Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Wane blushed a bit at Cy's comment, he turned away, knowing it wasn't like him to blush. It wasn't like him to actually want one girl either, was Nii all that great? What was it about her?

Lya's attention was diverted when she noticed some activity by the shopkeeper. She told her brother "C'mon, we should check that out" Kyrie sighed, following noiselessly. Lya walked over, her eyes widened seeing the firearms. Kyrie stifled a hiss when Lya stopped him with her hand. Lya questioned "What exactly...are these for?" she said. Wane looked at the nekos "Oh hey, these are for self defense obviously. We're going to need them in case the humans try to kill us. By the way, I'm Wane, and I've been told I'm pretty cool" he glanced and Cy and gave him a sharp grin. Lya narrowed her eyes "Are...are you sure its not to kill the humans?" Behind her, Kyrie snorted in disgust.

Wane said "Well duh, honestly, the humans ALWAYS try to kill us first, its been that way...since, like forever. It's time we nekos stood up for ourselves, Amirite?" Lya nodded, a false agreement. She was skeptical, she still thought nekos were the violent ones, but was it really the other way around. Her brother was more disbelieving, it took all his will not to claw this guy in the face.

Wane shrugged and walked away while the others browsed what the shopkeeper had shown them, he thought about the pigmented moose, what would they have it for? food? A pet? A working animal? All three sounded ridiculous, how would they keep all that meat, dead or alive? Clearly that was something for the others to decide.

Wane walks over to the shelves and examines them. He picks out a few cool items. A purple wallpaper to deck out his walls, some pillows and blankets that were clean and would replace his old and dusty ones, a wall mirror so he could see his sexiness every morning, and a really cool. But one thing in particular was pretty cool, a plasma ball, blue electricity danced under the surface of the orb as he touched it, the sparks were instantly attracted to his fingers. He was endlessly amused by it.

He kept all this in mind as he walked back to the others, "Well, I know what I want, do you guys have anything yet?" he probably have to skip the electric orb and the mirror if it meant the others needed a few items themselves. He looked back at the shopkeeper "Say we bought the moose, what exactly would we need the thing for?"
Adrianna looks at the two new strangers. "I have only attacked Humans because they had threatened me or some other neko. I have attacked humans before when I needed something and I tried not to cause to much harm to them. Even then I have no resorted to killing them...yet. However they sure want to kill me. In fact one of them have shot me five times and have set dealy traps about 20 times. The certain human had killed nekos for a living and he and his father have murdered more then I can count. His father apparently killed my back off. I would never kill someone without a reason or just on a wim. I don't think anyone here would." She said glaring at them.

Adrianna cleared her throat. She calmed herself and then looked at Wane. "I got a few things picked out." She said and then rubbed her head. She stopped twitching her tail and her hair calmed down.
Lya backed up a bit and held her hands up at the irate neko "Okay, okay, Just asking okay, I had no idea" she sighed, the neko was pretty distressed. You couldn't fake something like that. So it must've been true, the nekos had probably had just as bad. She still thought back to her own human parents. They had never harmed a neko in their lives and they didn't deserve to die. Behind her her brothers tail frizzed and he bared his fangs and hissed at the girl, clearly her spat didn't make him think as much as it did make him see her as a threat. Kyrie attempted to step over to her and attack but Lya pushed her hands against his chest "Kyrie stop! She's just upset, she doesn't mean any harm"

Kyrie narrowed his eyes and refused to believe any of it, it was all lies! These nekos were psychos, the proof was in the box. The box full of weapons to be exact, and the vicious rant of the neko. Anger like that was the type that resorted to violence. His sisters hands pressing against his chest did nothing and he could easily overpower her if he wanted to. Lya glared into Kyrie's eyes, knowing what he was thinking (she can't read minds but she knew him well) "Listen to yourself, you're just as angry as she is you hypocrite, now back off if you know whats good for you!". Kyrie twitched his tail angrily and broke his sisters gaze, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms, looking away from them all. Lya looked at the neko girl and grinned nervously "I'm sorry about him, really, I truly didn't mean to cause any anger". She wasn't quite sure she could believe yet by some words, but she was nearly sold on the idea, there must be another way to find out these nekos intentions.

