Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

"Yes young padawan, we have arrived" Wane shifted to his human form and smoothly walked into the bar, "Follow my lead Rekka".

There were a lots of tables with a few sad and depressed looking human beings, the normality of what he expected for them. Many of them turned to look at their arrival and cringed at the sight of nekos. His eyes glittered at the smell of their obvious fear, he leaned against the bar, giving the bartender a sly grin. "Okay, here's the deal, normally I'd kill the hell out of everyone here, but I have a newbie here so I'm going with the basics. Just give us what we want and don't think we can't get it whether you cooperate or not".

The bartender was a burly man with a stained t-shirt and an extreme frown that was all the more accentuated by the wrinkles the drooped on his face. His beady eyes merely stared at the nekos from under a bushy brow, unfazed. "We don't serve your kind here" he continued to wash the glass mug with a rag as if they were not there. Wane flicked his ears and continued to stare at the man with disdain. "You seem to not know me; allow me to introduce myself, I am Wane Moonscar and this is Rekka".

A man from one of the tables gasped "Do what he says man! It's Wane Moonscar!". The bartender remained resolute. "There ain't no freaking way you is getting free handouts just because you are some cat freak." He mumbled. Wane hopped onto the bar in a crouch and hissed, waving his tail like a white flag that meant something far from surrender. The man flinched, dropping the mug with a shatter. "Okay, you want to play that way, normally this is the part where I make you suffer but I'll have my colleague take over from here." He looked to Rekka and pressed his ears close to his head, clutching the blue sapphire pendant and muttering a spell under his breath.
She ran far, heading towards a place she hadn't been. Running through the forest, she came upon a beautiful cottage, the door hidden by vines. Reverting to her humane form, she cleared the vines away from the door and opened it. She was greeted with a cloud of dust.
Rekka grinned widely, showing his sharp feline teeth. He leaned over at the bartender, licking his lips," My, calling us cat freaks isn't very nice," he hissed softly. Rekka rested gis head on his hands, and hus tail swayed loomy. He looked over to Wane, and noticed he was saying a spell. He purred and stepped back a bit, away from Wane's area of attack and clutched his own necklace, he felt a cold tingle underneath his clawed hands. Rekka politely cleared his throat, poising in case of battle. While waiting, Rekka thought this Wane cat was very interesting to be with. Maybe he should tag along. Cause hey, buffet food.

(hey Kanna, wanna join in on the buffet scene? Since we dont have many active RPers here, (only 3 TT.TT) u should join in, ya kno, fer fun. Im not forcing. Just suggesting :D )
Before she walked in, she felt her stomach growl hungrily. She knew there was no food in her old home. Closing the door, she walked back out of the forest, going to find food. She found a nice buffet and cautiously walked through the door. She flattened her ears against her head and wrapped her tail around her waist, knowing they probably wouldn't like nekos.
Rekka noticed a new neko girl come in. "Hello," his voice was wispy, like wind, but also the classic teenager rasp. Rekka lashed his tail politely, saying silently that Wana over there was getting food. He licked his lips viciously, almosy tasting the food he had promised.

(urgh crap dangit, forgive mei D:)
She narrowed her eyes slightly, even though her calico sweatshirt hood hid her dark aqua eyes. "I didn't think there would be other nekos." She said almost angrily. Uncurling her tail from her waist, she flicked her hood off, letting her tortoiseshell colored hair fall over her shoulders. It had been a while since she put her hood down. Ignoring the stares her beauty attracted, she went over to the buffet.

((sorry happy wheels is annoying.))

