Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Adrianna nearly screamed when she pulled the bullet out. "Oh! that to be the harshes way a bullet has ever been removed from me." She said and then laid back clearly about to pass out. She looked at Nii and then swallowed. She stayed as still as possible and looked up at the ceiling. "Ok...ok....listen to tele it for the rest of my life." She said panting heavily. She passed out for a few minutes befoe forcing herself awake.
Wane held his arm around Nii "Don't worry, I won't let you collapse. Just do what you need to do" he nodded. If she had to take a lot of energy to save Adrianna, he'd be the one to help her too. He'd catch her before she fell. Wane watched as Nii worked her magic, he was relieved that the bullet was out, but he wasn't sure of the magnitude of her healing powers. The worst that could happen was that he would lose both Adrianna to the bullet wound and Nii to the energy loss. He swallowed hard and brushed the thought out of his mind, no, that wouldn't happen. Adrianna and Nii were strong.

Kyrie stood against the wall and watched as the nekos fought to save the life of their fallen friend. Try as he might, he couldn't shake the fact that they actually cared about one another from his mind. That clearly wasn't true, he'd seen neko's. They were heartless and violent creatures with only a sense of self. But seeing the scene before him contradicted everything he was led to believe. He wanted to scream, he wanted to run. But all that would do was make these creeps despise him as much as he despised them. The best he could do was stand here and see it through. They might be alright after all, maybe these ones. That is.
Nii's hands were shaking as she continued healing, she looked at Wane and smiled weakly. As soon as Wane touched her though, her eyes widened and the healing light grew extremely bright. It seemed Wane had a lot of energy to spare, not that it was surprising, considering the nature of his abilities. Regardless, once the wound was gone, Nii still fell back into him and passed out. Though the wound was gone, Nii didn't know how sore it would still be, or if she would wake up soon. However, she was passed out from exhaustion and engrossed in her own dreams.
Rekka sighed a breath of relief, and had recently gotten a pure white roll of bandages. The roll resembled the ones around his neck, but were much much less ragged and mire sanitary. He wrapped Adrianna's wound with the bandages, careful not to make it too tight. Rekka purred a bit as he finished. She looked good as new. Or at least as good as she'll ever look with that deep of a wound. He clasped his hands together and waved his tail," Feel?" He asked hopefully, wanting to know if she felt better or worse.
Adrianna faints as well. She was getting must needed rest though. She groans a few times her shoulder nothing her but she didn't wake. She shook her head and seemed very upset in her dreams. She shakes her head and then jerks around a bit. After a while she calmed but seemed very upset. Although Adrianna still didn't wake.
Wane held Nii as she passed out, he sighed relieved. They were both exhausted, but nothing worse than that. He tosses his soaked cape on his shoulder to hang limp while he stands up with Nii in his arms. "You guys take care of Adrianna, I'll be back". Wane goes up the stairs and to his room, gently laying Nii's tired form on the bed. For a moment he stares at her and then pushes the locks of hair off of her face. He then turns to leave, wanting to go downstairs to check on Adrianna.

Kyrie sighs relieved, he had no idea he was holding a breath in. He shakes his head. What a waste of time! They were both fine, no big deal. For all he knew the neko had what was coming to her. But despite that a smile formed on his lips. Kyrie walks back upstairs and into his room. Lya still slept soundlessly on the blanketed floor. He was too worked up to be tired, the whole scene had drained him mentally and he couldn't make up his mind of what to believe, but despite that he was too wired to catch some sleep. So instead he leans against the window sill looking out into the night.

Wane goes downstairs and looks at the nekos "That was really close. Someone help Adrianna to bed, and the rest of you should get some sleep. I'll take watch". With that he shifts into cat form, running to the nearest tree and his claws embed in the soft wood as he scurries up it and lands on the roof of the house. He sits with his tail curled around his paws, his shimmery blue eyes scan the surrounding forest for signs of danger. Nothing out of the ordinary. Still, he gets up and paces around the building, better safe than sorry. The sky grew less dark and in about one or two hours it would be morning
Rekka mumbled sonething, but was too soft for anyone to hear. He heard Wane announce that he was taking watch tonight. Rekka wanted to watch tonight, he really did, but deep inside he was thankful for the final moment of rest. He muttered something of a 'thanks' to his friend, and fell asleep onto the ground. Unconsciously, his body shifted into a deep black wildcat, which curled its tail and slept. Rekka had a habit of going cat when tired, but oh well. He told himself he would watch tommorrow. For now, sleeping was the only thing on his mind.
Cy shook his head and shifted into cat form, following Wane, speaking into his mind, I will help you with watch... Cy padded after him as he walked around the building. "I... I am really glad Nii could help... I should have warned Adrianna better, I should have done something..." he said, his tail down, "Hell... I couldn't even make my illusions in time to help." Cy looked somber, he really thought he was useless.

