Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Wane gave a goofy grin and bared his fangs, "Lead the way princess" he purred and took off in a run. This was great, finding Adrianna was one step closer to forming NAL, it was also a step back considering they were being chased by a psycho human who would ruin their plans. But should they survive the danger was a test of their competance as an Anarchy league. If they could make it trough one guy they could oblitherate scores of worthless humans.

That being said, they had a long way and a lot of surviving to do before that was even a possibility. He laughed and said "I have a dream...that all nekos will rule the world above humans!", Unfortunately as a cat he couldn't pump his fist in the air so he settled for a heroic swish of his tail, raising it like a banner of victory.
Adrianna looked at Wane. "If you have to speak to me by my name...not kitten not princess but Adrianna." She said and then twitched her tail if irratation. She looked at Rekka and then at Nii. She sighed and kept walking. She had to remember where the place was. She looked around and then turned. She looked up and then back in front of her. The house she remembered shouldn't be to far away. It was randomly built in the forest so she guessed not many humans new about it. It would be perfect.
"Hey Wane," Nii said as she followed Adrianna, "Can you explain to me more on the

plan for NAL? It sounds neat, but why exactly are we doing it? What made you want

to exactly? ...Come to think of it, we all really know next to nothing about each other..."

She looked around as she spoke wondering where this place was that they were going to,

and how well it would suit all of them.
"Hey Wane," Nii said as she followed Adrianna, "Can you explain to me more on the

plan for NAL? It sounds neat, but why exactly are we doing it? What made you want

to exactly? ...Come to think of it, we all really know next to nothing about each other..."

Wane meowed "Good Point, that'll be phase 1 of NAL, get to know each other." he shook his fur "Honestly I've been battling against humankind for a long time. They hate us we hate them." he laughed "Honestly a Neko Anarchy League was a huge spur of the moment thing that happened when I met Recca and we wreck..." he smiled as he changed his words "Recca'd the whole bar" he swished his tail at the pun "I didn't think the idea would go this far. If we actually get anywhere with this, we won't ever have to fear humans. We can live freely. Eat what we want. The ultimate freedom"

He frowned at the last question. What made him want to exactly. He had a long history, at a young age he was orphaned, a common thing for nekos. It was a contstant struggle between those ruthless humans. Who started the hatred, he had no idea, but as a neko he saw nothing good came from humans and that was why he sought to destroy them.

"My only plan for now is to get to a safehouse and hope we don't get killed by Adrianna's friend" he thought for a moment "Then tomorrow we can raid some unsuspecting human's restaurant and plunder all their food, declaring NAL as a force to be reckoned with" His cobalt eyes sparkled at the idea of that, it sounded fun.

He grinned "Hah! We'll listen guys I'd love to talk about me and I'm sure you're all begging to hear stories of my life but Nii's got a point, how about all of you, anything you would like to share?" Odds are a lot of these nekos had their own personal secrets and backgrounds and there was probably some things they wouldn't say but he really wanted to get to know what they could tell him.
Adrianna looks at Wane. "..." She kept walking and then hissed. "Nothing to share only that I am experenced in fighting in hand to hand combat, fighting with a knife and using teeth and claws." She said and then looked around. "This way...we're almost there." She said and then sped up a bit. She ran down seeing the old mansion. She ran and climbed a dead tree. One of the branches went through a broken window. The place was old and rotting. It was nearly falling appart but it was safe enough. "Come along then." she said walking through sniffing around for visitors. No new scents anyways.

She looked around at the dusty house, her paw prints showing her path. She stretched out and then sneezed. She rubbed her nose with her paw. "Is it good enough?" She asked.
Rekka walked in casually. He was rather uncomfortable with telling his story, but for two reasons. His story was hard to explain. The grapgics and gore that plagued his mind. His necklace that kept him from jeopardizing his own existance. The bandages that hugged his neck tightly, concealing a gruesome mass of bloody slashes. The slashes that sliced into his neck. The very reason he could not have proper speech. Yes. There was that too. The other reason was his voice. Even if he wanted to tell his past, it would be extremely diffucult for him to. Rekka padded in, silent as ever. "Dusty." He mumbled whiffing at the air that wavered around them," but no humans. Good," he blinked. Remembering those stonehearted freaks. He hated them. Rekka absolutely hated them.
((Yay, chance to deepen my charrie's back-story))

Nii nodded knowingly as Wane spoke, and giggled a little at his pun. She meowed,

"I myself have had my fair share of hardships, but none too difficult it seems, seeing

as I am still alive. My parents died when some humans retaliated against the nekos.

