Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Nii sighed and mumbled quietly, "They never do understand my point..." She dropped her rag and shifted into a lynx. She leaped onto the same windowsill as Wane and decided to screw with him. "We could share..." Nii purred in a quiet voice, nudging under his head with her nose. 'That should get him riled up enough,' Nii thought, 'Payback for being such a flirt. He still hasn't given me that right​ answer he said he would.'
Adrianna continued her work. "You could at least pick up your rags." She said and then picked up the rags. She didn't like humans but she still liked being in her human form. She felt so out of place with these Nekos. She looks down and then continues to clean. She started using her light power to vaporize the dust. It was amazing what consitrated light could do.
Rekka walked quietly back down and glanced up at Adrianna, who was still cleaning. Rekka blinked," Adrianna should rest... Sky getting dark... Bedrooms upstairs," Rekka said quietly, picking up a rag and placing it on a neat little table. He swished and grazed his tail onto the wooden floor, and he looked around the room. He looked at her and nodded, and indicated the stairs with his tail.
(Wait? What right answer was that again? I kind of remember a little, but can you tell me without me going back and reading)

Wane raised an eyebrow at what she was implying, it was a bit out of place, normally he was the one that came on to girls and not the other way around. He wasn't the type of guys to sleep around with girls either. No, Wane was a ladie's man, not a player.

Her comment confused him a bit and he didn't know how to respond, after awhile he decided she clearly she was joking and just trying to make him uncomfortable. He decided to go with "Well, I'm sure any male would jump at the offer to share a bed with a sexy kitty like yourself but I'll decline for the sake of being a gentleman" he winked and purred, jumping off the sill and running up the stairs, claiming the bed and curling into a ball.

He probably won that one by calling her 'sexy'. He gave a smile as he closed his eyes and twitched his tail at a probably flustered Nirae on the windowsill. But he meant what he said, he wouldn't do anything with Nii unless he was serious about her, and he wasn't sure about that yet.
(("Wane was surprised when he suddenly kissed her but a grin drew across his face, most girls normally slapped him across the face or walked away in disgust, he couldn't imagine why. He suspected it's probably because they couldn't handle all of his awesomeness. He shrugged "I will also get back to you with the RIGHT answer". He then joined everyone by the paralyzed man." That :P ))

Nii laughed, a bit surprised at his declining. Though, she would have declined even if he hadn't. 'Surprising,' she thought, swishing her tail back and forth, 'He has some actually gentlemanly qualities about him. I will need to investigate that more...' "Goodnight," Nii said to anyone that could hear her. She proceeded up the stairs, took some time finding the attic, and slept there warm and curled up into a ball.
Adrianna looks at Rekka. "i have first need to worry." She said and then looked around. She looked at Nii. "Goodnight." She said and then walked over to a window crossing her arms. She looked back at Rekka. "However I think the same goes for you so why don't you get some sleep." She said and then smiled at him.
Rekka nodded and turned around to go upstaors. His tail swished a goodnight and he said before leaving," Make sure sleep," Rekka said, almost as an order. He had told her to sleep when she needs to. Rekka flicked his ears and skipped upstairs, taking a room to the far left and closing the door without a sound.
(Alright, I think we can skip to morning unless anyone has any plans for otherwise. I say the best time for Vince to attack is 'tomorrow' RP time or later, you know, right after he gets to know the nekos)

(Backstory time...grab your tissues!~)

Wane flicked his tail in his sleep and rolled around a bit, grumbling in his sleep as he dreamed

Wane and his friend Damik were laughing as they ran away with handfuls of swindled meat from the butcher shop, the man waved a fist at them and was screaming profanity as they darted away to safety. The two 11 year old nekos found a narrow alley and retreated into it's depths.

