Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Adrianna ears flickered and she looked to see Cy was watching her. She twitched her tail and then looked around. She jumped onto a higher branch no longer being his his sight. She looked around seeming very calm. She leaned on the tree trunk. She started to think about her parents. She chuckled slightly remembering her dad. He was a lion and her mother was a normal cat. To bad she wasn't a lioness but she certainly has the powerful aditude. She sniffed around and then sighed in releif. Vince wasn't showing up. She closed her eyes for a second and then nearly fell. She grabbed onto the branch and pulled herself back up. She needed rest but she knew Vince the best, she had to stay awake.

"Darn it why didn't I steal coffee?" She hissed at herself and then looked back up. She kept closer to the branch incase she fell again.
Wane blinked surprised when Nii entered the room and called him out on his bluff. He decided to play it safe and continue to deny her remark "Pfft, I don't know what you're talking about, kitten. Wane Moonscar's as cool as ever." but somehow even he doubted his own claim. Gaah! What was wrong with him? Wane stopped fiddling with the bedsheets and just stood, standing awkwardly and his tail twitched in a fuss. He mentally noticed his body movements were giving him away and he relaxed himself as much as he could.
(Oh, Rekka can maybe have my other girly as an interest? She is kinda shy so it fits :P )

Nii smiled sweetly at Wane, "So, you don't actually like me like I like you then? Oh well... that's a pity." Nii stood and walked over closer to him, "Why are you so uncomfortable Wane? Afraid to let someone into here?" As she said that she touched a finger to his chest, indicating his heart.

Cy called out to Adrianna as he curled up into a ball, "You know, I could take a turn. You need sleep, and its obvious." Cy got up and padded over to the trees, looking for where exactly she was. "I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself by not sleeping. It can be unhealthy."
Adrianna looks at Cy. "Says the guy who was falling everywhere's your head?" She said moving keeping out of his sight. "I'm fine." She said and then looked down at him. She twitched her ear and then looked away from him. She saw a rabbit and then looked back down at Cy still keeping out of sight. She was being normal. She stepped onto a branched that suddenly snapped and she fell. With a yell of surprise she fell, however when she landed she went into a roll just missing a few branches that fell after she did. "That was close." She said standing up and dusting herself off.
Wane was open to open his mouth with another objection when he heard her say So, you don't actually like me like I like you then? Oh well... that's a pity." She...she liked him? She walked over to him and he felt himself blushing madly, somehow he didn't even bother to conceal it this time. "Why are you so uncomfortable Wane? Afraid to let someone into here?"

Wane took a deep breath. "I do...I mean, I try...It's're a weird girl" Crap! Why did he say that! He slapped his face "Argh! I mean that's not what I meant. I mean, you're different from the other girls. I don't know why I...feel differently..." He suspected the reason he acted the way he did was to get attention, and when no one gave it to him his response was to be more obnoxious, at least negative attention was something. Most girls were disgusted by his flirtatious manner. But Nii was different, she was the only one to respond to him, he wasn't prepared for the suddenly different reaction. Why? And why was she making him feel more flustered "Look, I think I know what my right answer is" he released his hand from his face and his blue eyes stared into hers "I mean, you're a pretty girl and you're a neko...that's true and all, but that's not why I'm flirting with you anymore. I like you too Nii. For's not just about..." he paused "" Why was he speaking this way? Did he say the right thing or did he push her away more? God, what is it about her that made him lose his cool?
Cy mewed and flipped over onto his back, showing his belly to her. He flipped back over and dashed over to her when she fell, "Don't hurt yourself little one!" He shifted back into human form and looked her over. Cy stopped and held his head again in pain as the rabbit dashed off. A squeal could be heard from the rabbit, and, still clutching his head, he looked over to the noise.

