Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

The shopkeeper was slightly toned man, about the age of 40-45. He had gray-ish hair with rusty brown-orange cat features. He had asked Cystennin. He picked up a rag and started wiping the counter, cleaning up random dust bits. The man was named Elm (lawl brainded) and he started putting goods on the shelves. The shop was crowded with miscellaneus items. Cans lined the shelves, with even more things hanging on the halls. A rope, a big tophat, water jugs, the basic survival things along with random other stuffs. Elm yawned and lenaed back in his chair. One could say the store was a little run-down and messy, but it was filled with useful things.Rekka

Rekka blinked," Not far," he said. It was several streets down, about a 15 minutes a walk.
Adrianna looks at all of them. "I do have something....but I don't's very important to me." She said and then pushed her haired back a bit. She waved her tail a bit behind her. She looked at the others and thne jumps into a tree and grabs onto a branch looking out. (Sweet new nekos!)
Nii nods at Rekka, "Ok, then lets go!" Nii looked at Adrianna, "Well... if you have something important to do.... I don't know, I guess its ok, unless it can wait." She then looked from Adrianna to Wane, waiting for his approval.
Adrianna giggles a bit. "no it's a necklace." she said pulling out a gold necklace with a small perl at the bottom. "It was a gift to me." she said and then jumped down. She wiped off her pants and then smiled at them. "It probably is worth something nothing is fake on it."
Wane studies the necklace carefully, it seemed to be worth something, he wondered if it was worth anything to Adrianna "You sure you don't want to keep it? You don't need to give up anything if it means something to you" he shrugged "but hey do what you want.

Wane looks into the distance, seeing a neko store, he flicks his tail and grins, waving his hand for the others to follow "Come on, this way" he leads them to a building and burst the door open, walking gracefully over to the counter and leans on it. He gives a devilishly handsome grin and flicks his ears saying "The names Wane, and these are my crew, the Neko Anarchy League. Feel free to join us anytime in our cause to take over mankind. Did I mention I was the leader?" it was a wordy and arrogant speech that only someone like Wane could handle.

He twitched his ears and looked around, realizing there was another neko here, "Oh hey, didn't see you there" he purred "The name's Wane" he said again, just in case he didn't hear him "Anyways, enough about me (although its hard to have enough of that), we're here for some cool stuff, stuff we can bring to 'neko manor' as I like to call it". He looked at the others "You guys see anything that you like?" his eyes scanned the small shop, looking for some stuff they could use for the kitchen or living room, or even something he could use to deck out his bedroom.
Adrianna walked in and rolled her eyes at Wane. She looks around and nods to the nekos. She looked around and then put her necklace back into her pocket. She could part with it....if it ment getting something important for the others. She let out a small sneeze and then rubbed her nose. "A bit dusty...." She whispered her ears flickering a bit.

She looked around and then spotted some curtains they could use for the windows. She was looking for something pratical but a book had caught her eye and she couldn't help but pick it up and dust it off. Adrianna didn't seem like the type, she was strong and army like, but she did like a good book. She didn't want to waste anything so she put it back with a sigh.

Lya pulled the cap closer to her head and groaned as it pressed her ears uncomfortably close to her head. She looked behind her to see her brother ,not related by blood, skulking behind her with his hands in his pockets "Come on, Kyr, lighten up!" Her brother narrowed his eyes at her and flicked his half-tail defiantly. "Alright, Alright sorry, it's just, I know things have been rough but it doesn't help if you're so moody. His eyes softened but he broke eye contact with her, unwilling to listen to his wiser younger sister.

Lya sighed, she distrusted nekos since they caused her human parents' deaths, but she met a few decent ones and was a bit less hateful of them, although she preffered humans and wished she was one. Instead she was an okami. Her brother didn't feel so open to the idea that some nekos possessed goodness. He despised them, and was even masochistic towards himself for being born one.