Wane chuckled "Woah there big guy, chill, don't want to cause trouble here of all places" He looked at Adrianna "Okay, that's cool, we can wait until everyone's made their selections and get back to our safehouse" he meowed. He leaned against a wall and said "So what are your names?" Lya looked at the neko male who had introduced himself before "I'm Lya, that's Kyrie" she said to them.
Nii looked over at the wares, "I haven't picked out anything yet..." She looked at Lya and Kyrie, and their upset outburst, a frown on her face, "I never want to hurt people, human or not, and I don't think that all humans are bad. Nor do I think all nekos are good. But, I will fight in self defense if it comes to that. My parents would have wanted the stupid violence to end... They tried to cause peace, but humans still killed them." Nii looked down at the floor, then moved closer to the items, seeing a painting here or there, and some paint cans with brushes. Pointing to them, she looked at Wane, "Good idea? Or no?"

Cy rumaged in his bag for a while before pulling out an old box. He smiled at it and swished his tail, then he looked at the others. "Personally I don't want trouble... But its better to do something about the nonsensical violence than to sit here and rot..." Cy frowned, putting away the box and picking up his bag, moving closer to the wares. "For a house, I would think some lightbulbs would be nice, don't you? And toilet paper," Cy said, grabbing some of each. Cy looked at Rekka, Are you ok there? You didn't have a comment to my previous intrusion.
Adrianna suddenly got very irratated. Her tail wagged violently. She watched as he calmed down but she looked at the neko girl and then nodded. She nearly was making her hands bleed by the time she walked away. That male was going to really tick her off. She looked away hiding herself for now so she didn't make things worse. She took a deep breath, he was going to attack her and she almost wanted him to. She could have put him in his place easily. She had learned how to fight because of humans constently attacking her. She had quite a few head injuries from being hit with the edge of guns. She didn't know what had frustrated her so but maybe it was everything that happened today and her lack of sleep. Certainly lack of sleep didn't help at all.
Wane looked at the paint and nodded "Yeah definitely, the house could use some paint touchups, but if theres no purple I'm sticking with the wallpaper" he grinned.

Lya sighed, well it appears they already made an enemy...or at least her brother had. She should've known he would have had an outburst like that, she should have taken better control of Kyrie. Kyrie said nothing as he leaned against the counter defeated by his sister's annoying logic as usual.

(I am now realizing since I've gotten into homestuck a bit that my image of Wane Moonscar is much like Eridan Ampora...LULZ xD , carry on if you are not a homestuck fan)
Rekka flicked his ears, noticing Cy had just probed his mind. He turned away, feeling kind of awkward talking into his own mind. Ahh.... Can you hear me? As you probably know already, I don't have much to say physically. Pardon me. I prefer to be the... shadow of the group you might say. Nice to meet you. It's been a while since I can talk normally to someone. Thanks. Rekka had spoken into his mind. He gave a polite smile to Cystennin, giving a silent graditude moment.

Elm looked up," Blue-pigmented moose? That's real rare. It was worth all that'er stuff you see o'er there," Elm pointed toward the same corner again with the fancy things. "Hmm, I'm not someone who messes wit 'ya to see what 'yer doing with things, so there were lots 'o possibilities. They'd probably sell it or something. Though moose meat is a delicacy to filibusters..." Elm explained. He then looked at all the things Wane picked out," You gettin' all that, boy? Hope ya got enough to trade for it! HORFHORFHORF!" Elm laughed a boomish chuckle," Depends, boy'o, what do yer have to trade?"
Wane snorted "Hey its just an idea man, can a guy dream?" the way he chuckled his ridiculously strange laugh gave him the impression that everything he chose wasn't cheap. He'd decide not to get it to sacrifice for some of the others. Lya looked at the shopkeeper. "You mean, you eat the moosie?" she whimpered a bit and her brother shot her a look that she was being weird again. She blushed and composed her self "I mean...I don't think it's right to eat moose, shouldn't you eat like...other stuff?" Kyrie rolled his eyes, you think being a neko would make you not care about the lives of food creatures like moose, but Lya had a soft spot for a lot of non-neko animals.

Wane looked at the stuff one more time "So what are we talking here? Like super expensive? Will I have to sell myself into slavery, trust me, that's worth a lot"
Elm did a big, hearty laugh," Nonsence! Most people would NEVER think of eating a moose! Just pullin' yer tail, missy!" He said, throwing the rag from earlier over his shoulder then looked at Wane," Bah! I'm not the type of man to sell handsome young'uns into slavery! Nosiree!" he said, then scratched his chin," Hmm.. but for all that, you could either trade in a pig, some jems, all your clothes, orr.... do ol' Elm a job-favor, aye?" Elm had a glint in his eye," Y'see, young'uns, a man like me ain't what he used to be. If you could chase away some vicious poachers from me barn out back, it should pay for everyone to claim-a about 5-7 things from me fine shop!" Elm explained, indicating a wooden door in the back of his store," Back there's me barn. Recently, some of me livestock had been missin'. I've seen 'em plenty 'o times, but never caught up. If you could find and catch those poachers, the reward is be yours!" he said, winking toward Wane," Not many. About four or five. They're real sneaky an' quick though." Elm then led them over to the door," I'm assuming this offer is the only one you young'uns can afford, so take it or leave it!"