Nii listened to all he had to say, blushing brightly. She hadn't expected that sort of reaction. Wane rambled on, getting flustered trying to explain. After he was done speaking she kissed him lightly on the lips, Nii couldn't think of anything better to do. After she kissed him, she pulled away, but was still very close to his lips. Nii looked into his eyes and spoke, "Thank you... For being so open with me."
Wane's head was swirling, he caught his breath for a moment and had to remind himself to breath. "You're...uh...welcome Nii". His ears perked up and he wrapped his tail around her body to pull her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her. He gave a nervous laugh "Well...I bet you're pretty lucky to have a guy like me. But I think I'm luckier to have a girl like you". His heart was racing, but he finally felt relieved, like he'd let some inner part of himself out. It was sloppy and probably his least suave move ever, but he felt great. He kissed Nii back, prolonging the kiss for a few seconds before he released her. He let go of her and said "Well, we...uh...I, should get some sleep...I mean, we I guess, if you want." he smiled nervously and shifted into cat form, jumping on the bed and curling into a ball. He can't believe he nailed it, man, he was awesome.
Adrianna looks at Cy and then blinked. "What's wrong?" She asked and then looked at him. She looked at where the noise was comming from. She blinked and then slowly started making her way over. She looked around and then back at Cy, wondering if a fox was after the rabbit. She thought it odd that would cause pain to Cy. She looked back over to him with a frown.
Cy backed up and sat against a tree trunk, gripping his head. "I think your friend is here." Cy didn't look up, even if he did, he knew he couldn't see well. Images flashed into his mind of Adrianna fighting Vince alone, and she wasn't doing too well. Sure enough he glanced up for long enough to see a silhouette of a man in the distance. He practically screamed into Adrianna's mind, We have to get away! Don't fight him yourself!

Nii smiled and blushed as he kissed her back, before shifting into lynx form and hopping onto the bed. She curled up behind Wane and purred, trying to fall asleep, but her mind was all over the place, and so was her heart.
Adrianna looked at Vince and then hissed loudly. He shot at her and she jumped out of the way. She ignored Cy's warning and charged. She managed to get the gun away from him. He and her entered into hand to hand combat. She was tired and he was over powering her. Adrianna was determand to kill him. She got out her knife but he shot it out of her hand with a hand gun. He slammed her over the head with the end of it. As she fell he grabbed her by the tail and then started dragging her.

Adrianna hissed loudly and then turned into a cat, slipping from his grasp and dashing away. He shot at her a few more times. He glared at her, she had stopped dead in her tracks. Vince smirked and then walked over looking at her.

Adrianna opened her eyes and turned human blasted him with light. She threw her knife hitting him in stomach. He gasped and then Adrianna looked to see a neko comming into view. She grabbed Vince and they both disappeared. Adrianna's eyes widened and she looked behind her. She couldn't see Cy anywhere. She was to far away.

Adrianna soon gasped in pain. She looked and she was shot. She gripped the shoulder and then fell. She was to tired to stay awake. That neko...who was she? She couldn't think befoe she fell unconscious.
"Kyrie troubled," Rekka tried to talk the best he could, but it was really diffucult to talk in smal words to a person who already practically hates his guts. Rekka mimiced his posture, also crossing his arms and giving an upset face. He wavered his tail, brushing against the wall gently.
Cy tried to run after Adrianna but he was too slow, when they disappeared, he screamed into all the other's heads at the same time, Guys! Vince took Adrianna! Quick! Cy shifted into cat form, running as fast as he could into the house, yelling, "We have to get her back!!!"

Nii nearly jumped to the ceiling at the voice, then shifted into her human form, shaking furiously Wane in case he was still asleep.
Before he had gotten his answer, Rekka's head rang with Cystennin's frantic voice. Rekka rubbed his head, for it hurt a bit from the sudden transmission. He glanced over at Kyrie, assuming he had gotten the message too. Rekka glared at him intently, knowing fully that Kyrie did not have any intention on helping them. He hissed and grumbled," Your choice," as he ran out, saying it was Kyrie's descision if he wanted to help out or not. Rekka had become slightly bitter, but rushed out to where Cy was, hoping deep inside that Ky would decide to change his thought of how nekos were.
Adrianna woke up and then yelled out in pain. "AH! Darn it." She said and then looked around. She slowly tried to get up. She gasped and held the wound tightly. She looked around. "Take a....note....listen to tele boy." She said and then slowly started trying to get backto the others. She leaned against a tree. This is bad....I'm losing to much blood. She closed her eyes in pain.
Rekka ran out, to see Adrianna leaning against a tree, and a large patch of blood," Adrianna!" He ran over," Happen?!" He demanded her to tell him what she had just gone through. Rekka's breath half choked at the sight of her wound, and he almost had a panic attack.

(oh crap I forgot what happened to her xD my bad)
Kyrie flicked his ears when the neko had asked him if he was troubled. He nodded in response but that was all he could say, he cut his hand across his throat to indicate he couldn t speak, that he wasn t just quiet but mute. He looked at the nekos bandages, he appeared to have some sort of problem speaking also, something they had in common. It bothered him to be in this damned place fully, but at least there was someone like him, and judging by his posture he wasn t as fond of others either.

Wane awakened in a panic, Nii was shaking him "Huh?" he shook his fur hearing the screams of Cy below the house, his eyes widened "Oh dang! I knew I should have stopped her" he shook his head in disgust, while he d been up here with Nii acting like an idiot Adrianna was hurt somewhere, and he felt he was partly to blame. He launched off the bed and ran downstairs, he meowed to the others "Where is she? Do you know where she is?" His fur rose in hackles.