Sad thing is they weren't even against humans, in fact they were trying to help

relations between the two. Unfortunately they got assassinated by some angry

unthinking humans. I don't hate them though, actually. I was so young at the time,

but even so, I understood that they just aren't educated enough. Some humans,

like that man, however, are not right in the mind. Maybe he was hurt by nekos,

but he takes it too far. Killing just to kill, attacking just to attack." She paused,

looking around at the group to see if she was boring anyone. She also commented

on the place, "I like it, it will work well I think."
Rekka gritted his teeth. He awknowledged Nii didn't absolutely hate humans, but Rekka himself completely despised them. They deserved to die. All and every one of them. Those insanity-crazed humans drove him mad. Of course, Rekka kept his mouth shut. He looked at Nii with a slight nod, reassuring her she wasn't boring anyone. Though that thought mingled his mind. Would they ever gain peace along with humans?
Adrianna looks at them and then sighs. She searches the area and then glances back at Rekka. She walked over and sat down beside him. "You going to be ok?" She asked and then smiled a bit at him. She looked down and then checked out her arm that was grazed by the bullet. She created a light ball and played around with it. She looked at Rekka and then looked at Nii. "My parents were murdered by humans....with no reason my parents did nothing to humans." She said and then sighed deeply. The light changed colors and Adrianna rolled it between her paws. "I don't care if he's been hurt by Nekos...he's killed more then I can count." She said.
Rekka looked up. He saw Adrianna sit beside him and asked him if he was okay. Rekka flicked his ear and answered quietly," Rekka is fine. Rekka thinks..." He said, remembering that man that attacked Adrianna. What was his deal? If what she said was true, that man relaly did kill much of their kind, the fact that he did boiled in Rekka's stomach. "Humans..." Rekka said," Humans will die." He spat out like poison, feeling ni sympathy whatsoever. He was tired of humans killing, killing, killing! That was all they did, and they even were payed to! Nekos had to work to even get enough to eat. Rekka's eyes darkened as he repeated," Humans...will die."
"Like I said, he takes it too far. Way too far. He is someone who deserves to die. Kill

or be killed, right?" She didn't like the idea of blood on her hands, she looked at

Adrianna play with her ball of light and poked at it with her mind. "One who can

find light in the darkest of places... That person is one who will persevere live

on, and be happy. Even when the world is against them," Nii said, "I think I

heard that from a book once or something." She had come up with it herself,

but she didn't want to seem silly and oddly poetic.
Adrianna looked at Rekka. "Calm down there before you go turning into Jack the ripper." She said and then made the light ball dissappear. She sighed and then looked down. "Humans are bad....but don't get carried away or you'll be one Rekka." she said and then looked at him. "Though you can explode on Vince....I wouldn't mind him." She said and then smiled trying to cheer up his mood.
He swished his tail," Guess.. Right then.." He gave a nod of approval to Nii and Adrianna, thanking silently for the help. It was true he was bitter to them, but it was true. Hatred only turns you into someone who hates, and Rekka didn't want to be one of those kind of people. Rekka stood without a sound, observing the little run-down place," Needs cleaning." He remarked, indicating the dirty walls and floors, yet otherwise, it was a nice place, if you ignore the dust and odd funky smell.
Adrianna looked at him and then giggled. "I guess it does." she said and then turned human again. She stretched herself out and then looked around. "Well if anyone wants a bed I think there is one and then there might be some pillows around the house." She said and then shruged. "If anyone minds since I know Vince I should take first watch." She said and then took out her food bag and set down. She stepped on a lose plank and suddenly it broke. She grabbed the floor and flipped herself over. She struggled to regain her balance but she did.

"And um.....becareful?" She said and then rubbed the back of her neck. If it wasn't for Adrianna reflexes and agility she'd probably have broken a leg.
Nii shifted into her human form and went toward the 'house' "I might as well work

on it. Lots of dusting ahead of us. Be careful with first watch," Nii said, thinking,

"Anyone want to help me?"