Rekka flicked his ear. he had picked out a pretty-looking blue lava lamp and few more things, not many.
Nii raised the stuff in the air with her mind for a moment, rummaging in her pocket for something to trade, a pocket watch, real gold, and very old. "How much can I get for this, sir?" Nii asked, as the paint and paintings hovered around her. Cy nodded at Rekka, Why yes, I can hear you. He smiled at him warmly, If you don't mind me prying a little, why can you not talk normally? Cy turned, looking at Elm and Wane, "Well, I always have some stuff, don't I Elm? I could help pay. I travel a lot, so I have a good deal of things to sell." Cy looked at Adrianna walking away and closed his eyes for a moment. A duplicate of him appeared next to Adrianna while she was hiding, What's wrong? Cy said into her mind, the duplicate looked identical to the original. The original was still by the wares, chatting it up.
Rekka was surprised at the sudden question, but answered it openly, Ahmm.. You're the first person I've told, but see these bandages? He pointed toward a mass of white bandages wrapped around his neck, I had gotten some... injuries when I was younger. It permanently damaged my vocal chords. Rekka stifled up a quiet laugh, trying to lighten up the mood a bit.

Elm rubbed his moutache, clearly astonished," Why, you're a lucky lady! Not many nekos get their paws on real gold! That pocket watch is worth very much! It could probably sell out 1/4 of this shanty store!" his voice rumbled as he spoke, amazed. He then looked at Cy," Yes, Cy, m'boy! You're always so welcome to people, good job! I love that in you! HAH! I probably see you as my own son since you've been here so many times, BWAHAHORF!"
Adrianna jumped a little and then hissed a bit. "...Nothing I'm fine....just a bit tired and that new male just got me really frustrated." She looked at the duplicate and then observed him. "Hmmm....Mind powers.....nice." She said and then crossed her arms. She looked out at the others and then sighed. She had really calmed down but she didn't want to seem in a bad mood in front of the others if possible. She had a few things in her hand. A pillow and a blanket for her room nothing major. She had simple tastes although those guns really had caught her attention. Thinking about all the guns vince had it would help.
You haven't tried to get them healed? I could point you to a healer.... Cy said, a look of concern on his face, Someone who probably wouldn't ask for anything in return. It wouldn't fix you up completely, but it could help a lot with any pain... Cy kept looking at him, his brow furrowed with concern. He jumped when Elm spoke to him again. Cy looked at him and smiled, "I am happy someone thinks so well of me. I only try to help people who need it. I wouldn't want them to bother their time with a little job, they seem busy." He brought back out the box he was smiling at before and opened it, jewlrey was in the box. He picked out a amall diamond ring and a semi-precious stone necklace and closed the box. "Will that pay for it?"

Nii clutched her watch protectively, "If its worth so much, I wouldn't want to get any less for it." Nii stuffed the watch back in her pocket, yes, she was lucky for a neko to have nice things, but it was from her parents and what they had left her. The group didn't yet know that though, and for now she wanted it to stay as such. She sighed and thought of what else she could use.

Cy, the duplicate one next to Adrianna, sighed and spoke, "Well, is there anything I can help with? I can treat you to another item of your choice? Think of it as a gift for meeting one as pretty as you." The duplicate wavered slightly, appearing see-through for a moment before becoming solid again.
Adrianna shakes her head no. "No, no it fine...." She said and then suddenly became aware he called her pretty. She raised an eyebrow at him then just pushed it aside crossing her arms and leaning back slightly. She sighed and then walked around back to the others. She looked at the real cy and then looked at the ring. She smiled and then reached into her pocket touching the necklace she had. Maybe she wouldn't have to use it but at the same time....she should pay for something.
(I wanted to make this so bad O.o hope you like her. She doesn't have to come in yet if you don't want.)