In the distance, she saw a group of nekos entering a store, she grimaced "That's odd, what do you think they're up to?" Kyrie tilted his head in confusion, eyes wide with surprise before he shook his head in disgust, a low hiss forming in his throat "I agree, a large group of nekos like that is strange, they could be up to no good, we should investigate. Kyrie released the angered hiss, not wanting to have any part of this "Kyr, we need to do this, I don't like the idea as much as you but we need justice" she grabbed his wrist before he could retaliate and pulled him down the street to the small shop.
Cy looked away from his depressing newspaper and up at the nekos that had entered the store. "Hello Wane. You sure do believe yourself to be 'all that', don't you? Well, you know, these places, they are more of a refuge for nekos who don't want to fight. However, I am up to hear more." He stood and leaned slightly against the counter, running a hand through his black hair. Cy looked around at the other nekos who had entered the shop, he glanced at Adrianna looking longingly at a book, "If you really want that, I can pay for it for you." Cy looked at Nii next, she was looking around the shop, trying to ignore Wane's extreme ego. "Well, you have two beautiful women in your group. I certainly hope Mr. Wane's ego hasn't affected you negatively at all..." Looking out the window of the shop, Cy noticed one almost human-looking girl dragging a neko with a shortened tail down the street towards the shop, he paid little mind to it, though it was strange.
Adrianna looks at Cy and then blinks. "Oh no....that's ok." She said and then looked down. She looked at him and thne chuckled a bit and then looked at Wane. "It gets annoying..." She said and then twitched her tail in slight show of irratation towards him. She crossed her arms and then looked at Cy. She looked at Rekka and everyone else. She sighed waiting for them to pick something out.

She walked over to the window and then put her hands on the windowsill. She leaned on her hands looking at the two comming this way. Her ears perk up and her tail wrapped around her waist. With all these nekos here.....wouldn't that turn some heads? She ignored it for now and then sat down.
(In my mind Cy sounds so british O.o )

Cy sighed, and walked over to the book, "My name is Cystennin. Cy for short. This is a good read, "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare", full of drama, tragedy, and even some stories of love." Cy looked at the book for a moment, then grabbed it. "Elm? Sir, how much for this book? A young lady like herself shouldn't go without something to read." Cy pulled out a few old coins from his pocket, all collectible coins, and laid them on the counter. He walked back to Adrianna, and handed her the book. "Now then, no arguments. I felt as though I must," he said, following her gaze to the two people coming, quite close now. "Do not worry too much. That one girl looks almost human anyhow." Pausing for a moment, he looked back at Wane. "I will join. I do not like violence much at all, but it is better than doing nothing."
Wane twitched his tail and laughed when they mentioned his ego, "Is it so wrong that a handsome man like myself should not have pride in who he is?" he gave a devious grin. His gaze flicked to the window as he noticed some people coming this way. He looked at Cy(a.k.a British neko xD ), and watched as he paid for the book giving it to Adrianna. He purred, he seemed like a nice fellow, he could respect anyone that was nice with the ladies, even if that was his job. "Well, well, aren't you a gentleman?" he said walking over to Cystennin "I appreciate you helping us out, and thanks for your enthusiasm for joining NAL. I came up with the name, genious, isn't it?" he laughed "Anyways, violence isn't always necessary, so long as we gain power and notoriety". He pumped a fist in the air, giving a fanged grin

Lya awkwardly made her way into the shop dragging Kyrie along with her, they turned their back to the other nekos and looked at the shelves, pretending to be busy looking for something, she whispered to her obviously irritated brother. The fur on his tail bristled in anger "Listen, where just going to listen to what these nekos are up to, that's all, ok? We need to find out what they are up to, she snuck a look at the devious looking neko, the dark haired neko, and the neko girl before returning their gaze to the shelf "It's strange, nekos don't usually group together, it's usually the dangerous gangs that do that.

