Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Cy nodded, rubbing his temple then grabbing the things he had bought. Nii did similar, lifting up her items with her mind, them floating around her. "I'm ready to go, everyone else?" She looked at Wane and twitched her tail slightly, she was a bit upset that she didn't get a hug too. Cy walked towards the door, turned, and looked at Adrianna, Try to calm down, worry can lead to wrinkles, and to make your face any less beautiful would be a crime. Cy rubbed his head again, a bad headache making his head throb. There was too many strong thoughts flying around and getting jumbled up. "Oww..." he muttered quietly, heading more towards the door, and leaning against it.

Eirlys Wynter walked around across town, sighing and stuffing her hands in her pockets. Where she stepped ice formed, and she put her ears down nearly flat to her head. "Another violent happening..." she said to herself quietly in a high voice, "Why does this keep happening?" She had just seen a neko get... 'Put down' with a gun to the head a few streets back. She manipulated the darkness so she could hide and get away, the tears in her eyes rolling down her face and falling to the ground. She flicked her tail that was underneath her long snow coat and put her hand, palm down, pointed at the ground. The ice stopped forming and she sighed again, putting a cap on her head to hide her ears. She kept walking, looking around wondering what to do.
Adrianna looked at Lya. "Excuse my anger...." she put her hand to her head. "I understand Lya, don't worry I'll give him some space." She said and then smiled at Lya. "You should hear my story....really I do what I can to survive. This is really my first time being in a group like's nice to have friends." she said and then looked out the window. "I've been alone for so long i guess I got overly protective." She said and then rubbed her head.

She looked at Rekka and then blinked. "Yeah?" She asked as if nothing happened. She suddenly was so calm. She looked at him and then her ears went down. "Ugh sorry.....I didn't mean to scare you." She said and then looked at Cy. "I'll keep that in mind." She said in her head and then rolled her eyes.

She looked at the shop keeper. "I woulde be greatful if you did that." she said. She wasn't about to tell why it ment something to her. If they knew someone would probably try to get it back. Right now, she wanted to make sure everyone had what they wanted. She wanted them to be happy, they were important to her because she felt like she belonged here; something she hadn't felt in a long time.
"It's okay... calm," Rekka reassured, only saying to take it easy. Elm nodded and took the necklace from the shelf, then putting into a drawer that was in his desk, then locking it securely. He bellowed," Come back when ye' want to trade fer it lass!" He hollered, while Rekka was beckoning everyone to come along. He was quite in a cheery mood because of this, and he rang back to everyone," Neko manor~" he giggled, knowing full well there should be enough rooms for everyone. It was a fairly large place, but his memory could be wrong. If there were more nekos--and okamis-- than there were rooms, some would have to share with another. (winkwink to any love interests out there xD )
(Oh no...I'm torn between Rekka and Cy! AHH!)

Adrianna grabbed her things and then grabbed the book opening it. She smiled widely and then followed Rekka. "Ok ok..." she said and then looked at Lya and her brother. "Come along then...." She smiled having a few extra blankets with her for them. She smiled warmly. She looked at the others and then started cheering up. Maybe it was the fact that they had stuff for the manor or it was the new book in her hand but she was starting to become more happy. It may even be because her friends all looked happy.
(Nii and Wane? Haha :3 Yay)

Cy grinned at Adrianna's eye roll, What? Don't like my compliments? I am only speaking what is true. He smilled and moved out the door, ready to follow to 'Neko Manor' as they called it. Nii moved out the door after Cy, looking back at Wane. She paused, then stepped back to walk in tandem with Wane. Nii had a big smile on her face when she thought about how much cozier the house would be. Cy winced and rubbed his temple again, accidentally sending a thought to Adrianna, Oww... this hurts more than last time...
Adrianna looks at Cy and then blinks. "What's wrong?" She looked conserned and then walked over placing a hand on his shoulder. She looked at him and then glanced at everyone else. She looked back at Cy. She wondered if it was all the nekos and their thoughts. She looked at him, his head appeared to be the problem.
Cy waved a hand at Adrianna, trying to shrug her off, Its nothing. I'm fine. No need to worry the others. Besides, I am a newbie, I would hate to cause issues this early on. He sighed and winced again, touching a hand to his temple. He looked at Adrianna, and gave her a half-smile, I assume you want an explanation? Well, this happens sometimes. I get overwhelmed, and my head hurts. But it usually isn't this bad. Must be something nearby causing interference of sorts... I will be fine. Cy grimaced and his vision went a little blurry for a moment, throwing his balance off. He righted himself quickly and gave Adrianna a sheepish smile.
Adrianna looked at him nodding slightly. She was going to let it go untill he almost lost his balance. She stopped him and then looked at him. "Ok, ok...I think you need to stop using your power and rest." She said and then put her hand on his forehead trying to see if he felt warm. She wondered what was causing this, maybe a strong emotion nearby....maybe....maybe Vince? She looked around her ears perking up trying to listen for any noises. "Maybe you should sit down." She said looking at him. "Don't make me get on you like i did Kyrie." She said with a slight smirk.
Cy nodded and gave in, sitting down on a nearby curb. "I can't just turn it off, thoughts come in and don't leave me alone," as though to prove this, he caught Adrianna thinking about Vince and Cy froze. Trying to play it cool, as though the name didn't bother him, he spoke a little shakily, "Vince? Who is he?" Cy had heard of this man, he thought for a moment, trying to focus on what was causing such pain.
Adrianna looked at him, on the outside she seemed completely fine but inside she suddenly became stressed and frightened. All the horrible things he put her through came to mind. She couldn't help it, constently chasing her, trying to kill her. His traps, his guns, everything he used were intented to kill. She rubbed her head. "He a human....a hunter of Nekos." She explained hoping he didn't get her thoughts. She had a few scars from Vince and he had tormented her greatly. "He hunts Nekos for a living." She said.
"Ah..." Cy said slowly, thinking before gripping his head and staring down at the floor, "I think we should move swiftly then. It is only getting worse and that probably means he is only getting closer." Cy looked around, his vision going blurry again. All of a sudden he got an image of Vince in his mind, holding a gun with a determined look on his face. Cy stared at Adrianna with fear in his eyes, We need to go. Now! Cy sent her the image of what he saw in her mind.
(Mwahaha, Wane likes ;P and poor Adrianna, not the dreaded love triangle? Or does that only apply if both guys have a crush on you? Hm...)