Name: Eirlys Wynter

Age: 15

Species: snow leopard neko

Gender: female

Powers: Controls darkness, and ice control

Bio: She was born to two nekos, but was raised by her neko mother, and a human father who had adopted her once her real father left her mother. A fire killed them both, but she doesn't know how the fire happened, so now she is on her own. She loves everyone, but can be a bit shy. She doesn't think humans or nekos are bad, and finds it silly that people have so much hate in their hearts.


Cat appearance:

(Oh, WolfnightV4X1, you should see this picture. I saw it and immediately thought Wane.)

(Haha, seems about right xD He's got the sexy smirk thing spot on xD All he needs is white ears/tail and a purple cloak :P )

Wane pondered the shopkeepers offer, "Are you still up for the clothes offer?" he joked, he didn't feel like staying here longer than necessary but if he wanted the stuff he'd think about it. "If all of you are in to help me I'll do it, but if not I'll come back or something" he shrugged, he wasn't sure what he would do for this stuff yet.

Lya sighed "Oh, well that's a relief." she giggled. Kyrie got up and decided to make his way out of the store, "Kyrie, where are you going?" he stopped abruptly and cast his gaze over to Lya "We can't leave, they might need our help. We have to make sure they don't cause trouble or that nobody hurts them. Kyrie rolled his eyes and looked at the neko Adrianna and back to Lya again, they didn't need help, they needed to die and if he stayed here any longer he'd be the one to do it. Lya glared at him "If anything, I'll be the one that kills you first if you don't listen to me!" Lya grabs his arm and drags him back into the store.
Adrianna glanced back at the two nekos and then shifted again. Kyrie's gaze at her was very unnerving. She looked at Lya and then rubbed her head. She rubbed her ears which she tended to do when she was nervous. She wrapped her tail around her waist and then looked at Wane. She pulled out her gold necklace with the perl at the end. "Here...maybe this will help you buy some of that." She said setting it down in front of the shop owner. "If possible I would like to at least get this blanket." She said and then smiled lightly. "Wouldn't want the new guy wasting all his money anyways." She said seeing Cy had some valuable stuff but using it to buy all of their needs, just didn't feel right to her. She was kind underneath that aggressive army like character she had.
Rekka shook his head no, it's fine, but thank you for the offer, Cy. he said tenderly. Rekka had picked out only a few small things, for his room and maybe some things for the entire 'neko manor'.

Elm chortled," Eh, you have quite the treasures, eh m'boy?" He glanced toward Cystennin. He furrowed his brow, seeing a few mental disruptions of who would pay for what. "If you young'uns could figure out what to trade in, I'll be more than happy to help."

Rekka heard the shopkeeper. He didn't want to be seen a burden to his friends, so decided he wanted to pay for himself. Rekka then took out one of his silver neko-ear piercings, and walked over to Elm to trade in for a few non-exspensive items. Content with his things, he stood patiently, with a happy grin on his face.

"Sure missy, that'll do. Plus, it could afford a few other things if you like," Elm said to Adrianna, giving a warm smile.

(Awesome and accepted kinadra!)
Wane looked at Adrianna and raised an eyebrow "Are you sure? I could do without this stuff, and you might as well pick some more stuff out for yourself if you're going to give that up" he said, he'd be more than grateful if she would pay for him, but he also felt like he'd owe her one, either way, it didn't matter.. Lya came over to the neko's " have a group thing going. Can...can anyone join?" she said to him. Wane perked his ears "Sure, we welcome all nekos, I mean, we haven't rejected anyone yet." he shrugged "I guess now that we have a larger group it's up to everyone".
Adrianna looks at the shopowner and then smiles. She looks at Wane. "I just want a pillow and a blanket. Really I don't need anything else." She shruged and then shifted her weight, crossing her arms like she always does. She looked at him and then looked to the two nekos. Against her instincts she walks up to Lya. "You might need a blanket or something." She said and then glanced at Kyrie. "The house is runed down so it might get cold." She said and then looked at Lya.
"Well..." Cy started slowly, the duplicate disappearing. "Let's see, Toilet paper, Paint, Paint brushes, Paintings, blankets, plus some other stuff. Mostly cheap stuff... I wouldn't want you to pay for it with something so dear to you... With the few things I brought out, that should pay for a lot of it... Right Elm? I mean, I don't mind paying. It can be a way of earning my way into the group, so to speak." Cy smiled and looked at Adrianna, speaking into her mind, If you are not trusting of the silent neko there, Kyrie is it? I can bother him and see what his problem is. He sighed and looked around at everyone else, this seemed so unorganized, just buying some items.

