Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

((Hey Kinadra, he said anytime brosis, and Wolfy is ready to reply :P ))

Wane shrugged his fluffy shoulders and hopped down from the counter, landing in a lithe stance on his paws. He shook his white fur and licked his paw once more rubbing it accross his face. He looked to the black wildcat "Well, I'm done for today. If you want to hang be my guest, unless you hate me. Just kidding that's impossible!" He purred and fluffed his fur in an arrogant manner. "Anyways, you do seem to strike me as a loner." he shrugged "But yeah, this isn't the end, if you ever want to meet up and start one of these crazy raids be my guest. All you need is some psycho banshee scream and trust me I can probably here that from a mile away" He mewled.

He padded his way over to the person who lay unconscious on the floor. Hopping on top of him and then jumping his way back to the bar area in the front room. Many people were just starting to recover, he gave a devious grin "Make way, useless humans, Wane Moonscar coming through". He made his way to the door, realizing it was shut and he was too lazy to shift and open it. "You, puny human!" His startling cobalt eyes glared at a frightened man who was just starting to make his way to his feet. "Open said door for me!" he commanded, the startled man ran over to the door and obeyed. Wane purred "Thank you, and for that I will spare depends on my mood and if I remember". He trotted out the door and didn't look to see if Recca had followed, he would know soon enough anyways.
Rekka's ear flicked. Was he leaving already? He ran to Wane, turning into his human form. He smiled and had his arms behind his back," You're one interesting guy. I like you," Rekka grinned and followed the cat Wane. His tail wavered behind him and had an idea. If Wane was seriously planning on thi 'neko empire' thing, he would have to be more. Rekka went up and grabbed Wane by the scruff and looked him dead in the eye," Didn't you say you would be the new king? Then we need to start building an umpire!" (im talkin to yew kinadra xD ) Rekka was now very interested in this idea. A would where the rejexted rule. And he wouldn't want his ticket to freedom to just walk away.
Wane purred "Yes I know I know I'm quite amazing aren't I? You're not so bad yourself there Recca". He was super glad that Recca had showed up, he hadn't had some company in quite some time although he'd prefer to remain stolid and not show any emotion upon him arriving.

He continued on his way until he felt a hand gripping his scruff and yanking him away from the ground and he meowed in surprise. He found him staring eye to eye with human form Recca. "Didn't you say you wanted to be the new king, then we need to start building an umpire." Wane swished his tail "Indeed, I would make an amazing king, but as far as building an umpire I hate those baseball dudes building one would be a waste of time"he scoffed "But I'm totally for building an Empire" He purred. Suddenly his blue kitty eyes fixed on the charm on his neck and he couldn't help but bat a paw at it playfully.
"Nyan!" Rekka gasped and dropped Wane. He realized what he had done and apologized," Sorry! Sorry! But p-please don't touch that," he stuttered, nearly having a heart attack. Rekka grasped it tightly," It-it helps me stabilize my sound waves, you know, to keep from overloading, kind of like yours." He pointed at Wane's necklace, which was slightly different from his. Human Rekka picked up Wane again and set him on a ledge, where he and Wane were about same hight now. "I'd like to join your empire, Wane Moonscar," he smiled.
"Mraawr!" Wane fell to his feet, ruffling his fur at the sudden fall. He was picked up and placed on the ledge, looking back at Recca "Hmm...yes they are similar except mine enhances my power" he purred. Recca than says "I'd like to join your empire Wane Moonscar" giving him a smile. Wane nodded "I accept you into my Empire, NAL is officially an empire of two" He shifted into neko form and was standing in a crouch, holding up two fingers.

He stood up, looking out into the sky, "Ah yes, I can see it now. We no longer shall be oppressed by mankind, if anything, we shall rise above them, the way we deserve to". He pumped a fist in the air, a trademark action that he normally did.

"Recca, this appears to be the start of a beautiful alliance".

Just then his white neko ears suddenly twitched, he turned his head to see some humans come around the corner. They were official looking, with badges and guns. "You there, animal scum, are you the one who trashed the bar?". Wane crossed his arms and gave a sly smile, "Indeed I am". They nodded "Are you Wane Moonscar? We have a warrant for your arrest. Disorderly conduct and murder has run rampant in this town, you are to be taken into custody and given the death sentence.

