Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Adrianna looks at him and then snifted into her orange cat form. She sniffed the ground and then looked at Wane. "Smells like....a fox." She said and then sighed. "Yeah...that's a fox...come on we better hurry." She said and then sped up a bit. She didn't know who this fox was and being appart of the canine family she didn't like them much. Of course meeting a fox might help. She sniffed the ground and then looked back at wane.
After a small while of eating the food given to her, Nii decided to follow the other Nekos.

She shifted into her cat form and, being a lynx and not a housecat she ran a little faster

and caught up to them. "Let's meet this fox thing," Nii said enthusiastically when she had

caught up, "Maybe it will be friendly and join up?"
Rekka scentd his companions and turned his head, while in human form. He gave a polite smile and pointed to the fox girl that was with him," Kikira!" He introduced her. Rekka thought it might be a little uncomfortable for a kitsune to meet so many cat nekos at the same time, and reassured to Kikira they were his friends. Rekka then turned his attention to the NAL army soldier (which isnt really an army yet xD ) he told them," Kitsune friend!" He swished his tail to indicate Kikira.
Adrianna turned human and then crossed her arms. "I see." She said and then slowly walked over. She looked at Rekka. She learned her speak human from her parents before died. Apparently Rekka hadn't gotten the chance. She looked at Kikira and then nodded slowly to her. "Hello, I'm Adrianna." She said and then looked at Rekka. Her ears perked and Adrianna turned her head. She reached into her pants to grab her knife when a bird flew out. Adrianna just let her hand go in not wanting to alarm anyone. She didn't want them to know she was being chased by someone. She looked at the others.
"Hello there Kikira," Nii said, shifting into human form and giving the girl a soft hug,

"I'm Nirae. Nii for short. No need to be shy, I don't mind foxes personally. I actually

think they are quite adorable." Nii smiled warmly at the girl, she didn't want to

frighten her.
Rekka swished his tail in delight. They were welcoming his kitsune friend without any hostility whatsoever. Yet something tingled his mind and he sighed. Wane would probably hit on this girl too. Only he and Wane were the only male nekos in this brigade and it made Rekka want to try harder. To try harder to try his best. (lolut?) By the way, where was his leader? Hm? He's probably catching up, he reassured himself. Rekka held his hands behind his back politely and gave a little smile.
(I was thinking of making a Human bad guy....a hunter to chase the nekos. It would make it a bit more interesting don't you think? Can I make him?)
(That would be very interesting)

Upon hearing that the thing they were chasing was a fox he halted his run. "Wait, what?" But the others had taken off in a run. He picked up speed again, finding tnat Nii had greeted the neko with a hug. He swished his tail apprehensively, this was a female neko, normally he'd get his swag to melt their hearts. But this was a fox, and not that he was racist or hanything but he was apprehensive of kitsune, he had once gotten into a fight with a male kitsune which was the first one he had met. He lashed his tail a bit before he managed a smile "Hey there, foxy" was all he said, because of course he had to keep his reputation and despite his personal feelings about foxes she was quite attractive.
Adrianna wanted to smack wane but she resisted the urge to completely beat him up for flirting with every female he sees. "Talk about a dog." She said to Wane meaning to be insulting. She sighed and then looked at the fox. Foxes were appart of the dog family so she did hope that didn't affend her. Her tail was down twitching at the end. She pushed her fingures through her short blond hair with a sigh.
Nii looked at Wane with a glare and lightly tugged on his ear with her mind. "Is that

the way you speak to every female you meet?" She looked back at Kikira, "Don't mind

him. He's a bit of a flirt."
(sure~ anything that you'd think would make the rp funner :D )

Rekka meekly facepalmed and sighed," Wane Moonscar, he is ladies' man," he said, half giddy and half ashamed. Rekka looked at Kikira," We're in NAL. Neko army!" He choked the words out a bit, for it was rather diffucult foe him to say so many words in the same breath. Rekka looked at his companions, hoping they would approve of this canine soldier.
"Yep, we are building an army of sorts. Should be fun. I think it'd be cool if you joined.

