Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

((I am so bad at fighting scenes >.<))

Nii slowed the knife with her mind and caught it, pointing it towards Vince who had shot at her. She leapt out of the way of the tranquilizer, knocking it out of her way at the same time. She hurled the knife with her mind towards Vince's leg.

She grabbed the food, as much as she could carry, a ring of it above her head, and ran as she was instructed. Stopping only once outside. Nii waited there for the others.
(sure, [MENTION=3721]TheTruthLiesInLies[/MENTION], you can join .w. And srry I have been using the heck outta my limited internet so im tryin to cut down :) and you can have as many characters as you want, as long as you keep up with them. ;D REKKA ISH BACK!)

Rekka nodded at his leader and grabbed a couple of random items. He couldn't see what they were, but that didn't matter. He flicked his head back, a quick second to see if Adrianna and the others were with him. Rekka snarled and shot a glance at Vince, giving him a 'can't touch this' smirk, and ran off. Rekka turned around, once everyone was outside, Rekka hissed while he bent over to take a breath. Just for a little bit..
Adrianna ran out but she looked the most tired. She looked at the others and then pants. "We...have to keep going....or else Vince is going to catch up or I might faint." She said and then grabbed her head. Not sleeping last night wasn't helping either. She hated that she felt so drained. Picking Vince up with light didn't help either.
Osirus watched from the rooftops, green eyes narrowed and curiosity gleaming inside. She crouched low so no-one would see her, a tiny flame disappearing as she did so. Her tail lashed back and forth, making no sound.
Wane was also pretty used up "Oh no! I did not waste some of my energy so you can slow down" he picks Adrianna up "Hiss and scratch all you want, but this is survival, not a date. (Though that would be nice, too)" He couldn't resist the last part. He still had enough energy to run and leads the nekos onto one of the rooftops. His eyes scan the landscape from above and he notices a bit farther off there is another neko "Hey you!" he yells over to the neko "Get out of here! There's a psycho hunter on the loose, do you want to die?!?!?" he desperately scans the surroundings, he spots something, a small rundown shack barely hidden by some scrubbly bushes. Someone had really kept their yard unkempt, luckily for them. He looks at the nekos, "Down there!" he calls "It's hidden enough for us to lay low until we get our energy back to run. We can eat and go on the move again". He jumps from rooftop to rooftop, closing the distance until finally he makes it in the tangled forest of brush and kicks the shack door open. He puts Adrianna down "Sorry about that" he shrugs "Didn't want you to waste all your energy, now did we?"

The shack was a bit crowded with old tools which he quickly pushed to the side, leaving just enough space for four nekos, give or take two. There was an old cracked window so if Vince discovered them they had two exits.
Adrianna hisses as Wane picks her up and then glares at him. "I'm fine now put me down!" She said and then wacked him with her tail a few times. "I said I'm fine!" She said and then glared at him as he set her back down. She mummbled something and then gave him a death glare. She rather stayed sitting down though. She looked at the window and sat in the light. She seemed to be feeling better as soon as she did. "It helps...." She said quietly hoping no one thought she was weird.
Wane stared at her a bit then shrugged, sitting down with his back against the rotted wood wall of the shed "What did you grab to eat Nii? Get any water bottles by chance?" He felt parched from the running as he let out an exasperated breath. He twitched his tail and wondered how much time they had until the numbness wore off from Vince's body and he'd be on their tails again.
Nii ran with them to the shed, panting afterwords. "Too much excitement for one day if you ask me," she said, setting down all the plates and such she had gotten, "Yeah, I got some water. Voss actually. Nice brand. And.... champagne of some sort. Fancy gathering I guess." Nii grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to Wane, "Drink up, I grabbed lots as you can see. I felt like some weird planet with satellites." She sighed and rested against the shed, seems almost everyone was tired from using abilities.
"Impressive, if it were me I wouldn't have been able to grab this much stuff" He took a swig of the water and looked back at Nii, "And by the way, if you ever need me to carry you I won't hesitate, and you can count that as a date" He winked and purred.

He shifted into his cat form and grabbed some of the food, munching thoughtfully and flicking his tail, basking in the relaxed moment, since it won't be long until their on the move again. He laid down and tucked his paws under his belly as he ate, he shot Adrianna a look "You hungry?"
Rekka slouched over on the side of the wall. Rekka wasn't able to see what he had grabbed, but now with this quick moment of rest, he could finally see. Rekka raised his claws, glancing over at whatever he managed to swipe. "Nyu.. Rekka has.. fish and......funny water..." He said, holding up a salmon, a little bigger than usual, and he held up a rather large glass bottle. It had words engraved that he had never seen befoe, and a strong, stinging smell wavered from it. "Funny water...." He repeated, shaking it a bit.