((So what's happening? B4 I make the starter, I need a little info :D ))
(haha I lub interrogating peeps xD srry if I sounded like a butt. Sooo Wane tells Rekka they could simply assault humans to get food instead of diggin through trash cans. Wane knows a crapload of magik and ish gettin food. Rekka haz sound wave manipulation, and Yuki is just walking in on the scene where we are gettin some real food xD )
Lucy waved her tail silently as she walked through the allies, seeing three nekos in a group. She stared at them, with her shining eyes, and purred, "What's all the fuss?"
((LOL, I lubz yer explanatiunz wit all the weird spellingz and stuffz xD ))

Wane sees two other nekos joining "Myah! It appears the nekos are taking over now!" He laughed maniacally and grinned as Rekka began to use his power. With the entrance of two more nekos it was clear that victory was theirs. Perhaps he'd discuss something more deep after, or perhaps during, dinner. About a full on neko uprising. Of course, Wane would clearly be the leader of such a thing being the most sexy and powerful neko of them all. "We overpower you filthy humans! Surrender!" He mewled and began his maniacal laughter.
Rekka siad something very quietly. He was normally a really shy guy, but not when using his power. His sapphire necjlace tinkled a bit. One of the men laughed, thinking that was all. Seconds later, a high-pitched scream emitted from Rekka, knocking back a few men. He wavered his arms and another blast came out, but it came from thin air. The last blast was much lower, and the guys fell uncontious. Rekka smiled. He crossed his arms and whispered softly," Annihilated...." He flicked his ear, obviously proud.
Wane's fur grew frizzed by the blast and he rubbed his ears with his hands "Geez dude, even with magic that hurt quite a bit". He hopped over the bar, "Well c'mon Neko Anarcy League, yes, that is what I have suddenly decided to call us, let us take the spoils of war" He pumps a fist in the air in style. Wane marched off into the kitchen, a cluttered and messed up place. He morphs into his cat form and hops onto a counter, grabbing a hamburger and started munching hungrily "By the way, I pronounce myself leader of NAL since I'm the awesomest".
Rekka shifted to cat form as well, along with his bandages and necklace. He leaped over, opposite to Wane," Sure, High General Moonscar," he said, bowing down playfully. He grabbed a little tuna sandwich and becan nomming on it quietly, indulging into food that tasted ever so wonderful due to starvation days before. Rekka eyed the girls and said, through mouthfuls of sandwich," Hungry?"
After eating, she disappeared into the night, her hood once again pulled up. feeling tired, she headed back to the cottage. She really wanted to look around it. The moon shone brightly as she walked through the forest. She loved the feeling of the soft green grass between her toes. Smiling, she looked at the cottage. It looked different somehow, and the door was open.
Wane scoffed "Tch, didn't even stay for the party! " he licked his whiskers and shrugged "Oh well, Toms before Wenches, eh Rekka?" He meowed as he rook another bite of the burger. "I'm pretty serious about NAL, though, we need to overtake humans, and the more Nekos we have joined together the more we can fight the power" He raised a paw, but then stopped, realizing that it was not a fist which meant the effect was less dramatic. Instead he licked his paw "mmm, I taste like food" he meowed.
((fawk I need someone to make me a starter post, mine come out like crap! Can someone make one for me? D: ))
Rekka blinked. Wane was much more laid-back than many other cats he had met. His enthusiasm was almost... comical? Rekka nodded and finished his tuna. Rekka sat up, his tail wrapping around his paws, which were now hidden. "Army?" He asked. Rekka was referring to the government's army, which had tanks and guns. He played with hus necklace, which tinkled and chimed a bit. Rekka leaped down softly, without sound, and went over to a fat man laying down. He poked the fat man's cheek with his paw, feeling and noticing the man's face jiggled a bit. Rekka smiled and started batting the man multiple times.

(hmmmm try coming in and joining the food. Have a good personality and desribe it thoroughly. Like, if you're prissy you could go in and show some attitude when I eat or somthin. srry Imma bad at doing other peeps posts, but u can post anything. Nobody's gonna hate on you if you do a bad post.)
Name: Nirae Mikki

Age: 17

Species: Neko, Lynx rufus

Gender: female

Powers: telekinesis

Bio: (writer's block. Can add more later) Her parents were killed in the rebellion by

humans. She holds her own and is very opinionated, not afraid to take the initiative.

She is distrustful of humans, but doesn't hate them necessarily.



Cat appearance:


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