Wane twitched his ears and a small smile formed when Nii walked beside him at his pace "Hey pretty kitty, got everything you wanted?" he purred. He held up the tall mirror to her face so she could see her reflection. "Cool huh, it's going in my room so I can see myself every day. Unfortunately, I can't keep your reflection on there" he laughed lightly, but somehow he felt that his flirts toward her were becoming more sincere, he didn't think it was possible. He suspected she liked him back, but what if she hated him like everyone else did? Why wouldn't she like him, I mean, he was pretty awesome after all.

Lya walked along with the group and wondered what this supposed 'neko manor' looked like. They were a close knit group, probably been through a lot of stuff. She paced along with them until she noticed Kyrie was far behind, staring at the ground with his hands in his pockets. She dropped back so she could walk with him, she said nothing. They walked in silence as they tailed the group.

Wane noticed that Adrianna and Cy were slacking, he stopped a moment and yelled back at them "Hey, should we wait up or should we continue to the house and leave you two alone?" he teased.
Rekka walked silently but with a cheerful attitude," Neko Manor," he repeated, pointing to a large building up ahead. It wasn't the nicest-looking hotel, but it was pretty impressive compared to nekos that live on the street. Rekka did a little squeal of glee and ran in, and started speeding up the stairs. He had chosen the one he had slept in the night before, and had gotten started putting all the things together.

(Rekka's pretty submissive, so whoever wants em should make a move first. Rekka be lonely D: TT.TT)
Adrianna seemed a bit taken back. She looked at him and then grabbed him putting his arm over her neck to help him up. "Sorry if I start dragging you a bit." She said and then rushed back to the others. "We better pick up the pace here....Vince is on our trail." She said and then looked back to Lya and Kyrie. "I would ask you to hurry up. Please, we're being followed." She said.

Adrianna sighed in relief as they made it back to the house without running into Vince. She slowly set cy down in an old chair. "You feeling better or is he still around?" She asked looking at him.

(Ugh....not helping. Oh and I think that only works if both guys have a crush on them....not too sure though.)
(Ok. Rekka being who he is I was starting to lean towards Cy anyways. Mostly because Adrianna's personality might just overwelm poor Rekka. He saw one outburst and got scared of her lol. XP)
(Oh but this doesn't mean I'm going to make this easy for Cy either. Adrianna isn't the easy type and she certainly has her mind on the group not love.)
Wane ran into the house quickly and looked back at Adrianna and Cy "Is he really here? Do we have to set up a watch?" He said looking as the siblings walked in and perused the rundown but efficient housimg. Lya looked at them, "We'll set up our room, can we take any?" As he waited for a response Wane told them, "Go ahead, but the first one with the bed is mine". They nodded and ran upstairs.

Wane's attention turned to Cy and Adrianna "I can take watch, if you would like"

Lya found an empty room that didn't seem to be disturbed by any of the nekos, so she figured it was clear to enter. She layed the blankets out on the floor, layering them to make a plush sort of mattress. It was wide enough so both her and Kyrie could sleep on opposite sides. She was glad the sheets were large, both her and Kyrie didn't like their animal forms, especially Kyrie, so they needed the space.