(BTW, Just to be clear, Rekka picked up a beer bottle xD )
Wane looked over to Rekka "Nice catch, dude" he purred "He eyed the bottle "Hah! Dude, that's not water, that's beer". He trotted over and grasped the neck of his bottle in his mouth, "I courld ursh a swurg urf durt", he shifted back to human form and opened it, taking large gulps from the liquid. He could already feel a buzz coming on, he purred "Whew. Anyone else want summa dis?" he slurred.
Nii laughed and shifted into cat form to avoid Wane see her blush from his comment, "Wow, beer. I don't like the taste of that stuff. And is that really the best idea?" Beyond just the Vince threat, she was worried how flirty he would get when drunk.
Adrianna glares at them both. "Wane put that down....not a good idea when your being chased by a murder." She said and then hissed at him, the hairs on her tail spiking up. "The last thing I need is a flirt like you drunk." She said and then looked at Nii. "Got any more water?" She asked and then leaned against the wall. She seemed to be feeling much better now. She looked out and then sighed sniffing the air coming in from the window. "I don't smell him." She said and then sighed feeling crowded.

(I honestly didn't see your post lol! We both wrote about the same thing!)
(...actually, beer has the opposite effect on him LOL xD )

Wane took a few more gulps, a mistake, since by now he had ditched the water. "Ya know Nii, yerr the only gurl that washn't such a jerk. I mean, I think I'm all hot shtuff but really..." he began to tear up "I'm a loosur! I haven't gotten a chick in my life!" He began to bawl, waving the half empty beer battle around and bringing his hand to clear out the tears. His bottom lip began to quiver "...and you Rekka, you're liek the firsht friend I've had since Damik died" he began to stutter and gasp words "I mean, you mean to me" He drops the beer and wrapped his arms around the neko and encased him in a tight, wobbly hug. He looked back at Nii, and suddenly his tears dissapeared, "Daww!!! Do you know how adorable you are Nii!" He picks up the cat and cuddles her.

This was the first beer Wane had had in years, and clearly he still couldn't hold his drink, and like always, he was yet again on spurts of bipolarity. Feeling depressed about himself one moment and elated the next.

(Haha, I wasn't expecting this but Lawl xD )
Nii stared at Wane as though he was crazy, 'He just spilled his guts so to speak... He cannot hold his liquor.' Nii didn't know whether to laugh or be depressed, but then she got pulled into a hug and her eyes went wide and she shifted back into human form, blushing brightly. "Umm... Wane... are you ok?" she said shakily.
"Of curse I'm okay, I'm bettur than ever" he slurred, he nuzzled Nii and purred "I lurv you Nii, I lurv you soooo murch" He waggled his tail. For once, Wane was making a fool of himself, and he wasn't realizing it, it would be about five or ten minutes before the effects wore off, since the alcohol always had a strange and temporary effect on him, of course, he could also never remember what he'd just did and have massive headaches, why he drank in the first place was a mystery. Wane's eye caught sight of the half empty beer bottle and he tried to reach for it.
Adrianna smacked Wane's hand. "Enough is enough you're making a fool of yourself." She said and then kicked the bottle into a mouse hole. She sighed and then looked at Rekka. "We better head back soon....hopefully Vince has passed us and won't be around." She said and then crossed her arms shifting her weight to her other leg as she looked out the window.
Rekka tapped Wane's head, hoping he wasn't drunk anymore and sober. "Oy, Wane," he said, feeling a little emotional after being told he was his first friend. He sighed and grabbed the beer bottle and squeezed the cork back inside it. Better not let him have any more. "No!" Rekka scolded Wane, slapping Wane's hand away. He tucked the bottle away, feeling slightly like a mother. Rekka squished his cheeks, meowing loudly.
Nii nodded at what Adrianna said, then looked at Wane a bit embarrassed because she was still in his arms. Nii squirmed away from Wane and sat next to him, blushing. "You drunk is... interesting," she said to Wane, hoping it wouldn't last much longer.
"Nyaaa!!!" Wane protested, giving the group kitty eyes, on the verge of tearing up, but in the end he just stuffed a bunch of food in his mouth and sulked quietly. "Why! Why does everyone hate me!" he mumbled for a few minutes before he grew drowsy. "Wake me up when blaaarrr...." he inadvertantly shifted into cat form and dozed off in a fluffy ball.
Nii looks at Wane, surprised, "Umm... I am not sure what to think. That was.... odd. Is he always like that when drunk?" Nii asked to Rekka, running a hand through her hair. "He is a little... pathetic. But adorable."
Adrianna looks at Nii and then rubs her head. "If you say so." She said meaning the adorable part. She looked out and then turned into her cat form scratching her ear. She stretched herself out and then jumped up on the window seal to look out a bit better. "You know...we probably should move soon." She said and then yawned a cat yawn. Her tail swayed hanging down from the window.
Rekka snorted and picked Wane up by the scruff, shaking him vigorously," Sober! Sober!" He hissed, hoping to make his friend non-drunk anymire. Rekka turned into cat form, facing kitty-Wane, and pawed him lightly on the nose, meowing again.

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