((Hey, can this be what it looks like?


Adrianna looks at her. "I, i think there might be some old rags in the bathroom." She said and walked to the bathroom. She found some and then smiled. She looked at Nii. "Here." She said and then looked around. She checked the floor....seemed stable enough.

Nii thanked Adrianna and took a rag to what was left of the windows first, getting the

dust off of them, coughing every now and then. "This is going to take a long time.... Say,

what time is anyways?" She finished the first window and turned to look at Adrianna.
Wane chuckled, he expected that much from the nekos, Nii was the most open about her background. He watched as Adrianna bounced a small light and Nii recited a bit of poetry. He mewed "That's pretty good. I used to read back before the dangers of life caught up to me" he twitched an ear and stood up. "I don't do much of anything anymore but fight" he hopped away exploring the decrepit manor. There was a cruddy kitchen with a large wooden dining table and a chandeliar on the ceiling. With two leaps he found a place on the chandelier and it tinkled under his weight. Up here he saw a lot of rusty-hinged cupboards, an ancient fridge that he wondered if it still worked, a nearly rusted sink.

He hopped down, going up the stairs. Up here there were four roOms, most were nearly empty and covered in cobwebs, bu t one or two had a bed, he checked the condition of it. It was dusty and old cotton but from his inspection he didn't see any bugs or critters.

He hopped back downstairs to found Nii busy dusting at the window. "Hey pretty kitty" he purred "Need some help?" he shifted into his human form and grabbed a few cloths starting to dust at one of them. "So honestly, what makes you think humans are so great? I've never seen a good one. I highly doubt one exists." He continued to wipe the window pensively.
Adrianna looks at wane and then starts dusting the shovels and the tables. She shifts her weight and then continues. She looks up and then back down. She attempted not to hum but she started anyways, it just helpped her work. Her voice wasn't bad at all but she didn't want to disturb the others.
Rekka shifted to human form and was slightly surprised that Wane had never heard of a human. He sighed," Humans evil. Humans kill," was the only thing he could say, gulping grimly. Rekka looked around and went up the stairs, wincing at the loud shrillish squeak that resonated from the stairs. As he walked up, Rekka noticed dozens of cobwebs and a little spider. It would take a long time to clean off. Upstairs, it was surprising that there was the perfect number of bedrooms, along with about three extra bedrooms. This rickety old place was much bigger on the inside. Good.
((Sorry for the wait))

Nii giggled at his 'pretty kitty' comment. She didn't really think of herself as pretty. "I am still waiting for that right answer. And I would love more help, thank you very much." Nii smiled and continued dusting another window, reaching the high parts with her mind. "Well, my outlook on it is this. If all the humans knew more about nekos, and nekos more about humans, then they would get along better. I have met a few nice ones, but mostly they were just openminded. They didn't want some war to break out. Humans and nekos alike have this problem. They fear the unknown. They are afraid of us because they do not know us. They are also afraid to have their world flipped upside-down. My parents, when they were alive they worked with some humans trying to build peace, they saw good in humans, so why shouldn't I?"
"I dunno, because the humans killed your parents, some good that is" he shrugged "But don't listen to me, I'm a skeptic and if you ever find a human that doesn't want to shoot us between the eyes feel free to point them out". He dusted a last window and added "I'll keep what you said in mind but right now humans are stupid, heartless, and vicious." He dropped the rag on the sill and swished his tail as he inspected his work.

He suddenly yawned, "Meh, I'm turning in", he nodded at Nii. He called out to Adrianna "I'll take watch when you're done". He shifted into a cat, "Anyone want a bed?" he said to them. He grinned and said "Cuz I'll probably be curled up in the middle and take up all the space" He laughed, He hadn't been in a bed in a while and even though he wasn't a large cat he'd want to take up the whole thing by himself.

He leapt on the windowsill and sat, curling his tail around his feet and purred, waiting for an answer.
Adrianna rolls her eyes at Wane. She continued dusting everything off. " better get some rest too ok?" She said and then smiled at her. She looked down at the floor and then went and found a broom. She was really straightening everything up. She seemed in deep thought as she did so too.

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