Damik sat with his back against the wall and Wane did the same on the opposing wall. Wane grinned "Hah! That was great, huh Damik? We totally robbed that guy and he did absolutely nothing" he tore of a chunk of meat and swallowed greedily. The bleach-white haired neko twitched his gray ears and mumbled "I still think we should have killed that stupid human" he bit in a piece of ham as he spoke. Wane glared at him "You know we couldn't do that, what if this guy has some friends. What if he was you? I'd be left without a friend if you died". Damik's cold ice blue eyes glared at his friend "Yeah, and you don't think he'll do the same to us? We need to kill him before he does it first. Besides, haven't you heard? They're killing nekos all over the place, we should do the same".

Wane twitched his tail in defiance "That sort of thing doesn't happen around here, we'll be fine, we got what we want, they get to keep their miserable lives, we're good." he scarfed down what was left of his ham. "Anyways, they wouldn't kill Wane here, I'm too cool for that" he pointed his thumbs at himself and gave a fanged grin. Damik gave a small smile back in return "Alright bro, whatever you say" He jumped to his feet and wiped the bits of food off his clothing. "Goodbye Wane" he waved a hand and departed. Wane waved back "Seeya!" and with that Wane took a large leap on the rooftop. On his way to his small shack of a home, his ears rotated to a sound and he heard an agonizing yowl pierce the night. He stopped immediately and whipped his head in the direction "Damik!" he cried and took off.

He ran down the eerie streetlight-lit street, with crowded buildings huddled close to one another enclosing the road in one giant mazelike path, he saw a form in the distance. He came to a stop when he made out what it was. His eyes widened, his heart froze and his blood ran cold, he couldn't breath. There was a pool of crimson liquid and upon it a crumpled body. A hefty man loomed above it, his back turned. In his hand he wielded a butcher knife, and glinting off its blade was blood.

Without knowing, Wane let out a hiss of rage and the portly man whirled around to face him. "You! Filthy pest, you're the other rat that stole from me today!" The man charged with his knife raised, Wane didn't react until the last second, he dodged but the knife grazed the upper part of his cheek, right below his eye. Wane's blood pumped erratically as he felt his blood drip down his face. He narrowed his eyes and just as the man went for another swipe he grabbed his arm wielding the broad blade, the man seemed stunned that his move was stopped and he glared at the man in the eye. The man's eyes grew from malicious to fearful, he twisted the mans arm and he shrieked in pain, the knife clattered to the ground.

Wane gave a swift kick to the man's side and he flew to the ground laying on his back. Wane walked up to him slowly "You think we couldn't kill you back there either? We didn't. We did what we had to do to survive, because our parents are dead!" His blue eyes bored into the shivering man. The man pleaded "I don't want any trouble, just let..." Wane hissed a menacing threat and he cowered "It's too late! My best friend is dead, and I won't ever make this same mistake again!".

Wane held his foot to the man's chest and the man struggled to no avail, his right palm flew directly over the fear stricken butchers face, and as a swirling ball of purple energy crackled and thrummed he said "Die", as if on command the energy fired and exploded in his face, charring his head into nothingness and leaving behind ashes and spurting blood.

Wane stood, his breaths flew out rapidly and his heart thrummed wildly, he walked over to the butcher knife and picked it up. In his metal surface he saw a curved gash under his eye that still dripped blood, he looked into the night, it resembled the moon itself, a perfect crescent. With his other claw, he made the same gash below his other eye, gritting his teeth as he did so. He inspected the two gashes in his reflection, but made no move to clean the blood. He dropped the knife and walked over to the dead form of his former friend. He kneeled before him, laying a hand on his shoulder and looking into his pale lifeless eyes "You were right Damik, I should have listened to you". His tears mingled with the blood on his face as he wept

"Never again, I'll kill the humans if its the last thing I do, I promise you"

Wane cried out, a shriek of depressed rage. He shivered, realizing he was back in the old shoddy house and it was just a dream,

Or really, just his memory.

I'm a sucker for sadistic and depressing backstories, xD , I went into a lot of detail so sorry for the long read)

Wane shook his fur of the memory and sighed, he must've shrieked pretty loud, had someone heard him? It wasn't a big house. He shifted into human form, feeling the sweat on his skin. He walked downstairs and went to inspect the kitchen. He opened the faucet, a trickle of water dripped out, it didn't look very clean. "Hmph", he doubted it was safe to drink something like that, he could boil it with his powers but he wondered if it was worth the time since they were planning on raiding a bar or restaurant later today.

