Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

(Nya! Can I make a different character too? An okami?)

Wane grinned, clearly this cat was a bit freaked out, he couldn't blame her, seeing him around must be quite a shock, he knew he had that affect on woman. He shifted into human form, "Name's Wane, but you can call me anytime" he winked "See what I did there?" he waggled his tail deviously. He looked back at his partners "Anyways, were looking for some Neko Anarchy League headquarters, some place we can hide away from the humans while we gather neko's and power" He twitched his ears as he looked at the nervous neko "You don't have to tag along with us immediately if you don't want to, but I suggest you join up when we have missions, got it?"

Wane looked at the others "By the way, anyone got any ideas yet? Like a den or a hollow tree or something?" he scratched his chin as he thought "It has to be large enough to accommodate all of us, and our growing members" he shook his head of his pensive thoughts, not liking the serious attitude for too long and gave a fanged grin "The king of NAL decrees it, therefore it shall be done!" He pumps a fist in the air and waves his tail triumphantly.
Adrianna looks at Wane and then hissed loudly at him. She thought for a second but sided. Her old place was only room for her, even in cat form. She looks at them all. "I got nothing..." She said and then crossed her arms. "Well someone who knows how to trick those humans has to be around. Just got some food from two stupid ones." She said and then looked around. She looked at Wane and then sighed. She looked around. 'I'll take a look around...." She said and then quickled climbed a tree to the top. She looked around for a bit. Her ears perked as she heard birds. "I don't see anything." She said and then looked down at them.
Kikira watched from the shadows, unsure if she should reveal herself. Could they be good? Or maybe bad.... She didn't want to take her chances. Though they were nekos. But she was a kistune. If they were good, would they even accept her? So many unclear thoughts raced through her head, confusing her so easily.
Rekka flicked his ears. He sensed another neko, but this scent... it was different. Rekka morphed into his wildcat form without a word, leaving Adrianna and Wane to talk, and went to investigate. He leaped silebtly through yrashcans, until he pinpointed what he saw. Rekka cautiously went up to this strange neko, and looked at her with glowing eyes, he was concealed by the shadows. He wasn't sure if she was hostile or friendly, so he watched her actions, silent and still, like the wind in summer.
Her nose twitched slightly as she scented a wildcat, close by too. Her tail bristled in fear and her ears flattened against her head. She didn't want to find out if they were good or not. Quickly reverting to her full fox form, she raced past the nekos, speeding away fast down towards the ally she called "home".
Rekka let put a small squeak in surprise. He hastily leaped to the rooftops to follow her. As he ran along, he cpuld see her down below. He wanted to be friends. Really. Yet why was she running away? Had he made a sound? Rekka continued following her to a dark ally. Was she living here? What a pity. She should join NAL, nonetheless...
Kikira looked up, realizing she had been followed. Narrowing her crimson eyes, she reverted to her kitsune form, tail lashing and ears pressed flat against her head. "What do you want?!'
Rekka leaped down gracefully, without making a sound. He landed infront of this kitsune and looked up at her. She was mich bigger than he was, but Rekka wasn't intimidated. He waved his tail politely," Hello," he revealed a toothy feline grin. "Rekka!" He lifted a paw and pat himself, indicating that was his name. Rekka tilted his head," Name?" He asked for this kitsune's name, if she had one.

"My name is Kikira." She said, her voice mingling with fear. Even if this wildcat was small, she knew it was a neko. Her tail curled around her waist and her ears perked up ever so nslightly.
Rekka licked his paws, showing off a row of sharp teeth. He padded closer to her, sensing her slight tint of fear," Friend," he reassured softly and morphed into his human form. Rekka had dark hair and icy eyes like crystals. He wore all-black and looked kinda gothic or punk. But he wasn't like that at all. Rekka had white bandages wrapped around his neck, hiding seceral bloody scratches. He ore a silver necklace with a blue jem that matched the same glow of his eyes. Lastly, his ears and tail came in. he had two piercings on one ear and one piercing on his tail. He held out a polite hand and repeated," Friend!"
"You see weapons?" He asked, almist like a trick qurstion. It was true that Rekka didn't weild any weapons, but his necklace seemed unharmful to anyone. His weapon was his voice, and what could a little voice do? "Your choice," he said, saying that it was up to her if she wanted to trust him or not.
((I'll wait to see if others join that decide to be non-cat nekos, if not, then I'll do it. Might want to work on your spelling a bit, you've made a bit of errors lately. Oh yeah, and nice Avatar :3 me likez)