Wanna?" Nii looked at Kikira first, then around the group to see if there were any

objections. "You seem like a cool fox, Kikira. I know we don't know each other

much yet, but I am certainly looking forward to knowing you better." Nii smiled

largely, excited to make another new friend.
Name: Vince

Age: 18

Species: human

Gender: Male

Powers?: not really unless you consider his expert shooting with guns

Bio: He grew up with parents that hated nekos. They feared them, all his life he's been searching down and gaining money off of killing nekos with his parents. After his father was killed by one he decided to become the best assassin there is. So far he's heard of a small group that is gaining in numbers. Using his money to get guns, knifes, and other weapons he plans on making his biggest profit yet. So far he's been tracking a neko called Adrianna and she has servived and outsmarting him so many times she's in his book along with Wane.

Appearance( descrip. Or pic):

(if neko) Cat appearance: He's not a neko.
Adrianna looks at Rekka and then smiles lightly. She suddenly hears a branch snap and she turns around quickly. She grabs Nii and tugs her out of the way of a bullet. Adrianna jumped up and then grabs her knife from her pocket. She rushed towards Vince knowing were he was. Her knife clanged with the metal on a gun. She narrowed her eyes and then jumped back as he tried to hit the side of her head with his gun.

Adrianna knew vince the best being in contact with this killer several times. He was extreamly dangerous, clever, and experenced in fighting nekos. However Adrianna was just as smart. She was faster then Vince not to mention....her power over light. Adrianna created a light ball and blasted it at him. She missed and he tried to knife her across the neck but she ducked and bent back using her foot to kick his chin hard, she put her hands on the ground and then jumped up spinning in the air and landed facing Vince.

Vince hadn't expected to find Adrianna in such a group. He was tracking her but now he might have to flee. Wane was among these nekos and Adrianna had found his spot so quickly they'd all attack him, not knowing their powers was dangerous too. He cocked his gun and then fired at Adrianna making her fall back. He then made his way to excape from the unexpected group.

Adrianna grabbed her arm as a bullet grazed it. She looked at the others wondering if they're alright. She hardly had expected Vince to follow her. Now she had put the others indanger. She wanted to kick herself. Her short blond hair fell over her eyes as she hissed in frustration. Being his target wasn't as easy as other assassins. He knew what he was doing and Adrianna barely got out of each fight without a scratch. She looked at them wondering if they wanted to follow, however by now he was out of sight. His clothes were made to conseal his scent so sniffing him out would be hard.
Nii got pulled out of the way of a bullet so fast, she hadn't even known an enemy was there.

She looked, sitting on the floor where she had landed, at the short but intense battle before

her. She never was much of a fighter. After it was all over and the man had left, Nii sprung

up and bolted to Adrianna's side. "We all look fine, but you got grazed. Looks like it got you

good for just a graze. Here, gimmie a sec, though it isn't my best application of telekinesis

(also known as psychokinesis), I can heal a little." Nii grabbed Adrianna's arm lightly and

focused on the bleeding scrape. After a few seconds of concentration, a soft yellow glow

appeared and the cut closed up slowly. After she was done she blushed, "Such a dramatic

application for such a little scratch. I'm sorry. I just don't like anyone being hurt. It may be

sore for a little while, but it won't get infected this way." She looked back at the rest of the

group. Nii hadn't wanted to show them that just yet, but it happened anyways.
Wane gave a smug smile when everyone reacted negatively to his flirting. He place a hand over his chest dramatically and said "Sorry ladies...and Recca...but the heart wants what the heart wants" he purred. But before he knew it, the sound of a bullet pierced the air and he jumped as Adrianna pushed Nii out of the way. He hissed as a man jumped from the brush and Wane extended his claws, ready to battle when necessary. But before he knew it, this guy was gone.