Kyrie shot her a look, "Yeah, I know, if their potentially dangerous we shouldn't get involved supposedly. But really, we can't let them get away with murder" she growled. "Just trust me okay" Kyrie rolled his eyes but relented to his sister's crazy plans.
Adrianna looks at him and then blinked looking at the book. She looked at him. "You really didn't have too...if I wanted to get it I could have." she said to him and then sighed a bit. "Thank you...." She whispered anyways. She looked at Wane and then sighed. She crossed her arms and then looked at the book that was just given to her. How was she going to pay this neko back? Well....he was appart of the group now so using her necklace to pay for stuff at the house probably would work. She smiled lightly. She held the book over her stomach with her arms crossed around it.
Cy and Nii both looked at the new nekos that came into the store. Nii walked over to them, deciding to say hello, "Hello there you two. I am not used to so many people in one place." Nii had a big smile on her face, she loved to make new friends. Cy nodded at Adrianna with a smile, then looked back at Wane and spoke to him in his mind, Should you really be so loud about this all? Then, acting as though he had done nothing, he spoke, walking back to where he had been sitting, "Well, I don't really fancy myself a gentleman, I only treat women with the respect they innately deserve. To answer your question about the name, it is interesting, though it doesn't roll of the tongue as well as it could."
Adrianna looks at Nii and watches the two carefully. The guy seemed irratated even angry and she didn't like that. She twitched her tail and then walked back. She kept her ears towards them as she scanned more of the store for anything useful to take back to the house. She wrapped her tail around her waist which also managed to hold her new book.
Wane was a bit shocked when a voice entered his mind at first, but he realized it was Cy's and relaxed. Wane twitched his ears a bit irritatedly, 'geez, this guy was critical of a lot of things about me, wasn't he'. He didn't show his irritation though and simply said "Yeah, well, I think it's pretty good. Unless you have any better ideas" he challenged.

Lya nearly jumped when the neko came over to greet them "Hello there you two. I am not used to so many people in one place." Lya shot a glance at her brother, telling him silently not to lash out at her face as much as she knew he wanted to. She could tell he was having a hard time hiding his disdain, but luckily he managed to seem more quiet and reserved tha hateful. She looked back to the neko girl and gave a shy smile "uh, yeah, it is strange, isn't it? We're not used to it either?" she asked her. She could hear Kyrie shuffle uncomfortably on his feet, 'it will be all over soon' she wanted to tell her brother, reaching her hand to his to steady him and comfort him "What exactly is the reason for that?" she inquired.
Nii's smile faltered a bit at their discomfort, "We are just here buying stuff for our house. I am so sorry if I am making you uncomfortable... I never like to cause trouble if it can be avoided." She glanced at Wane for a moment, then back to the two nekos. "So, what's your names? Mine is Nirae. And again... I am so sorry if I am making you uncomfortable... I just wanted to talk to someone I guess..."

Cy sat on the chair and leaned back into the counter. Neko Crusaders? Neko Revolutionaries? Nekos Revolting Against Wrongs? Sorry if you dislike me. Just suggesting things. Cy sighed and leaned down, grabbing his large bugg-out bag and resting it on his lap.
Adrianna looks at Wane and then raised an eyebrow. She looked at cy and then back at Wane. She then loomed at he two new comers and walked over. She looked at Nii and then at the two. She looked at the two and then twitched her ear.
Wane flinched at the sound of the voice again was he ever going to get used to that? It was obvious Cy had known what he was thinking 'You read my mind, didn't you? Dude is there any way you can turn that off? It's creepy man' He sighed, he didn't mean to dislike him, but his mind was vulnerable, who he made himself out to be was completely different from what he was inside, and now he knew this guy had violated his mind it was awkward. Wait? Was he still reading his mind now? He forced himself to stop thinking " not that I hate you or anything, at least not on the outside, sorry" he flicked his tail awkwardly, ne felt guilty that the neko knew he thought badly of him, he didn't like to make enemies, at least not outwardly.

Lya thought that this neko Nii must be very perceptive, that or she must just be not as secretive with her feelings towards them as she thought "I'm Lya, and this is my brother, Kyrie", she wondered if this neko knew she was an okami, she sure couldn't tell from her tail, which she hid under her long coat. Her brother looked at her irritated from introducing them to the nekos. Lya gave a silent signal telling him to relax, just then another neko came up "Uh...hi" she said to her. So they were just getting things for a house, nothing to sinister, perhaps these were okay nekos.
Adrianna looked at them and then smiled lightly. "Hello." She said and then looked between Lya and Kyrie. She looked at Kyrie and then crossed her arms. "I'm Adrianna nice to meet you." She said and then looked at the two of them. She looked at Lya and Kyrie. She then looked at Wane and then blinked. "hey Wane you ok over there?" She asked noticing he seemed uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.
Cy shrugged. "Its fine. And yes, I did, I only get some thoughts though. Usually ones directed at me. Only more if I am focusing. So, are we supposed to be getting things for a house or what? Elm, sir, could you please show me to some of your better wares? I am a regular after all." Cy smiled slightly as he said that, looking at Wane for a moment with an apologetic look. "I really don't mean to do it...." And talking to you this way, it is just easier... Plus it can keep things from people. "But it can cause distrust. And unease.... So, with either of the women, are you trying for them? Or are they fair game, so to speak?" He blushed slightly, his cheeks matching his red eye color. He was usually pretty shy, so to actively try for either of them... it would be interesting. "I won't walk in on your territory like that. Guys have to stick together, do they not?"

