Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Adrianna jumped down and then looked at Rekka licking her nose. "I would leave him be if I were you." She said and then sat down beside wane. She looked away and then let out a loud annoyed meow. "I better check out the outside." She said slipping out and sniffing around. She looked around and then carefully started walking around searching the area.
A few minutes later, Wane reawakened. Slowly roused from sleep. "Mrrrooowww..." he groaned, rubbing his temples with his paw. He sat up, "What happened?" he grimaced, feeling as if he'd been slapped on the head by that one girl a few years back. He shook his fur, trying not to fall when the world started to spin. His head whirled around to see the others "I feel fuzzy, what happened after I whipped that guy to the ground?" He decided he'd have to let the dizziness in his head subside before he could stand up so he sat down, twitching his tail to the throb of his head. "
Nii looked at Wane worriedly, "You got a hold of a beer. Bad idea apparently." Nii shifted into cat form and sat next to Wane, pawing softly at his ear. "Are you ok? I haven't ever had alcohol. But that didn't look too fun."
Rekka purred," Yay! Mew," he said, and waved his tail, jingling his tail-ring. "Got drunk. Said funny stuff," he meowed, batting at Wane's muzzle, giving off a catlike smile.
"Funny stuff?" He grimaced, as much as you could in cat form. Not again, what did he say this time? How was he going to get his dignity back. He swished his tail pensively then gave a fanged grin as he thought of something "Yeah, I tend to exaggerate and lie a lot.. Make's the ladies fall for me more, besides, everyone could use a little laugh" Perfect, that took care of everything.

Nii pawed at his ear and seemed genuinely concerned. He stifled a purr by clearing his throat "It's a bit of a weakness of mine. Can't help it. Even Gods like moi have a fatal flaw", he held an arrogant paw to his chest.
Rekka snickered and said qyieyly but friendly," Ladies' man.." He said. Rekka thought he heard some uncertainty in Wane's tone of voice, but paid it little to mind.
Adrianna walked back in wet. "I hate kids." She said and then looked at Wane. "Speaking of kids when did the idoit wake up?" She asked and then shook herself trying to get dry. She started licking her fur. "Anyways it's all clear." She hissed with frustration. She shook herself again not wanting to lick herself to much in front of people but it was a cat instict she barely could help it.
Wane teetered a bit as he stood.on all fours "Don't hate Rekka, I'm pretty sure you're just jealous of all the woman that I get" he chuckled "Don't worry, you'll learn from me soon enough. He tickled Nii's chin with his tail "I already know you're into me, you totally are" he gloated. He really hoped she was, Nii was...different. He flicked his tail and sauntered to the shed door, sniffing the air "Anyone know where Adrianna went?" He meowed.
Nii stuck her tongue out at Wane, "Really? All lies? That's too bad, you said some pretty cute stuff." Nii looked at Wane and tilted her head, deciding to screw with him more, "Maybe i'm into you, maybe not. Though, I know you are into me, you couldn't make it more obvious. Oh, and you are a god? That's too bad... I don't date gods." Nii really liked Wane, but still needed to knock him down a few notches.

Nii looked at Adrianna as she walked in, sopping wet. "You poor thing!" Nii meowed, her eyes wide, feeling sorry for her.
Rekka snickered," As if!" He meowed and turned to human form again, he noticed Adrianna and blinked," Happen?" He asked, concerned and asking what had happened to her. He went up and had gotten a rag, and handed it to Adrianna, still wondering why she was so soaked.
Adrianna looked at Rekka and changed to human form. She used the rag to dry out her hair. She shivered cold. "I was busy looking for the big humans I didn't see the smaller ones come up and kick him into a bucket of water." She said and then started wiping off her tail and ears. She rubbed her arms and then sighed. Her ears laid flat against her head. She looked like a sad kitten; she was so soaked. She looked out. "Meanwhile theirs no sign of Vince." She said and then crossed her arms. She grabbed the bottom of her shirt and tried to ring it out. She was careful it already showed off her belly. She pushed her short hair away from her eyes.
"...well..." He tried to think of a snappy comeback, Nii was good, but he was Wane Moonscar, the best of the best. Just than Adrianna comes back, he gves her a wry grin "I may be an idiot but I'm not all wet" he teased. He fixed himselgf knowing she'd probably give him a dirty look or kill him. "Anyways, since it should be safe for the time being, shouldn't we move?"