"Boys, the only people getting a death sentence here is you two". He hissed and hopped down onto his feet and looked at Recca "So? How 'bout it? Phase one: Disobey all human authority." He clenched and unclenched his fists, ready for battle.
((Sorry its so short T.T I didn't know where to start also just noticed timing is bad :( ))

Nirinae looked at the two Nekos bickering a little and sighed. "I don't know if what you are talking about is supposed

to be secret or not, but you two are pretty loud. But that's your problem." She smiled a little, walking towards them,

"You guys seem amusing though, and I am new here. Care to fill me in? I heard most of the conversation anyways.

And I might be interested."
(no problem :D )

Rekka lashed his tail at the newcomer. "Military!" Rekka rasped. Again, his neck kept him from talking much, but he was pretty clear. Him and Wane had invaded a buffet meal, leaving a mess. Now, they have a warrant. "Fight!" He screeched, and looked toward Nirinae," Fight?" He was asking if she knew how to fight, but afterwards Rekka leaped in the air and kicked a man. The man was fazed for a moment, but came back with only a bruised cheek. Rekka hissed at the man, baring his fangs.
Nirinae shook her head and looked at the bruised man calmly, "Physical fights are for a last resort." She closed

her eyes for a moment and opened them again, newly focused, and lifted a few rocks with her mind, throwing

them at the man with enough force to make a nice gash in his head and sending him reeling backwards. "I throw

things," Nirinae giggled, "to put it simply. But I can do a bit more than that."
Rekka nodded a of approval, and clutched his necklace. Mumbling things, he let out a high-pitched screech that blasted the same man, worsening his injuries. He looked at Nirinae and smiled a happy grin, now there was one other man left. (Wane needz to bei here .3.)
Nirae winced at the highpitched noise that downed the man, and looked at Rekka's necklace,

perplexed. "What is that necklace?" She was aware of the other man left standing and chose

to ignore him for now, too focused on Rekka's necklace.
"Helps control saoundwaves," Rekka explained, which meant that it helps him stabilize the soundwaves better without overloading. "Take off, then BOOM!" He waved his arms. He had said that if he didn't have it, it is a much higher risk of destroying his body. Different frequencies can harm a body, so the necklace lowered the amount of stress it put on him, so Rekka wouldn't blow up or something.

"Oh wow... I wish I had something like that. Telekinesis can give major headaches. It's fun though, reading, with books

hovering around you." Nirae smiled big, "What's your name anyways? This may not be the best meeting space, but I

think we will get along just fine."
"Nirae, though if you can come up with a nickname feel free," she said, looking at his outstretched hand,

she took it, then pulled him towards her into a hug, "Nice to meet you Rekka. I'm a hugger, mot much of

a hand-shaker."
"Nyan!" Rekka was surprised he got pulled into a hug, which was even more weird because he had just met this girl. "Ah... " Rekka got used to the hug, and calmed down a bit. He let go after a while and pointed toward the other cat beside him," Wane Moonscar," he said, introducing the over-ego cat. Rekka swung his tail around in delight. He had just made a new friend. Thinking for a moment, Rekka tried to remember. "Nii!" He pointed to Nirae. The word Nii meant 'sister' and she pretty much welcomed him with family. Rekka jolted and looked at her," Nii?" He asked, meaning if she was okay with the sudden name.
Wane's ears twitched at the mention of his name and noticed a new neko had joined the party. He materialized over to them, looking at the cat name Nii apparently "Hey there, like he said I'm Wane" he wrapped an arm around her shoulder "Don't worry, you'll be falling for me in a while, they all do" he gave a wink and purred.

The other man was frightened by the fact that his partner had been ousted by the few cats and he was ready to bolt. Wane cast a glance at him and then lifted his arm, making a blast of energy shoot from his palm and over to the man, who collapsed in a paralyzed heap "You stay, we're not quite done with you yet", he called.