Nii glanced at Wane, he looked uncomfortable, but it was Wane, he should be fine. "So, Lya and Kyrie. Very pretty names." She smiled at them both. "You don't smell exactly feline," Nii said to Lya, "If I might ask, what are you then?" Nii paused, then threw her hands up in front of her. "Or... well... if you don't want to say, its fine. I don't want to be a bother." Nii gave them a half-smile, and shifted her weight, looking at Kyrie for a moment before staring down at the floor.
Rekka waved a polite gesture to Cystennin, still very wary of the new stranger. This man had an uncanny ability to read minds. Both hope and dispair filled him. Finally! Finally someone would understand him! Yet a feeling of dread overshadowed Rekka. What would they think? Besides the nice, polite and tactful Rekka, he was, underneath all the skin, very mentally unstable. On his mind, there were constantly random phrases and words, like lilypads in a lake, spotted and sprinkled in random directions. Rekka bit his tongue. He didn't think anyone would like to see what he was thinking.

Elm flicked an ear up. "You're in luck, Cy, we've just gotten a new shipment from the South East." he said. Elm stood up, a strong hand grazing the prickly fuzz of a moustache. He motioned over to the far corner of the little shop, and there sat a nice little collection of things. Unlike the old raggety items that covered the shop, items in the far corner were much more mystique. There lay the same miscellaneous random objects, but what were stocked back there were more high-tech. Government-level arsonal, which were the fancy snipers and guns, and polished, clean band instruments, and some other things. Elm chortled," A group 'o fillibusters purchased a rare blue-pigmented moose with all that o'er there! If y' young nekos woud like to see the livestock, it's out back."

Adrianna's ears perk up and she looked at the guns. "AH! SWEET!" She said and rushed to the guns. She looks at all of them her tail raised in excitment. She looked back at everyone and then blushed slightly clearing her throat. "Uh I mean....nice..." She said and then stood up. She pushed her hair back a bit. She looked at the others. "Heh...I like guns..." She said nervously putting her arms behind her.
Cy looked over at Rekka, hearing bits and pieces of what went on in his mind. It isn't reading minds, per say. Well... I suppose it is. But mostly its just conversation. Like, I can speak to you, and if you think towards me, you can speak to me. Rather cool, I think. Cy looked over at the wares and smiled, "Nice going Elm! Not a bad sale in the least. Well, new friends, go ahead and look." He smiled wider, looking back at Wane.
Wane nodded, grinning at Cy and thought 'As long as you stay away from Nii, she's mine.' he instantly felt both relieved and distressed at saying this, did he actually admit to liking Nii? And he let Cy know this? He shook his head and said "You know, you're a pretty cool guy, Cystennin" at least he asked first. Just then Elm showed them the weapons arsenal "Whoa! Nice" he laughed at Adrianna's reaction to seeing it but his blue eyes sparkled at seeing her try to hide her enthusiasm.

Lya nodded "Yeah, you're right, I am an Okami, my brother isn't though....we'll that's because he's not my brother by blood" Kyrie nodded "Um thanks, you have a nice name too Nirae" she said, she wondered why this neko was being so nice.
Nii frowned, "It seems to be a common thing, doesn't it? Being abandoned, or one's parents being killed... Almost every neko I have talked to has had one or the other happen..." Nii looked down, saddened now. She looked up again after a short while, a half-hearted smile plastered on her face. "Well, that is just too sad of a topic...." She paused looking back and forth at the two of them, "Okami huh? Pretty neat actually. I am a Lynx, see?" she said, shifting into a lynx for a moment as if to prove it, then back to human form. "Thanks though, for thinking my name is nice. Most people just think its weird."

Cy smiled at Wane, "Well thank you. Its rare I have someone think I am cool," he said, adding with a smirk, "And no one as cool as you. As for her, that's fine, I think its cute you get a little protective over such a pretty girl like her." He swished his tail, opening his bag and rummaging around inside it.

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