Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Nii lifted herself off the ground with her mind and up to the ledge, landing next to Wane.

She shifted into a Lynx and licked at her paw, "Be careful, one's ego can be their downfall.

I wouldn't want that to happen to you." Nii pawed Wane's tail play playfully and stuck her

tongue out at him.
"Ah... Yessir!" Rekka stuttered a bit and leaped up. The morphed into a dark wildcat with multiple white bandages around his neck along with his necklace, completed with a silver piercing on his tail. He lifted his head to the sky, sniffing quickly," Nyan," he muttered softly and continued. Where would they find a shelter? There were humans practically everywhere, and the few places that were available were filthy. Rekka saw a few dogs, a normal non-neko cat, and various other tgings. "Where?" He couldn't see anything.
Yawning and stretching, Nii turned towards Rekka, "Well, are there any woods nearby?

To be away from all...this... could be nice. It would be easy to hide there. And some

sort of fort or building could be made." Nii kept playing with Wane's tail, except now

with her mind, and grinned.
Wane mewed "What makes you think I have an ego? I'm just awesome, that's all there is two it" he looked down at his twitching tail and she played with it. Wane batted at her tongue that stuck out at him in mock anger, but he just continued to twitch his tail while she played with it.

He looked at Recca and Nii, "We'll look around, in our cat forms for now, the humans won't find us as easy since they only know us in our human neko forms." He darted his gaze around to look around the place "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find something, trust me, humans aren't bright. We'll find some awesome pad". He looked back at his tail, which was now being manipulated without the use of her paw. He gave a fanged grin and with his left paw, a small streak of blue light flew out and he froze her ears, which hung numb and limp against her head "haha" he smirked, giggling at the unusable appendages and batting his paws at them.
Rekka nodded a curt 'yessir' and smiled. He was enjoying this mock fight between the two. But Rekka didn't like to fight for fun. When he fought for fun, it wasn't fun at all. Besides fighting, Rekka liked to make little tunes by bending the sound waves around places, but now wasn't the time. His tail flicked back and forth as he waited patiently and had a catlike giggle.
Nii mewed in discomfort and stopped playing with Wane's tail, "So not fair. Please fix them?

I just look sad like this." Nii giggled, she was certain she looked silly. She waited for him to

hopefully fix it, and spoke, "Well, I hope we can find somewhere better than just an alleyway.

I am not an alleycat. As for blending in... I'm a Lynx. That's a little bigger than a housecat,

I hope the humans are really that stupid. In my experience, they can cause some real

problems sometimes." She looked down, thinking of her parents.
Wane tilted his head and his tail twitched when he'd noticed how distraught she'd seemed. His mischievious and playful demeaner waned and he lifted his left paw, reabsorbing the light energy from her ears so they were back to her control although by the way she sunk her head she was lost in her own thoughts.

He shrugged, patting her head with his paw and than dashed accross the roof "Well, c'mon Nirae, c'mon Recca. If we don't want to get caught as nekos or Nii as a lynx we need to find a safe have." HHis paws pattered on the roof top as he ran and he looked into the sky, finding a forest or a bit of woods could be a good place to call their headquarters, their base, or even...their home.
Rekka followed silently. He was a wildcat, similar to a lynx, but about the size of a housecat. Since he was generally short, he was also a little small to be a wildcat. Rekka silently prayed in his head that no one would notice Nii when they went to find their new home. Rekka leaped through the forest, inspecting everything he cpuld see.

(srry short post. Gotta go study D:)
Nirae was happy her ears were free, but they were still fairly down as she followed

Wane and Rekka. Sometimes humans had a Lynx as a pet, but it was rare. She noticed

Wane calling her Nirae and not Nii, also the patting of her head. He cared more than

she thought about others. She thought he cared only for himself. Nii was now much

more intrigued by Wane, and his more complex personality.
Name: Adrianna

Age: 14

Species: blond wild Neko

Gender: female

Powers?: controls light

Bio: She was kept on the streets running from humans and getting herself into trouble. She roams around and switches from Neko to cat. She never really trusted anyone enough to let them help her. She often feels loney and can seem harsh at first but she's very nice and wants to help others deep down.

Appearance( descrip. Or pic):

(if neko) Cat appearance:

Adrianna was running through the forest in cat form. She lept up turning human and grabbing a branch, using the momentom of the jump she swung around the branch and then jumpped to the next run. She looked down to see her stalkers following. She let out a hiss her eyes on them before she dashed out. She landed right ontop of them. She grabbed her prize and then raced off into the forest. She was fast and the two she had just jumpped were to out of it to follow. Once she thought she was safe she stopped panting loudly. Her She swung the bag of goodies over her shoulder and continued to walk, not knowing they're were others around. However her ears twitched and her tail started wagging with irratation as she scanned around the area. It smelled like other Nekos or cats btu she didn't trust anyone.
Rekka's ears perked up. "Neko!" He alerted Wane and Nirae. He held his nose in the air, his fur spiking up defensively. Rekka's throat rose up in a low growl, and he looked over to his commander," Ally! Neko ally!" Rekka suggested. He whipped his wildcat tail, trying to locate the exact location of this new neko.
Adrianna's eyes turned to her left. She heard the shout. She jumped into the tree and then ran towards them. She hissed from the tree and then pulled out a knife not sure what to do. her tail keeping her perfectly ballanced in the tree. She looked down at them hidden for now although they probably heard her comming. She pushed short blond hair back a bit.
Rekka lifted his head, his necklace jingled a bit. He quickly saw Adrianna, though it was pretty hard to. "Hello!" He said, waving his tail around. Rekka was unable to talk much, but a little hello was alright for him. "Friend!" He reassured the stranger. Rekka waved his tail around, his tail-piercing gleamed nonhostile.
Adrianna looked at him and then jumped down. She was in human form and she crossed her arms covering up her stomach. (She's wearing what is in her picture.) She shifted her weight to her other leg looking at them. She was careful and her tail was down. She distrusting and being very careful. She looks around trying to sniff out if anyone else but the ones she could see were around. She had her sack of food over her shoulder.
Rekka waved his tail at this girl. "World domination!" He purred as he turned into his human form. Rekka had implied they were going for world domination. The world had been taken over by human, and now they were making a resistance. A rebellion to the humans," Join? Join?" Rekka asked, getting all up in her face. He put his hands in his pockets, patiently waiting for a response.
Adrianna looks at him and backs up. She blinks and then looks around. Jion them? Now? She looks at him and then thinks it over. She looks at him and then crosses her arms. "Sure why not." She said and then looks at him. Her ears twitch a bit still nervous about them. She would like to see humans being put in their place. Just for now she'll tag along see how they do.
Rekka smiled and grabbed her hands, pulling her over to his two companions. "Rekka!" He introduced himself to Adrianna, then he turned to the other two cats,"Wane," he pointed to the white cat," Nirae or Nii,"Rekka pointed to the lynx beside Wane.
Adrianna looks at Rekka. She looks at the others and then nodded her head to them. Her tail was wagging showing that she was nervous and irratated not trusting these cats just yet. She looks at Rekka and then pulled away. "Adrianna." She said and then crossed her arms once again. "Nice to meet you all." She said and then perks her ears listening to any new sounds incase those humans that were following her show up. She looks at her sack of food and then tied it to her waist so she didn't lose it.

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