Kyrie jumped at the sound of the other neko running in, something terrible had happened. Rekka had given him a critical look "Your choice" he ran out of the room without another word. Kyrie looked out the window and his tail lashed around as he wrestled with his thoughts. Would he help these damned creatures save their friend or stay since it wasnt his problem. He looked down at his sleeping sister who had not awakened from the commotion.

He bent down and fixed her hat over her head. He thought to what she had told him before Grow up Kyrie! We cant hide forever, we have to face our fears

He sighed and stood up on his feet, he supposed he should help them. Just this once. To repay a debt he owes them for buying them the blankets and allowing even him to stay here in this house of freaks. He walked out of the room, wondering if he d have to use his powers. Both he and his sister have refrained from using their freakish powers.

(Long post, I had to make up for what I missed :P )
(I'm slightly confused on what happened... I thought Adrianna had disappeared further away... but Rekka found her? I don't know what to reply T.T)
(He s offline, I don t think he can respond. I think he ran really far into the forest *shrugs* I m not totally sure what happened either, fire of hearts is offline too Oh noes)
(They do have a sense of smell. XP)

Adrianna looked at Rekka and then walked up to him. She looked at him and then nearly fell on him. She grabbed his shoulders. " to" She said dropping to her knees. She grabbed the wound and then slowly stood up again trying to walk again. She was scared but she had to get back to the others. Nii...she had healing powers right? God she hoped Nii could help her.

Adrianna looked at Rekka needing help. She couldn't stand on her own for to much longer. She wanted to faint but she forced herself to stay awake. She looked around hoping the others got their quickly as well.
Rekka did a quick nod, throwing Adrianna's arm over his shoulders. He started walking back, slightly limp from carrying her. "Awake," he reminded her, trying to keep the girl on her toes. Finally, he managed a long walk back to the manor, and opened the door harshly with his foot. Rekka looked around and called," Nii? Nirae!" Hoping she could use her healing magic or at least get some bandages.
Wane jumped down the last step shifting into human form as soon as he touched the floor "Adrianna, you okay?" he walked over and helped keep her up. "Set her down" he told Rekka. He looked up to see Kyrie had made his way to the stairs, standing at the top and looking below to see what was going on, Wane called out "You, get a pillow or something". Kyrie flinched at the sudden command but nodded. He ran into his room and grabbed a pillow, running back down and tossing it to Wane. He stood farther away from the group but watched in case they needed any help. Wane and Rekka set her down on the floor gently and propped her head on the pillow. "Nii, can you heal her?" he asked in a hurried manner.
Adrianna looks at Wane and glares. "Do I look OK!?" She nearly yelled at him but it only came out as a minor yell. She was to weak to properly snap at him. She groans. She looks at them. "Vince....has..." she closes her eyes. The blood was soaking her clothes. She looks at wane and then holds the wound tighter. "The bullet...take it out." she said and then looks at nii. She closed her eyes and for a few seconds she was completely stopped moving. She gasped fighting to keep breathing. She opened her eyes.
Wane sighed relieved that she was able to yell at him, although weak, but at least she was able to yell at him. He kneeled down beside Adrianna, "The bullet...take it out." Wane sucked in a breath, she was in worse condition than he initially thought, and his thoughts were confirmed when she went out cold for a few moments "Hang in there Adrianna!" He looks over at Nii, his eyes shimmering with worry. "Can you save her?" he hoped she was able to, if not it would take all of their efforts to keep her alive without healing power. How would they get a bullet out? They needed to staunch the bleeding also. He pulled his cloak and pressed the fabric against the affected area. The violet fabric was soaked in a maroon color immediately upon contact. It would only work for a few minutes before he'd have to change the fabric again 'There goes my favorite cape' he sighed inwardly at the thought of losing his precious garment. He shook the thought off, wanting desperately to save her.
(Sorry I have been not online >.>)

Nii, who was looking on in horror next to Wane nodded. "I can. I will. I mean, I have to," she said, a scared expression on her face as she fell to her knees in front of Adrianna. She immediately put her hands over the wound and focused, a soft glowing light appearing. The bleeding started to lessen, but the bullet didn't move yet. Nii looked at Wane, terrified for Adrianna. She looked back at her, the strain of healing showing in her face. She quickly used her telekinesis to pull out the bullet, wincing as she did, and tossed it to the side. She focused back on healing, closing her eyes and speaking, "This is going to take a while... and I will collapse afterwords... but I won't let her die."

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