Lya sighed as she watched Kyrie lean against the windowsill, twitching his half-tail in aggravation. Lya walked over to her brotner and placed a hand on his shoulder, his face was utterly defeated. Sad and full of mourning. Kyrie looked at Lya an pressed a hand on his chest, against nis heart then pointed to the side of his temple. "Yeah, I'm thinking about them. I miss them too". They watched the trees ruftle a bit as there was silence between them "Kyr, we're safe and well taken care of. I trust these nekos, and you can trust me." Kyrie cast his gaze down, pressing his torn ears to his head, nodding. Lya smiled slightly at his resignition. "Try to get some sleep" she said, walking back to the bedsheets and leaving her brother at the windowsill with his thoughts.
Rekka had calmed down and was now walking out. He noticed Kyrie and Lya in their room, but the brother had a troubled look on his face. Rekka knew he didn't trust the nekos, but decided to walk in anyway. Rekka padded in, silent but made sure Kyrie could sense his preasense instead of sneak-attacking. Rekka stood there for a while until he spoke," Mind?" He asked, saying what is on Ky's mind, for he looked slightly in thought.
Adrianna looked at Wane. " go get your things together...I'll keep watch." She said and then looked at Cy. She slowly stood up and then looked out the window. Her ears perked up staying on full alert. "This is my shouldn't be bothered by it." She said and then looked at Wane with a smile. "Now I helped pay for those things so get them in your room before I claim them." She said teasing him. Really she was just hiding the fact that she was worried.
Cy allowed Adrianna to help him walk to the house, mumbling something about not being crippled. Cy rubbed his head, "I don't think I am like radar. I think its just because something bad will happen. I got an image of him in my mind, so whatever is bad, it has to do with Vince..."

Nii, who had been walking along next to Wane the whole time, and still was, spoke, "Well, yes I got everything I want. And its a pretty mirror, though I don't think you need the ego boost." She shrugged off the worry about Vince, and came close to Wane. Nii bit his ear softly, asking with a slight blush on her face, "Hey, can I room with you?"
Adrianna looked at Cy. "You were dizzy at the time you know." She rolled her eyes and then looked outside the window. She sighed deeply and pushed her fingers through her hair. "Just up...warn meif you sense any murderous intent. I'm going to check out the area." She said and then pulled out a knife from her bag. She slipped it into a small holder on her arm under the jacket. She looked around. "oh i think I still have some food from yesterday. If anyone's hungry don't be afraid to finish it." she said and then walked out the broken window onto the tree branch. She walked across and took a good look around.

Adrianna rather liked staying in her humanish form. She found her cat form quite annoying when dealing with humans. Her human form gave her an advantage. Her cat form was good for cold nights and sneaking into small places. She hardly shifted. She grabbed onto a branch and then swung up onto it getting a higher view. She needed the fresh air anyways.
Wane nodded, but he regretted letting Adrianna take on the job again, perhaps he should wake up in the middle of the night and switch shifts. Adrianna had done a lot for him, and all he'd done was be himself, which was more than enough. He grabbed some food and munched hungrily. He thought back to what Nii had said earlier

She had nipped his ear and said "Hey, can I room with you?" He tried really hard to hide his blush, he didn't know how successful he was. He did his best to keep his attitude suave and composed "Sure babe, anytime..." But he wondered if he heard his voice waver a bit. Did Nii really want to stay with him for the night? What would that entail? He shrugged it off his mind, but felt warm feelings in himself as he looked over to Nii. "I'm going upstairs now...if you're still up for...'rooming' with me..." he traipsed up the stairs and into the solace of his room, setting his stuff down. He wondered if he should just hit the sack or do some maintenance. Set up the wallpaper and stuff.

He shook his head and decided it was best to just change out the million year old sheets with the new ones and leave it at that. He swished his tail excitedly, wondering if Nii would show.

Kyrie looked over at his sister, sound asleep. Her cap had shifted a bit in her sleep, and a red colored neko wolf ear stuck out. Just then he noticed that other neko, Rekka, walk in. "Mind?" he said. Kyrie tried to subdue his initial response to attack. He was successful, must have been the pep talk from his sister, she always had that effect on him. He shrugged his shoulders in reply, but really he felt irritated that the neko had shown up, only he had lost the energy for anger so he was mildly perturbed. But he trusted his sister, he might as well listen to whatever the hell this neko had to say. He leaned his back against the sill and folded his arms, raising an eyebrow for the neko to speak.

(I just want to let everyone know you're doing a great job with your characters and I'm having a lot of fun with this RP myself ^___^View attachment 8755)
(Awww! Thanks :) You are doing awesome too! (Haha I love the pic))

Cy grumbled and sat outside, deciding to watch Adrianna watch. He was concerned about her and her lack of sleep, she looked tired. He sat on a low wall outside the house and shifted into cat form, a fluffy, small black kitty.

Nii smiled when Wane seemed so startled by her question. After a while, Nii went up to Wane's room with a smirk on her face. After she was in the room and shut the door behind her, she went and sat on the bed, looking at Wane. "So," she started with a sly smile on her face, "Mr. Amazing isn't always so cool and collected?"

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