Wane put his hands up in front of him when she hissed "Alright, Alright, don't get so snappy" he meowed. He looked up at her as she climbed the tree and she relayed what she had seen to him. " sure there's nothing at all?" he said "Perhaps we have to look closer." He climbed a neighboring tree, not wanting to get to close to her "Yeah, you're right, I can't see much useful areas from here." he looked down "Hey, where'd Recca go?" he shrugged.

He'd probably come back later. He sat on a branch with his back against the tree. "Anyways, Adrianna, you should have seen us back there. We tore up that bar and ate all the food we wanted. Then some human cops came and tried to overtake us. Pfft! It was too easy." he grinned as he reminisced about before "Just think! If we get enough nekos and cause chaos, we'll have everything to ourselves. Humans are nearly powerless" he purred, and scratched at the bark while he was transfixed in thought.
Adrianna looks at him and then chuckles. "Nice." She said and then pulled out her knife. "I've been taking what I need to survive...can't say I've been in a mess like that but I've learned how to fight and how to out smart them." she said and then pulled what she had gotten out of her bag. She sniffed it. "Hmm...not very good." She said and then shrugged eating the bread anyways. She looked around and then walked to the edge of her banch.

Her short blond hair blew a bit in the breeze. "So he just left huh?" She said and then looked down. She jumped down and then landed perfectly. Her tail stood up straight and she put her hands in her packets. "Weird for a leader to do." She said and then pulled one of her hands out and rubbed the top of her head.
((So sorry it took me so long! Was busy with Renfair))

Nii looked at the new neko and twitched her tail, Wane really did flirt with everyone.

Nii pulled a little bit of bark off the tree he was scratching at with her mind in

annoyance. "Hello," she said quietly, "Adrianna huh? My name is Nirae. Nii for

Adrianna looks at Nii and then smiled. She nodded her head. "Alright Nii." She said and then crossed her arms shifting her weight. She looks at them both and then looked off were Rekka had run off too. "hmm...Anyone hungry?" She asked grabbing the bag of food. "it's not much...but it's something." She said and then blew her bangs out of her face.
Nii shifted back to her human form from her Lynx form, "Well, I don't want to be a

moocher, but sure, if you're offering up." Nii smiled and suddenly hugged her,

careful not to squish the bag of food. "I hug." Nii beamed with happiness.
"...And you're leaving me out?" Wane catapulted down to the ground and tackled the two girls in an embrace. "And by the way, I'm the leader here. No one leaves the leader out of a hug!" he laughed and withdrew his arms from around them. "I just ate awhile back, keep your food". He walked off a bit away from them, sniffing the air as he tried to find Recca's scent. "And I'm glad to hear your so great at fighting, we could use someone like you". He turned his head back to them. "Anyways, I'm off to find Recca" he shifted into his cat form and bolted, a blur of white into the forest.

As usual, he didn't look back to see whether or not they followed.
Adrianna looked at wane and then raised an eyebrow. She rolled her eyes and then looked at nii. "Well help yourself..." she said and then pulled out some of the food she had and handed it to her. "I think I'll follow the ego guy over there." she said pointing her thumb behind her at wane. She sniffs the air and crossed her arms following wane.
Wane's feline paws pattered through the dirt as he scented the trail Recca had left as he followed...something else. His whiskers twitched as he tried to recall the scent. Had he smelt it before? It was hard to tell, maybe he had but nonetheless it was for the most part unfamiliar. Had Recca gone and chased this...thing?

He heard footsteps behind him and he twitched his ears in satisfaction. Glad that he'd had company with him and that he wasn't alone. Without turning his head he meowed "Glad you could make it Adrianna", he sniffed the air again. "Do you have any idea what that scent is?" he continued to run and follow the aroma.

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