He looked back at Nirae, "Anyways, I'm going to be king of the Neko Anarchy League, and your welcome to be my queen, pretty kitty". He flashed a fanged grin and swished his tail deviously. He twitched his ears, not wanting to count out his other companion either, "Oh, and that guy is my second-in-command, VP, whatever, but he's important and stuff too".
Rekka nodded and approved of this role. He pointed towards Wane and said," Ladies' Man!" very calmly without hesitation. Rekka smiled playfully," Make neko league. Take over the humans!" He explained, saying they would form a rebellion against the humans, overthrowing them. "Join? Join?" Rekka asked excitedly. Their empire was growing! Rekka looked at Nirae," Queen?" He teased, reminding of Wane's flirting. Wane really was a handsome cat, Rekka had to admit, but he wouldn't be going very far with that attitude. Rekka looked at Wane wiith mixed emotion. Where were they to go now? Rekka skipped over to the paralyzed man, picking his numb body up," Blackmail? Ransom? Hostage? Torture?" He said with a smile. He saw the man sweating at all the mentions possible, and this made Rekka feel happy. He looked to his 'king' for instructions.
Nirae laughed, "Nii sounds good," Nii looked at Wane's arm, then to Wane and grinned, "Do you like me for my looks or

because I am something that moves? Neither would be the right answer. Neko Anarchy League? NAL. Sounds good, I

will join. Though you may have to wait for an answer to the queen part." Nii kissed Wane lightly on the lips after flashing

him a fanged grin. Kissing wasn't much to her, but it would probably rile him up. She turned towards Rekka and walked

towards him. She lifted the paralyzed man with her mind, looking him over, then turning back to Rekka. "Personally I

don't know what is the best to do. Is there information you can get from him? However, unless they tick me off, I

wouldn't want to kill too many people."
Wane was surprised when he suddenly kissed her but a grin drew across his face, most girls normally slapped him across the face or walked away in disgust, he couldn't imagine why. He suspected it's probably because they couldn't handle all of his awesomeness. He shrugged "I will also get back to you with the RIGHT answer". He then joined everyone by the paralyzed man.

His face had eyes bulging and a frozen grimace, the same condition he was in right before paralysis. Wane put a hand to his chin and swished his tail pensively, "I don't know about torture, what information can we get from this guy? I like the idea of ransom, we can get some cash out of him. Blackmail? What for?" His ears flicked with an idea "If we took him as a hostage, we could declare NAL to the world, and then demand that people listen to our commands." He looked to the other two nekos "Sound good to you?"
Nii thought for a moment, petting her own tail, "Well... it could

be dangerous. At this point there are only three people, it

wouldn't be wise. We may be strong, but if we announce it

like that, I doubt we could hold our own against an army."
"World domination," Rekka's eyes glinted and sparkled. "Divide and conquer~?" He suggested. It was true they couldn't win against the human forces on their own, and he hated to admit it. Rekka stood and looked at the man, enjoying how they have defeated 2 military dogs so easily. It was quite a party so far, and he would love to expand it. "Maybe more raids?" Rekka thought. They could probably get their name known by being infamous for doing things, like attacking buffets and parties. Yet if they did that too much the police would surely look out for them. The piercing on his tail jingled as he swished it, open for any more suggestions.
"It could be fun to let him go. Allow him to scamper back to his superiors," Nii lost

too much concentration to keep the man up in the air and he fell to the ground.

Nii glanced behind her then kept talking, "If we did that, then it would make them

be afraid, worry, and wonder. But, as long as we move to a different spot, they

can't get us nearly as easily." Nii looked back and forth between Wane and Rekka,

they were both pretty cute. She wasn't sure what was with Wane's ego issue,

maybe he just craved attention? And with Rekka's odd way of speaking, she had

no clue.
Wane snorted, "I liked my idea better but its a start." He skipped over to the man who lied helpless on the ground. "Alright, puny human. Run along to your police buddies and tell them NAL has struck again!" He pumped a fist in the air, then opened his palm, absorbing the energy from the man's body.

The man's face moved, contorting into a scream and he took off, away from the neko league. Wane's tail twitched in satisfaction. "Let's move loyal subjects.We shall find a safe hideout far from here and call it Neko Anarchy League headquarters".

He took one large leap, landing on the ledge and hopping onto the roof of a building, where he shapeshifted into a white cat with harleqin-like black crescent markings that made him appear mischievious. He looked down at him and his tail swished off the edge of the roof "Let us depart anarchists" he meowed.

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