He flicked his ears in irritation as Nii healed Adrianna's small gash. "What a loser! Didn't even stay for a fight. I could've taken him singlehandedly" he scoffed. He'd been in battles with hunters before, and he'd often won, because clearly he was far more superior. Granted, part of his skill was from tactical retreats, because even he knew deep down that these weren't enemies he could take lightly

He walked over to Adrianna, "So tell me kitten, who was that freaky dude anyways, it was like he was targeting you". He though back to how this guy had looked, he seemed familiar, perhaps he was one of the many hunters he'd run from. "Will this have any impact on us finding finding safety" he twitched his tail in irritation, he didn't mind himself being put in danger, but now he felt that he had to share protection with the four other nekos, and that was a challenge.
Adrianna glared at him. She showed her long nails. "Next time I'll push her out of the way and pull you into it." She said and then sighed. "Yes, he was after me...yes this is going to be a problem. I thought I lost him." She said and then crossed her arms. She looked down. "Such an idoit..." She whispered and then her ears went down. She had just got around nekos and now she put them indanger.

"And I wouldn't take him lightly....He's killed more nekos then any hunter...he knows what he's doing and is not stupid enough to stick around Neko's with powers he doesn't know." She said and then looked at them. She looked out where he had run off. "I've outsmarted him before but he's about the stubbornest human I've ever met."
"Well now there are more of us. Also he doesn't know our abilities yet. We have the upper hand for the most part,

he just has the element of surprise. I say we should refocus and find a place to stay. Without being followed my

some crazy with a gun. If we can find a place, and properly defend it, be on lookout, etc., then we can take away

that key element from him. What do you think?" Nii spoke, interested in this dangerous puzzle that needed solving.

She was relieved that no one found it odd she could heal. It isn't a well known ability of telepathy. She just didn't

want to be labeled as the cleric of the group, so to speak.
Rekka grazed his tail on the gorund. That hunter man really ruffled his fur. He was like, shooting random nekos, and that made Rekka want to go feral. He coughed and gulped. So there really are people who kill nekos for money. How disgusting. Yet now he knew that ther ewere two nekos in NAL that are wanted by that crazed man. This fact shivered his spine, but he kept calm.

(tryin to make Rekka less submissive :D )
Adrianna looked at Nii. "Easer said then done. I've tried for months...I'm in his "Book" as he calls it." She said and then her tail started wagging like crazy, yep....she was mad. She looked at Rekka and then sighed and then pushed her fingers through her hair. "We better get moving. He'll bring a better gun....and his aim will only be better." She said and then looked around. "I bet you there's some kind of house that's abandened or something."

She looked to Rekka who must have been as irratated as her. Hopefully he wasn't mad at her. She already hated the idea of putting them indanger; her ears slightly dropped at the idea. She looked at Nii and then the new girl, of course she was pretty new herself.
Wane noticed her ears drop like she regretted putting them in danger. He placed a hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes "Nobody blames you, we've all been in dangerous situations before Adrianna, I'm not saying it'll be easy but we'll have to work together" he gave a serious nod then let his hand drop to his side.

He walked off a bit and shifted into his white cat form "Anyways, like Adrianna says, we better get moving. An abandoned house of some sort seems like a good idea, and we'll probably have to have each of us taking turns on watch duty when we're at rest since this guy can find and kill us at anytime." He sniffed the air and flicked his tail, just talking about the possibility of this dangerous guy set him on edge and made him more wary.
Nii nodded at Wane's comment, "Yeah, its all good. Don't feel bad. We are an league

after all. It wouldn't be any fun without some peril." Nii shifted into a Lynx and sat

down next to Wane, her ears twitching, trying to listen for anything else suspicious.
Rekka nodded quietly and shifted to a black wildcat, loking back to see if the rest of his friends were following. A low growl rose from his throat. That hunter really pushed his buttons, but as usual Rekka stood quiet and calm. He nodded again and approved the idea of an abandoned house. He was VP, after all. Rekka let out a small kitty-yawn and shook his fur, unruffling it quickly. "Where.. Can find... house..?" He said quietly, looking around. Were there any houses that were vacant? Maybe on the outskirts, but he doubted the inner cit.y
Adrianna looked Wane. He was serious, she didn't think he could be serious. She nodded her head at him and then smiled at Nii. She looked at Rekka and then shifted as well. She perked ears and then looked at them. "Come on...I think i remember one place." She said and then looked around. She screatched out her body and then shook herself off. She looked around and then looked at Rekka. "Come on...better take the long way." She said and then started moving towards the forest.

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