hide her arms. She then made her hair go in her face and walked out to go to the lobby once again. She kind of faded out when she came back, waking up five minutes later. She doesn't remember anything after running to the three at the cliff, and she was scared as anything right now.
'That was odd.' One minute he was introducing himself and the next he was having his head patted like a child. Valdun didn't know exactly how to react to the 'cute' comment. 'I hope he doesn't think I'm a girl.' First the teachers and now the students. This was not what he expected on his first day. He supposed he would be able to get some better experiences during dinner.
Soran strolled around the pool in his swim shorts. Suddenly, Soran broke off into a sprint, jumping high in the air and diving into the pool. When he emerged, Soran pushed his hair out of his face, and sighed in contentment. Starting on one end of the pool, Soran began to practice the basic swimming stroke, basic freestyle. He was never a swimmer, he only started to learn how to properly swim this summer, and when he started, Soran was a complete failure. Determined to learn how to swim, Soran pushed himself to practice. Plus, when Soran got out of the pool, he was quite the eye candy for the ladies.
Dusk moved her suitcases to one hand as she entered the school, map in hand. This place was extravagant, how was she ever going to find her dorm? She shrugged to herself and walked into the Academy and started wandering around, abandoning the map as it was no help to her.
Emileigh jumped out of her father's red Aston Martin. "Bye, dear!" Her mother yelled from the front seat.

"Yeah yeah." She said under her breath waving to her parents. She ran toward her new school. Her parents had taken a detour on their trip, causing Em to arrive late. She gripped her two soft square rectangle middle class luggage as she ran through the night breeze. She burst through the front doors of the building and there was the head master.

"You are late." She/he stated. Em set her luggages on either side of her and hunched over.

"I'm very sorry, it wont happen again." She said quietly.

"Take your things to your room and go to dinner." The head master replied to her.

"Yes, ma'm." She picked her two suitcases up and headed toward a hall; she had no clue where she was going.

"Young lady, this way." The head master said, leading Em to her room.

"Thank you, very much."Em said as she backed through the door into her new home. The head master nodded and walked away. Well, wasn't that exiting. Em thought to her self as she threw her luggage on the bottom, stripped, bunk bed. (idk if my roomie is in the room or not... so I'm just ganna go with this o-o )
Danny soon wondered off to her room not really knowing what to do. She opened the door to find a girl with her luggage. "You must be my roommate," she told the girl. "Hi my name Danny," she added.
Em turned her head away from her luggage to her new roomate. She brushed her short white hair to the side a bit. "Hey, I'm Em." She said with a smile, then quickly looked to her luggage then back to the girl. "I didn't know what bed you chose... so i kinda just, took this one?" She said as she raised her shoulders.
Valdun made his way through the halls of the large school. Dinner was in an hour, so he needed something to keep him occupied. He had already finished and memorized his dictionary, so that was no longer an option. He continued walking, until he came across a room filled with exercise equipment. The gym was large and all the models were up to date. 'I suppose more training wouldn't hurt.'

Valdun started on a standard treadmill at a slow and relaxing pace. Then he began to up the speed. First it was twelve, then it was fifty, and now it was one hundred. Valdun got off the treadmill when he smelt smoke. He thought it was dinner, but that thought was soon dismissed, as he stared at the now broken treadmill. He had gone too fast and broke the internal motor. 'I'll be sure to pay for the damages later.' For now, perhaps something non-electronic would be best.
"That's fine," she told her. She didn't really choose a bed yet, and it didn't really matter to her. She sat down on the opissite bed. "Em... I like that name. It's pretty," she said and puled her hair pack in ponytail.
Dusk ended up in the gym instead of the dorms and saw a guy on a broken treadmill. "Excuse me?" She said softly as she approached him. Lucem Tenebris
Valdun heard the voice from behind him and turned around. The voice had come from an older girl, who was standing in the gym. He brushed the white hair out of his feminine face and got off the treadmill. "Yes?" His expression remained blank and his voice remained monotone. Perhaps she was lost and needed directions. Either way, he still needed a way to occupy himself, before dinner.
"Do you know where the girls dorm is?" She replied in a bored voice. Dusk noted he had white hair, similar to her own just without the red. It was quiet interesting, but she kept up a bored expression.
So he was right about her needing durections. He reached into his coat pocket to retrieve his map, but he couldn't find it. Valdun mentally sighed when he remembered that he had left it in his room. However, it was no problem. He had memorized the layout of the school, so the map was unnecessary. "Follow me." At least he would be able to occupy his time.
"Thanks, my full name is long and stuff." She smiled to Danny. "Your name is brilliant as well." Em said as she grabbed all of her bathroom supplies and went to put them away. "So what do you think of our room?" She called from their bathroom.
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Dusk followed politely behind the stranger and finally broke the silence, "My name is Dusk Harlem. Yours?"
"Valdun." He didn't think it was necessary to say his last name. After all, no one would be referring to him as Nexus, except for the teachers. Once he was outside, he went in the opposite direction of the boy's dorm and came across a similar building. He walked in with the girl known as Dusk and climbed the stairs. He turned to the older girl, once they had reached the second floor. "All dorms are on this floor." With that, he left.
Dusk didn't bother telling him thank you or even watch him go, instead she found her dorm and walked in. It was horrifyingly pink. With a sigh, she claimed the bed closest to the window and wondered who her roommate was. To occupy her time, she unpacked her clothes and organized her art supplies.
Danny smiled "Thanks and I think the room is great, it is bigger than the one I use to stay in," she said then looked out the window. They got a good view of the privet beach. "What about you? What do you think of the room?" she asked her.
The door of her room slammed opened and multiple suitcases came flying in. With help from Sky, Bijoux finally made it to her room before dinner. "Thank you." She said softly to Sky and closed the door without waiting for a response. Tired and cranky, she didn't even notice her roommate, instead she plopped onto the opened bed and screamed into her pillow. After a minute or so of releasing her rage into the pillow, she looked up to see her roommate. With a emotionless face and a pouty lip, all cranky little brat could pull out was, "Hi...."
Dusk glanced at her roommate and nodded, "Hello." She returned to hanging up her clothes, being very used to sharing a room with someone with a difficult personality.
AlleyKat666 said:
Sky nodded, silently going back to her own dorm to wait for breakfast.
OCC: I'm sorry I didn't wait for your reply, I hope I didn't offend you or break the rules! Sorry sorry sorry!!!
Watching the girl hang up the clothes, Bijoux was confused to what she was supposed to do. Not being one who was used to being nice in any way, she was lost to what she was supposed to do to attempt making friends. The thought made he cringe a little; making friends.....There was only a few things in life that could make her calm down at a time like this, one of those was chocolate. Reaching down into her purse, she removed a little pink and golden lines box of assorted Parisian chocolates. She sighed and gobbled them by handfuls, but then she stopped to do something out of her natural order, "W-want.....some?" She pulled out a half smile.

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