Eirlys was still walking around, she yawned and twitched her ears under her hat, and muttered softly, "Darn uncomfortable thing..." Eirlys kept walking and looked around, realizing she had no clue where she was. She looked and her eyes widened as she saw an old house. Eirlys walked towards it, seeing two cats walking around it, serious looks on their faces. She hid behind some nearby trees and watched them, listening to them talk.
Adrianna opens her eyes. She jerks up and then grips her shoulder. "Ouch." She said and then checked it out. She sighed and then looked out the window down at the boys. She smiled lightly just happy to have gotten through it. One thing kept wondering into her mind. When she threw that knife into Vince's stomach.....that neko came to save him, what on earth would a neko be doing helpping a neko hunter? She sighed at the thought. If Nii was ably to heal her, if that neko had healing powers or even got him to safe place he would survive.
Wane nodded at the help of Cy. "I... I am really glad Nii could help... I should have warned Adrianna better, I should have done something..." he said, with his tail down, "Hell... I couldn't even make my illusions in time to help." Wane looked at him and twitched his tail "Illusion powers too? You've got some crazy awesome stuff, dude" he purred "Anyways, don't worry about it, looks like everything turned out okay, just leave it in the past and do a better job next time".

He silently watched the surroundings for the rest of the night until the morning light hit the sky. Wane yawned and stretched his cat paws in front of him. "I'm going in to see if everyone's up or okay, what do you think we should do today?" he wondered if they still had some food left, if not they should go get some today.
Cy smiled at the comment about his illusions, and mewed, "Another mind trick is all. You would be surprised how much the mind can trick someone, if the mind believes you will die, you probably will." Cy looked around, "Yeah, they should be up soon hopefully." Cy switched to human form, yawning a little. As Cy shifted forms, Eirlys squeaked happily in surprise, then covered her mouth, realizing she had made a loud noise. She stepped out sheepishly from the trees and smiled awkwardly at them. She looked like a human at the moment, her ears beneath her hat, and her tail covered by her long snow coat.

Nii stirred in the bed and woke up, staring at the ceiling. She was still so tired, she didn't want to move, but she groaned and slowly sat up, rubbing her face and wondering how everyone was. She had dreamt of many things, though a reoccuring theme seemed to be Wane. Nii sighed and stayed sitting down, looking out an old-looking window.
Adrianna looked up hearing a bit of noise. In this old house it was hard not to make noise when you moved. She slowly walked up and peeked into Wane and Nii's room. "Your ok." She said with a small smile. "Um...Thanks....I really think you saved my life back there." She said and put her hand on her shoulder. It was the left shoulder pretty close to the heart were she was shot. She examined Nii, she seemed pretty tired still.

Adrianna crossed her arms and leaned on the door, she whinced with a slight pain in her shoulder. Adrianna looked at Nii. "Can i come in?" She asked with a small smile.
Wane couldn't find Adrianna elsewhere but it did come as a surprise when he found her in his room. He strode in and shifted into human form, clasping his hand on Adrianna's shoulder gently "Hey, look who's feeling better" he laughed "You owe me a new cloak" he added playfully. He looked over at Nii and sat on the bed. "I'm so glad you're fine too. Looks like everything turned out okay" He gave a fanged grin.

Lya was roused this morning and strectched her arms above her head. She looked over to the window where her brother leaned against. She walked over to him. "You're up early, how'd you sleep?" Kyrie turned his gaze to her and shook his head. "You didn't sleep?" She exclaimed "What happened?" She added when she noticed the wild, unruly look in his eyes.

Kyrie pointed to the direction of Adrianna's wound, indicated a gunshot to his body, and mimicked the healing process that transpired last night. Lya's hands shot to her mouth as she gasped "That's horrible! Why didn't you wake me up?" Kyrie shrugged. "Is she okay?" she said Kyrie nodded. Lya released a sigh of relief "I have to go see them!" and with that she bolted out of the room.