Nii walked over near to Wane and touched his arm, "I don't mind them joining. They seem distrustful, but like nice people." She smiled at him, she had been pretty quiet throughout this little adventure, she wasn't sure how to act in such a situation. Nii kept smiling with a timid look on her face, waiting for everything to calm down.
Wane looked at Adrianna and wide grin broke across his face, quickly before she could stop him he wrapped his arms around her "Thank you! I appreciate you sacrificing for me. For us!" he waggled his tail excitedly and released her before she did anything. He looked over at Cy "And you too, I appreciate you wanting to help us." He hugged Cy as well, but with a more manly embrace. Lya looked over at Adrianna who offered to buy them blankets and stuff "Oh, thank you, I can't thank you enough." from under her long coat her tail was wagging and she wondered if she should hug her to show her gratitude.

Behind her, she could hear Kyrie forming a hiss in his throat. Lya slapped him in the arm and he flinched, rubbing his sore arm. But by the look on his face his pride was hurt worse. "No really, Kyrie appreciates it too. Right Kyrie?" she shot him a glare, and Kyrie gave a fake nod. Lya sighed, close enough.

Kyrie's brother patted her shoulder and she turned to him, a soft growl formed in her throat and in a loud whisper so no one else heard she said "What?!?". Kyrie crossed his arms and shook his head vigorously, pointing to the exit. Lya looked up at her taller brother "Grow up Kyrie, we can't hide forever. We have to face our fears. And if you stop holding a freaking grudge for five minutes you might realize these nekos are nice. Who knows, maybe we can convince them that the humans aren't bad, and whatever they are planning. It'll be for the better." Kyrie bared his fangs angrily "Yes, we're staying with these nekos, end of story. No complaining! No fits of rage!" Lya huffed angrily and turned to the other nekos.
Adrianna looked at Cy and then looked down. "That won't be nessassary unless you want to. I know he wants to kill us....that look in his eye, I've seen it before. I just want to keep a good eye on him. His sister appears to be a different story." She looked as Wane suddenly hugged her and she seemed to be stunned for a second. However for once she didn't hiss at him or anything. She gave him a smile and then looked at Lya.

As soon as the quiet one started acting up. She clenched her fist slightly. She walked right up to him and then looked up at him. "We've done nothing but be nice. Now I don't care what you think, but if you don't stop acting like a wining baby I will kick your butt so hard you will half way to china. You either straighten up because I will not tollerate you acting this way around my friends when all we're doing is helping you out." She said and then hissed at him. She looked at Lya. "Np need to thank me." She said.
Lya pressed her ears close to her head, well, if her hat hadn't already done that for her. Adrianna was scary, if it were her in Kyrie's position she would have already back down. Kyrie was still intensely angry at her, she hoped this rivalry wouldn't get out of control, not on her watch.She said to her "Oh, don't worry Adrianna, I already talked to him. He'll behave, I'll make sure of that".

She stepped away from Kyrie so he wouldn't hear "We've had it rough, not that all of you haven't had it bad either, but that kind of stress has different effects on everyone, I guess. Kyrie was always emotionally sensitive, but I've kept him on track, he should be alright." she nodded, and from under the coat her tail drooped "To be honest, I'm still skeptical, That's why I want to join you guys. I'll believe it when I see it with my own eyes".

Wane grabbed all his stuff and purred excitedly, "Well, we should return soon. After all of you finish with your purchases" he was bouncing with excitement. Envisioning how the place would look after he would have fixed it all up, especially his room, it would be his own personal touch in there.
Rekka was a bit taken back by Adrianna's outburst. Now the didn't know what to think of her. A sudden jolt of both fear and respect ounched him in the stomach, and Rekka made a mental note to not get on her angry side. Rekka half wanted to calm her down, but was afraid of the fact that she could smash him at any moment. "A-Adrianna..." he said weakly, holding up his hand slightly

Elm nodded," Aye, that should do, Cy," he chuckled then gave the younger nekos what they had picked out and claimed whatever they had to offer. Elm then carried the newly-stocked items over to a shelf, then started carefully putting them neatly. Those items would be for trade next. Elm then glanced over to Adrianna," Oy, lass, if ye want, I can hold on to that'er necklace watch until ye get something to trade fer it, if ye want," he had a warm smile on his face, feeling a silent wave that the golden item meant something to her.

Rekka's ears flicked over to Wane and nodded, along with an army salute, mentally saying he was ready. Rekka hauled up a tiny pile of his things, including the pretty blue lava lamp, and waved his tail for Adrianna and Nii.

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