He searched through the closet, there were a few cans of food, probably still good but not tasty. He leaned against the wooden counter and twitched his ears. It would be nice to make this place like a home. Stock the fridge and closet with food, decorate rooms like their own. Turn it into a place where they could belong. He sighed, he doubted such a fantasy wasn't a possibility, for nekos on the run and facing dangers such as an assassin. How would that ever be possible. He swished his tail and cast his gaze to the creaky wooden floor. It entertained him to think that he could have a home, with friends like Recca and Adrianna and Nirae, but he knew better. Homes and friends weren't permanant.

He sighed as he continued to stare at the floor lost in thought.
Adrianna walked in and then rubbed her eyes. "Well you look like you didn't sleep at all....and I kept watch all night." She said rubbing her eye. She brushed her hair out with her fingers. "Hey you ok?" she asked and then yawned loudly. The place looked about as good as it was going to get since Adrianna had to find something to keep her awake. She was never good with orders and she certainly didn't get any sleep.
Nii hadn't slept too well, it being a new house and the mustiness of the attic didn't help either. She had heard some yell coming from downstairs, and that ended her attempt to fall back asleep. Nii shifted into human form and went downstairs, yawning and rubbing her eyes. "What happened? What was that noise?" She was too tired to process that it could have been something bad, so she just frowned, trying to wake up.
He looked up at Adrianna who had just entered "Well...I did get sleep, but it wasn't great" he groaned "Had a nightmare, I haven't had one of those in a long time". He looked at her and crossed his arms "You could have traded off with one of us for a shift" he waved his tail in irritation, Adrianna seemed like such a stubborn neko. "You need you're rest too"

He changed the subject "Anyways, when the others wake up, we'll go get some food, or anything else that comes to mind" he grinned at the thought of another NAL attack. He then went back to his previous thoughts and looked at Adrianna carefully "Do you would be a stupid idea to...settle here...make it a home of some sort." he looked away. She'd probably ridicule him for having such stupid thoughts, he wondered why he'd even asked in the first place.
(dangit wolfy my heart just broke .n. Guess i'll do Rekka's too, for the sake of boredom xD )

Rekka stood. A silent, cold wind that carried little shards of hail blew by, and pellets of hard snow smashed against his face. Rekka had long forgotten his name, and the world meant nothing to him. He sat on the edge of the building, sitting and glaring at anyone who dared looked at him. He didn't need their sympathy. He didn't need their mercy. He didn't need anything. Except for his family. Or- who he called his family. It consisted of several children-- about eight to ten-- who also didn't have anywhere to go. They were his family because no one else wanted to be. Rekka had just met his 'new brothers and sisters' when he had finally thrown away his name. Whatever people called him didn't matter the slightest. All the other children simply adressed him as 'you' or 'that guy' or 'kid'. For they had also spat out and thrown in the garbage their parents gave them. They only needed eachother.

He had just gotten a single loaf of bread he had found for the others. Even if it seemed not much, it would feed them for about a day or two. Rekka walked back, somber and emotionless, into the narrow allyway where they camped out in. But there was something wrong. No one was there. Rekka looked around for a moment, and realized he had been surrounded by several humans.

One came from behind and held him to the neck, rather tight. He choked a bit with the sudden force. The same man hit him over the head with something, and the world fell black.

He awoke. The children were all still awake, but scared stiff. Yet he still could not comprehend what had happened. Then he knew. These men were 'Blackouts', was what Rekka called them. They were like assassins, but killed for fun. Insanity-filled humans who enjoyed the mass-murder of others--human or not. The men threatened to slit Rekka's neck if he didn't do something for them. He agreed, not knowing what it was. Rekka was selfish back then, only caring for himself and put others' second. The men laughed and gave Rekka a knife.