Kyrie gazed out the window seeing a white neko girl appearing from the trees
(Im sure Spiritwolf will be fine with you joining Rub a dub dubstep {I loled at your username} But you should wait til he's online or just post a charrie sheet for now)
Adrianna looked up at Wane. She smiled a bit. "Sorry but it's not like it's my fault....go ask Vince to get you a new cloak." She said crossing her arms and turning to him. She sighed and then rubs her head. She played a bit with her cat ear signaling she was embarrassed or nervous about the whole situation. She looked at Wane and then twitched her ears to hear running down the hallway.
(oh ya Rub-a-Dub-Dubstep! Yesh I love your name xD and the roleplay is still ipen if you're willing to join :) so far Wane (Wolfnights charrie) and Rekka (mine) teamed up to form NAL, which is Neko Anarchy League. We gathered up everyone (Cy, Adrianna,Nii, Kyrie, Lya so far, srry if I miss somone) to form a rebellion towards the humans. You can be any type of cat (normal cat, lion, tiger, panther etc) with an exception to Lya. We've been raiding random human places, and had recently traded in some stuff for furniture and other things to bring back to our current home, an old but large house-building that was abandoned in the woods. Adrianna is recovering from a wound rite nao. -w- if anyone wants to add anythin, please do. I LOVE YOU ALL. SERIOUSLY. FREAKING LOVE. LOVE ME BACK. YES.)
(Haha, thanks, I love me some Dubstep! And thanks for the little synopsis. Is this alright?)

Name: Finn Stiles

Age: 20

Species: Panther Neko

Gender: Male

Powers?: Doesn't know yet.

Bio: Finn has always been on his own and usually does things his way. The rivalry between Nekos and humans were the least of his worries but if he had to choose a side, it would be nekos of course. Though humans don't oppose as much of a threat to him, it really isn't in his nature to let them into his life. His feelings are neutral. Finn's family left him a long time ago because of things he doesn't like talking about much, but because of this, he's grown more into the life of crime and violence. Aside from his reckless behavior, he's really not that bad of a guy. He's actually pretty nice and sweet, not to mention shy and quiet around others, but that tends to change pretty quickly when he warms up to you.

Appearance( descrip. Or pic):

(if neko) Cat appearance:
Wane grins and tussles Adrianna ears and hair with his hands "Hey chillax, I'm joking" he laughed "I'll get a new one eventually. But I feel pretty naked without it now. And not the sexy type of naked" Just then Lya bursts into the room and runs up to Adrianna, tackling her in a tight hug. "Adrianna, are you okay? I'm so sorry I wasn't there, I feel so bad now!" she whimpered. She released her from her vicegrip hug and smiled sweetly, she took her coat off so now her reddish tail was visible and was wagging in excitement before settling, Lya blushed a bit "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get overly excited, I was just worried". She wasn't used to being so forward with people, usually only her brother, but she was glad they were okay.

Adrianna looks at her and then blinks. "Yeah I'm fine....don't worry." She said and then grabbed her shoulder. "Although it's still very sore and that crash landing on the floor didn't feel to good.' She said getting up. She checked out her shoulder and then looks at Wane. "That reminds me....I saw some thing odd. When me and vince were fighting, after he shot me I threw my knife. I got him but then a female neko showed up and teleported out with Vince. I got an unea sy feeling he's still alive." She said checking out her shoulder again. Man did it hurt.
Wane nodded and thought carefully "So, you're saying it was pissible he has a neko ally? Why would he team with something he wants to kill? Or maybe she's with him against her will?" Wane pondered this carefully, it was a troubling situation.

He decides to shift into cat form and bounds over to Nii and curls up in a ball, twitching his tail and yawning "I'm pretty tired, but whenever you guys are ready to head out let's go" He added "I think we all need a little bit of rest, a half hour maybe"

Lya nodded,"If you decide to stay her a little longer before leaving, I'll take watch."

Wane purrs "If you want to, go for it Lya" he kneeds his paws in the sleeve of Nii's shirt and purrs more.
Adrianna looks at Lya and nods. "Well wolf girl....go for it." She said and then put her hands into her pockets. "I better take a trip into town...Maybe I can gather information using a few neko friends I have." She said and then sighed. "Great...they'll all try to kill me when they find out. What a stinken pain." She flinched and grabbbed her shoulder. "Literaly." She walked out and then rubbed her head. "You guys rest won't take me long." She said with a smile.

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