He shifted into human form and he walked out into the grass, "We shiuld grab some more stuff and head back to neko manor" he gave a grin as he exaggerated tgeir little abode.
Nii smirked at Wane, "Aww no comment?" She shifted to human form and followed him closely, smiling and wondering what would be said. Nii thought for a short while, "Neko manor, it has a nice ring to it I think, wouldn't you agree?"
He snorted air through his nose, then swished his tail in disgust "I don't have anything to say to you. I'm awesome, end of story" he gave another fanged grin and dashed away before she had another sly rebuttal "Enough chitchat nekos, lets grab some more stuf and get back before Vince or some other idiot gets us first" He took off in a run and lands on a roof, swishing his neko tail as he scanned the city. There was a pawn shop, maybe they could grab some lamps or pillows or something, next door there was a grocery store that appeared to be closed, they could probably rob some extra food without too much of a problem.
Adrianna looks at wane. She glares and then follows him. She he stopped she grabbed him in her arms and hugged him shaking her hair and getting him wet. She dropped him with a smirk. "Now your wet." She said and then looked around. She turns back into a cat and sits down her tail waving behind her. She looked at the spots Wane wane looking at. "Hmmm what to do."
Nii followed Wane and watched him get wet, giggling. His previous comment made her tail twitch, so perhaps it was just payback. She grinned, "Is there any 'World Market' store you can see? Or, a Costo? Those places have everything."
Wane shrieked "Gah!" he glared at Adrianna for a moment but couldn't help but laugh. He looked back down there "Is there any 'World Market' store you can see? Or, a Costo? Those places have everything."Nii said. He shrugged. "Dunno, but we can find something like that, then lets go 'home'." he purred, it was strange to say that they actually had a home. He hopped down, walking to the front of the pawn shop. A shopkeeper slept on the desk snoring, there was a lot of useful looking objects, maybe they could find something. He looked back at the others "Well, any ideas?"
Rekka had a cheery.little smile," Pillows.. Blankets... Something like," he said. Rekka decided they should start getting things to make the manor a little more cozier, more homey like. Rekka stood up, human neko form, and rubbed his arm. He saw the little shops and had a little daydream of what he would put in his room. Rekka dreamt and trailed off for a while, picking through colors for walls and maybe a desk. He snapped back to reality quickly and gave a quiet chuckle, scratching the back of his head. He heard Wane's question and shrugged, tapping a finger on his cheek." Neko store?" He asked. Even though neko people were highly discriminated, there were few shops run by other nekos. Usually they were very small, to avoid government attention. Rekka suggested finding one of these "Nekos-only" shops. The shops usually traded items in contrst with buying. If any of them had anything worth something, they could trade it in for something else.
Wane rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "You have anything good to trade? I don't want to steal from our own kind." he nodded at Rekka's idea as he thought about that a little more "Yeah actually, it might not be too bad of an idea. We should probably stay low profile after our previous stunt anyways, if we get our stuff legally it won't be a problem." He flicked his tail and purred at the thought of it.

"Anyone else agree?" he turned to the others and asks for their opinions. His ears stand straight up as he thinks of an idea, "Better yet, we could probably ask them to join NAL, too"

(There has already been two people that said they were going to join in and they didn't >.>, so I'll put up one or two neko characters to join the group)
Name: Cystennin (kis TEN in)

Age: 18

Species: neko

Gender: male

Powers?: illusions and telepathic communication

Bio: A traveler, he roams around not wanting to cause trouble or gain too much attention. However, if he has to, he will fight against the humans. Humans killed all of his family, not just his parents. Rounded them up and slaughtered them in a spray of bullets. That happened when he was pretty young, but not young enough so that he doesn't remember. He lived because he was out on errands at the time, when he came home, there was nothing but blood and lifeless bodies. He is a bit of a flirt, but is a bit shy too. Humans have tried catching him before, but he always gets away, thanks to his illusions.



Cat appearance:


Other: He has a sword he always carries and uses in battle.

( :D You like it? I thought illusions would be fun, and then, to randomly bother Wane in his head. Or, also, to allow Rekka to finally speak his mind, if he directs his thoughts at him. Something like that :P )
Name: Lya Lyndel

Age: 15

Species: Okami Neko

Gender: F

Powers?: Elemental Control (Fire, Air, Water, Earth)

Bio: Lya and her brother (unrelated) were orphaned long ago, they were adopted by a human family and raised as their own, despite the scorn from unrelated humans they received love and care from their family. It was a massacre caused by a neko that killed their human family and they were forced to run away and live by themselves for most of their lives. They despise other nekos for their cruelty and violent nature. Lya is a bit less spiteful, she believes there are some good nekos.

Other: Lya covers her ears with a cap and hides her tail to appear human.

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Name: Kyrie Noire

Age: 19

Species: Neko-Russian Blue

Gender: F

Powers?: Inhuman(or in-neko) strength ( xD ) and flight (has leathery gray wings)

Bio: Kyrie is devastated by the loss of his human family and rejects his neko heritage. With Lya, he runs away into the forest, ignoring anyone and everyone. Kyrie hates nekos in general

Other: He has gone more extreme, cutting off his tail halfway and the tip of his ears. He also forcibly caused himself to become mute by destroying his vocal cords.

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(...haha, you know what I think is funny about Cystennin is that he is a bit of a flirt too, so more competition for Wane, oh noez! Jealousy xD )
(Thanks! He will be at the neko store :3)

Nii nodded, "Yeah! Let's go to one of those. I have never been there before. Some of the stuff we stole could be worth something, hell, even some of the plates are worth a pretty penny." Nii stepped next to Wane and Rekka, excited. "Though, I don't know where one is, so one of you will have to lead the way."

Cystennin was sitting in a store/cafe, sipping on a cup of coffee and reading a neko newspaper. 'Damn humans...' he thought as he read the front page. Seven More Killed in Neko-Human Violence. Will it ever end? He sighed and looked up as the shopkeeper spoke to him, "Hey Cy, anything new in the paper?" Cy shook his head solemnly "Nothing new, just same old, same old."

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