Rekka didn't know what was worse. Everuthing seemed like a bad nightmare. He had slaughtered all of the other children. With his own hands. His own right. His own selfishness. These men. They were currupt and mad. Instead of leaving him alone, the Blackout men took the very same knife, and pulled Rekka up, and sliced bloody slashes into his throat. One by one, cuts were slit into his neck, every time spurting a mass of blood. They threw him to the ground. He was left to die. Either to bleed to death or get eaten by a predator. He laid there. Without a name. Without a voice, and surrounded by the dead crimson corpses of the ones he once loved.

It was a miracle. He had lived. At the young age, he was taken in by an elderly human couple. They gave him bandages for his wound, but the scars never healed. The cuts had permenately damaged his chords. He could only make very high or very low sounds. It was pathetic. The elderly couple gave him a bright blue stone, to stabilize his voice.

Very soon, they died. At the woman's dying breath, she gave him a name.


(Now wasn't that sweet? xD not very skilles at sad stories but hey! .w.)

Rekka walked down, in cat form, and he showed no signs of emotion. He simply yawned and morphed into a human, stretching lazily and glancing around, surprised to see everyone up so early.
(Haha, Kinadra just posted at the same time so I didn't see her post to respond to correctly)

(LOL, sorry SpiritWolf, take a band aid :P )
Adrianna looks at Wane. "Sorry...I know Vince best and I know all his tricks." She said and then stopped as he asked about making this their home. She looked around. "It'd take a lot of work but I'm sure it'll do just fine." She said and then jumpedon the counter and then crossed her legs and arms. "I use to stay here a lot hiding's the perfect place."
(Responding to suddenly new posts...{Super Spongebob Band Aids LOL xD ))

He smiled at Adrianna's response and nodded, giving a small purr at the thought of having a place to stay, at least temporarily.

Wane looked up to see Nii and Rekka had awakened, he looked at Nii, "It was a nightmare I had, don't worry" he shrugged but shivered as he pushed away some of the images. "Anyways, Anyone ready? I'm a bit hungry". He stopped leaning against the counter and stood straight, walking outside and looking into the early morning light that emanated from the sky and through the trees of the forest.
Rekka looked around again and commented," Just cleaning. Bring extra later," he had remarked, saying they should tidy it up first, then bring in couches and lamps, or at least good food. He liked the idea of this home. It was far from humans, and he was surrounded by his friends. He smiled politely, but he couldn't cook, so he was definately out of the picture for breakfast. They were going to get free bfood anyway!
Adrianna looked at Wane and then at Nii and Rekka. She stretched her arms out and then yawned loudly. She looked at Rekka. "Well I was cleaning all night but sure insult me." She said and then smiled only joking. She walked to the bathroom to clean herself up a bit.
Wane sighed and breathed in some fresh air, he walked over to the closest tree and absentmindedly scratched his old friend's name into the tree, he stared at it for a moment, letting the good memories of the times they had together to flood back. He sighed contentedly, and leaned on the tree and watching the wind rustle through the leaves. It was a while since he'd thought of him, and it was a while since he'd had close friends. He smiled a bit, for now he felt pretty good about life, he'd keep danger out of his mind. At least for now.

He stayed there for a little bit, before returning to the house to see what the others were up to.
Rekka sat at the edge on the stairs, his tail flicking randomly. He was thinking of what furniture would look good. They'd have to paint and plaster the walls too... He let out a feline groan. This would take a while, but it was well worth it. He decided they would definitely want to gwt a television. Oh! And sofas too! And mattresses, and a radio, a swimming pool! He knew he was going over the tip, but Rekka couldn't help but waver in his thoughts.
"I'm all ready personally," Nii said, thinking to herself. She never really let her past bother her much, she saw it as a bad thing if she were to burden friends like that. Nii looked at both Rekka and Wane, "I like this place. It has a certain feel to it. It isn't like where I used to live, but it almost feels like more of a home. I hope we can stay here for a long while, fix it up, all that good stuff." Nii smiled to herself, thinking of how proud her mom would be of her to be happy like this.

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